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- d - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCalculator
Floating point input.
- D - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- D - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCalculator
Vector input.
- DA - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Date String.
- DARK - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking.SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d.IntensityModes
The shortest path is searched through the intensity minima pixels.
- DARK - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking.SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing2d.LightnessType
Extracts dark structures from bright background.
- DARK - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking.SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d.LightnessType
Extracts dark structures from bright background.
- DARK - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.texturefilters.SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d.LightnessType
Extracts dark structures from bright background.
- DARK - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.texturefilters.SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing3d.LightnessType
Extracts dark structures from bright background.
- DARK_OBJECTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAutoThresholdingProcessing.ObjectLightnessType
The algorithm thresholds dark objects (between Min(I) and T )
- DARK_OBJECTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoTopHatProcessing.ObjectLightnessType
The engine applies a black Top-Hat and detects small dark area.
- DARK_OBJECTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.separatingandfilling.SoHExtremaWatershedProcessing.ObjectLightnessType
The engine applies to black particles.
- data - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
Specifies the volume data, including dimensions, data type and number of significant bits.
- data - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.writers.SoVRMemoryWriter
Buffer containing data.
- DATA_ALIGNED - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.SamplingAlignments
Samples are located on planes perpendicular to one axis of the volume.
- DATA_COMBINE_FUNCTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShader.ShaderPositions
This shader is used for GPU multi-data composition.
- DATA_MAPPING - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoHistogram.Colorings
Histogram bars are colored by data mapping.
- dataBinding - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDataBinding
The data binding to be used in subsequent representations.
- DataBinding - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Data binding.
- dataFilename - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Data Filename.
- DataInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.DataInfo
- DataInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfo
- DataInfoBox() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoBox
- DataInfoLine() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoLine
- DataInfoPlane() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoPlane
- DataInfoTrace() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoTrace
- dataPercentage - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.classification.SoAutoIntensityClassificationProcessing
The data percentage used for pre-computing the classification.
- dataRangeId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataRange
This field allows the use of multiple data ranges for the same shape.
- dataRGBA - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
Contains true if the volume contains RGBA values rather than scalar values.
- dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
- dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoROI
Specifies which
node to use. - dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoFenceSlice
Specifies the
node to use. - dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoObliqueSlice
Specifies the
node to use. - dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoOrthoSlice
Specifies the
node to use. - dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeSkin
Specifies the
node to use. - dataSetIds - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Specifies the list of volumes on which volume rendering is applied.
- dataSize(SoDataSet.DataTypes) - Static method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
Returns the number of bytes per voxel of the specified data type.
- dataSpaceMatrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoOffscreenVolumeRender
This transformation is applied on the volume render texture coordinate during the extraction.
- dataTransform - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
If set to an appropriate
object, the object's transformFunction method is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory. - dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoImageFormulaProcessing
Arithmetic format.
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.imageediting.SoConvertImageProcessing
Select the output arithmetic format.
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages.SoRandomImageGeneration
Select the output arithmetic format.
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoSFArray.Array3D
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoSFArray2D.Array2D
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataCompositor
Data type of the final composed buffer.
- dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVolumeWriter
Type of input data (that will be given in the writeXXX method) .
- date1 - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDateFormatMapping
Defines the first date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
- date2 - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDateFormatMapping
Defines the second date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
- DBCLK - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoButtonEvent.States
Button double click event.
- DDS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoImage.FileTypes
The file type is DDS (DirectDraw Surface).
- DDS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.FileTypes
- deactivate() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoSceneManager
Deactivates the scene manager.
- DECADE_AS_TEN_POWER - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed as power of ten graduations.
- DECADE_AS_TEN_POWER - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed as power of ten graduations.
- DECADE_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
giving the multiple of the power of ten.
- DECADE_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
giving the multiple of the power of ten.
- DECADE_DECIMAL - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed in decimals.
- DECADE_DECIMAL - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed in decimals.
- DECADE_DIGIT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed using a digit from 2 to 9.
- DECADE_DIGIT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed using a digit from 2 to 9.
