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SoDB Class

Scene graph database class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.0.0 (2024.2.0)
public sealed class SoDB : SoNetBase

The SoDB type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddConverter

Registers a field conversion engine that can be used to convert from one type of field to another.

Public methodStatic memberAddPlugin

Loads a plugin library.

Public methodStatic memberAddPluginsDirectory

Adds a directory to search for libraries defining new Open Inventor plugins.

Public methodStatic memberCloseRegistryKey

This closes the key opened by openRegistryKey.

Public methodStatic memberCreateGlobalField

The database maintains a namespace for global fields, making sure that there is at most one instance of a global field with any given name in the database.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetConverter

Returns the field conversion engine registered for the two given field types.

Public methodStatic memberGetDelaySensorTimeout

Returns the current delay queue timeout value.

Public methodStatic memberGetGlobalField

Returns the global field with the given name, or NULL if there is none.

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodStatic memberGetHeaderString

Returns the i'th header.

Public methodStatic memberGetIvTuneAllowed

Returns true if IvTune can be launched interactively using the keyboard shortcut.

Public methodStatic memberGetNumHeaders

Returns the number of valid headers, including standard Open Inventor headers, and user-registered headers.

Public methodStatic memberGetNumRenderCaches Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetRealTimeInterval

Returns how often the database is updating the realTime global field.

Public methodStatic memberGetRenderCacheMode Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetTickCount
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberIsMultiThread Obsolete.

Returns whether multi-thread support is enabled in Open Inventor.

Public methodStatic memberIsValidHeader

This returns true if the given character string is one of the valid Open Inventor file headers, (e.g., "#Inventor V2.0 binary"), or if the string has been registered as a valid header through the () method.

Public methodStatic memberOpenRegistryKey
Calls OpenRegistryKey(false).
Public methodStatic memberOpenRegistryKey(Boolean)

Registry Utility Function You must have Administrator privileges to use these functions All methods work off of the key \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VSG If the key does not exist it is created.

Public methodStatic memberProcessEvents

Process Open Inventor sensor queues (TimerQueue and DelayQueue).

Public methodStatic memberRead(SoInput, SoNode)

Reads a graph from the file specified by the given OIV.Inventor.SoInput, returning the resulting root node in rootNode.

Public methodStatic memberRead(SoInput, SoPath)

Reads a graph from the file specified by the given OIV.Inventor.SoInput, returning the resulting path in path.

Public methodStatic memberReadAll(String)
Read all graphs from the file specified by the file name. See #ReadAll(SoInput) for more details.
Public methodStatic memberReadAll(SoInput)

Reads all graphs and paths from the file specified by the given OIV.Inventor.SoInput.

Public methodStatic memberReadlock

Acquire a non-exclusive global scene graph read-lock.

Public methodStatic memberReadunlock

Release a non-exclusive global scene graph read-lock.

Public methodStatic memberRemoveConverter

Remove a previously added converter.

Public methodStatic memberRemovePlugin

Unloads the specified plugin library.

Public methodStatic memberRemovePluginsDirectory

Remove directory from the list of search directories for plugin loading.

Public methodStatic memberRenameGlobalField

Renames the global field named oldName.

Public methodStatic memberSetDelaySensorTimeout

This sets the timeout value for sensors that are delay queue sensors (one-shot sensors, data sensors).

Public methodStatic memberSetIvTuneAllowed

Specifies if launching IvTune interactively using the keyboard shortcut is allowed.

Public methodStatic memberSetNumRenderCaches Obsolete.

Since Open Inventor 10.3, this method has no effect because render caches are automatically managed.

Public methodStatic memberSetRealTimeInterval

The database automatically creates one global field when () is called.

Public methodStatic memberSetRenderCacheMode Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberSetSystemTimer
Public methodStatic memberThreadInit Obsolete.
Initializes the database with support for multi thread programs.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberWritelock
Public methodStatic memberWriteunlock

Release the global scene graph write-lock.


The OIV.Inventor.SoDB class holds all scene graphs, each representing a 3D scene used by an application. A scene graph is a collection of OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoNode objects which come in several varieties (see OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoNode).

All methods in this class are static.

Data Files:

OIV.Inventor.SoDB also provides convenient methods for reading data files, for example:

String filename = "$OIVHOME/data/models/bird.iv";
SoSeparator rootSep = null;
SoInput input = new SoInput();
if (input.OpenFile(filename))
   rootSep = SoDB.ReadAll( input );

Open Inventor has built-in support for reading the following file formats:

Open Inventor also supports many standard CAD file formats. See OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD.SoCADInputReader for the current list. Also see OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD.SoCADFileFormat.

See Also