- DECADE_LIST_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is automatically computed.
- DECADE_LIST_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is automatically computed.
- DECADE_LIST_NON_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is given by the user.
- DECADE_LIST_NON_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is given by the user.
- DECADE_NONE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
No decade graduations are displayed.
- DECADE_NONE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
No decade graduations are displayed.
- decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Decade font name.
- decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Decade font name.
- decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Decade graduations font size.
- decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Decade graduations font size.
- decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
List of graduations between two power of ten graduations (decade graduations).
- decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Specifies if the list of decade graduations is given by the user or is automatically computed.
- decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeListDef - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Specifies if the list of decade graduations is given by the user or is automatically computed.
- decadeListDef - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
List of graduations between two power of ten graduations (decade graduations).
- decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Defines the representation of the decade graduations between two power of ten graduations.
- decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
- decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Defines the representation of the decade graduations between two power of ten graduations.
- decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
- DECAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Models
In this mode, OpenGL requires that the specified texture image have either 3 or 4 components.
- DECIMATION - com.openinventor.ldm.converters.SoConverterParameters.SampleTypes
Decimation : Only one voxel out of two.
- DECIMATION - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVRLdmFileBorderReader.BuildTileMethods
Apply a decimation on the the full resolution tile to build lower resolution tile.
- DECODING_TIME - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Monitoring.MetricTypes
Decoding time: Reported each time a frame is sent to the client.
- decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns the translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation components of the matrix.
- decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Return translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation components of the matrix.
- decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotation
Returns corresponding 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
- decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotationd
Returns corresponding 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
- decompose(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation.
- decompose(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation.
- Decomposition() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix.Decomposition
- Decomposition() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd.Decomposition
- decorateImage(Image, Image) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Returns an
composed of a base image decorated by another image. - decorateImage(Image, Image, int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Returns an
composed of a base image decorated by another image. - DECREASE_NONE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
No low resolution mode when moving.
- DECREASE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
Downscale the screen resolution of the volume when moving by the factor defined in
. - DECREASE_SLICES - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
Decrease the number of samples according to
when moving. - decrementAndGet() - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTileID
Prefix, increment the tile id - decrementAndGet(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTileID
, increment the tile id. - decrementIndent() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput
Calls decrementIndent((int)1).
- decrementIndent(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput
- def - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TickAttributes
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoRayPickAction.PickingModes
In the default mode, Inventor computes the intersection of the pick ray with geometry nodes (face, line, point, volume, mesh, etc).
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoDragger.TrackerDirectModes
Dragger will use its natural default direct behavior (which will be NONE, MOVE, ROTATE, or FREE depending on the dragger class).
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBaseExtrusion.ScaleModes
Default scaling.
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCircularExtrusion.SpineSimplificationModes
The spine simplification is done based only on geometric data.
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMaterialBinding.Bindings
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNormalBinding.Bindings
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinateBinding.Bindings
- DEFAULT - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshCrossSection.CrossSectionMethods
Depending on the mesh type the cross section is computed either like an isosurface or by doing classic intersection.
- DEFAULT_FORMAT_DATE - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
- DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty
- DefaultProperty - com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput.FileProperties
Regular ascii or binary output.
- defaultValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Set the default value.
- deferredLighting - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality
Enable screen space lighting (computed on the GPU).
- DEGREES - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasure.UnitDimensions
Output is an angle in degrees (not radians).
- DELAY - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AbortCodes
Delay rendering of this node until the second pass.
- DELAY_TRANSP_BIT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoShapeStyleElement.Flags
- deleteReaders(int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.image.SoRasterReaderSet
Calls deleteReaders(start, (int)-1).
- deleteReaders(int, int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.image.SoRasterReaderSet
Removes num readers (including default ones) at start position.
- deleteText(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFString
Convenience function to delete text from consecutive strings.
- deleteValues(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMField
Calls deleteValues(start, (int)-1).
- deleteValues(int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMField
Deletes num values beginning at index start (index start through start + num -1 will be deleted, and any leftover values will be moved down to fill in the gap created).
- DELMBR - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.PredefinedEllipsoids
- DELTA - com.openinventor.inventor.gestures.events.SoGestureEvent.GestureStates
Delta state : Begin event has been generated, the gesture is updated.
- density - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec
Vector field density filter.
- density - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec
Vector field density filter.
- DentalPanoramicExtractor - Class in com.openinventor.imageviz.workflows
Class extracting a dental panoramic volume.
- DentalPanoramicExtractor(SoImageDataAdapter) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.imageviz.workflows.DentalPanoramicExtractor
- DEPEND - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoLabelHints.Justifications
Automatic choice of path depending on.
- depth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCube
Size in the z dimension.
- DEPTH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget.Attachments
- DEPTH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTextureProperty.Components
The depth component is rendered to the texture.
- DEPTH - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.EdgeDetect2DMethods
Edge detection will use the image's depth buffer.
- DEPTH_COMPONENT16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- DEPTH_COMPONENT24 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- DEPTH_STENCIL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget.Attachments
- DEPTH24_STENCIL8 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- DEPTHBUFFER - com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SiRenderArea.ClearPolicies
Clear only depth buffer beforing rendering.
- description - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoWWWAnchor
A description of the URL which may make more sense to users than the URL itself (e.g., "The VSG Home Page").
- deselect(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects a path by removing it from the selection list.
- deselect(SoNode) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects the passed node by creating a path to it, and removing the node from the selection list by calling deselect(path) .
- deselect(SoPath) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects the passed path by removing it from the selection list.
- deselectAll() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects all paths in the selection list, that is, clear the list.
- det3() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of upper-left 3x3 submatrix.
- det3() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of upper-left 3x3 submatrix.
- det3(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of 3x3 submatrix composed of given row and column indices (0-3 for each).
- det3(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of 3x3 submatrix composed of given row and column indices (0-3 for each).
- det4() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of entire matrix.
- det4() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of entire matrix.
- detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoFieldSensor
method unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph. - detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoNodeSensor
Unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph.
- detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoPathSensor
Unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph.
- DEUTSCH - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoTimeAxis.Languages
The date graduation are displayed in German.
- DEVICE - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures
The application will be neither writing nor reading the data.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
- DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
- DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
- DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
- DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
- DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
- DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
- DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
- DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
- DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
- DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
- DICOM - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.ReaderTypes
- dicomAdjustDataRange(SoDataRange, SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Adjust data range based on values in the DICOM file, i.e.
- dicomAdjustVolume(SoVolumeData, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Optimize volume data node for DICOM volumes.
- dicomAdjustVolume(SoVolumeData, SoMatrixTransform) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Similar to dicomAdjustVolume( SoVolumeData, boolean ) above but returns an SoMatrixTransform that can be used to properly locate VolumeData in patient space in case of non axis aligned acquisition:
- dicomCheckMonochrome1(SoTransferFunction, SoVolumeData, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Automatically adjusts the color map (transferFunction) if the specified volume is a DICOM data set (reader is SoVRDicomFileReader) and the Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) value is MONOCHROME1.
- dicomGetImagePosition(SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the "Image Position (Patient)" attribute (0020,0032) from a DICOM volume.
- dicomGetWindowCenterWidth(SoDataRange) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the window center (level) and width values from an SoDataRange node.
- dicomGetWindowCenterWidth(SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the window center (level) and width values from a DICOM volume.
- DicomInfo - Class in com.openinventor.medical.nodes
(Preview Feature) Text node to display DICOM information on screen.
- DicomInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.DicomInfo
- dicomSetWindowCenterWidth(SoDataRange, SbVec2f) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Set an SoDataRange node from the window center (level) and width values.
- diffuse - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoCallbackAction.Material
- DIFFUSE_CASE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Cases
Deprecated.Diffuse case.
- DIFFUSE_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Masks
Deprecated.Diffuse mask.
- DIFFUSE_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoMaterialElement.Masks
Diffuse mask.
- diffuseColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMaterial
Diffuse color(s) of the surface.
- diffuseMatch(long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoColorPacker
- DILATION - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoGrayscaleResconstructionProcessing.ReconstructModes
This mode implements case Dilation.
- dim - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.DataInfo
- dimension - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVolumeWriter
Dimension of dataset, in voxels.
- dimension - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSlab
The dimension along which the slab will be computed.
- Dimension - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Defines a dimension in a one, two, or three-dimensional array.
- DIRECT - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.patternrecognition.SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d.CorrelationModes
Direct correlation (no normalization).
- DIRECT - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.GetDataModes
Request data directly.
- DIRECT_AND_PREFETCH - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.GetDataModes
Same as Direct, but also schedule the relevant tiles to be loaded for faster future access.
- DIRECT_TRIANGLE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoArrow.PatternTypes
Direct triangle at the arrow extremity.
- DIRECT_TRIANGLE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoArrow3.PatternTypes
Direct triangle (pointing away from the polyline) at the arrow extremity.
- direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTransformVec3f
) Vector transformed by matrix, ignoring translation. - direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDirectionalLight
Illumination direction vector.
- direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSpotLight
Principal direction of illumination (center axis of cone).
- direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshCylinderSlice
Specifies the cylinder's direction.
The default value is(1,0,0)
. - direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the direction for the streamline integration.
The default value isFORWARD
. - DIRECTIONAL_COOCCURRENCE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.classification.SoSupervisedTextureClassificationProcessing2d.FeatureGroups
Features based on co-occurrence's matrix.
- DIRECTIONAL_COOCCURRENCE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.classification.SoSupervisedTextureClassificationProcessing3d.FeatureGroups
Features based on co-occurrence's matrix.
- directionNumber - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.openingandclosing.SoClosingLineMinimumProcessing
The number of directions for linear linear closing.
- directionNumber - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.openingandclosing.SoOpeningLineMaximumProcessing
The number of directions for linear opening.
- directionS - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinatePlane
- directionT - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinatePlane
Directions of projection for S and T coordinates.
- DIRECTORIES_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoInput
- directValues - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbIsovaluesList.IsoList
- directValues - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIsovaluesList.IsoList
- disable - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoOneShot
If true, the timer is disabled.
- DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.FastEditSavePolicies
Fast editing is disabled.
- DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBBox.Modes
The node doesn't do anything.
- DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection.Policies
Disable selection (behave like a normal
). - DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSeparator.FastEditings
node doesn't have Fast Edit behavior. - DISABLED - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLContext.SharedGroupPolicies
Disables context sharing (same behavior as v2.6 and older)
- DISABLED - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoInteractiveComplexity.InteractiveModes
Behave like there isn't any
node. - disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.imageviz.fields.SoMFDataMeasure
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.imageviz.fields.SoMFKernel2i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.imageviz.fields.SoMFKernel3i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFBool
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFBufferObject
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFColor
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFColorRGBA
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFDouble
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFEngine
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFEnum
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFFieldContainer
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFFloat
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInstanceParameter
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInt32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInt64
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFMatrix
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFName
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFNode
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFPath
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFPlane
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFRotation
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFShort
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFString
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFTime
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUByte
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUInt32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUniformShaderParameter
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUShort
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2d
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2f
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2s
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2String
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3d
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3f
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3s
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4b
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4f
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4s
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4ub
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4ui32
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4us
Temporary disable value deleting.
- disableExtension(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLExtension
Disable a specific extension in software.
- disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTexture3EnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
- disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
- disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureEnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
- disableFragmentProcessing - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoVertexAttribFeedback
Turn off the fragment rasterizer.
- disconnect() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from whatever it was connected to.
- disconnect() - Method in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Client
Disconnects the client.
- disconnect(SoEngineOutput) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from the requested engineOutput.
- disconnect(SoField) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from the requested field.
- DISCONNECTED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.ServiceMessageEventArg.States
Disconnected from the service.
- dispatch() - Method in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Service
This method has to be used with the
mode in a loop. - display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
- display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
- display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
- displayDicomInfo(String, short, short) - Method in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.DicomInfo
Add a line to the DICOM annotation.
- displayEdges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh edges.
- displayEdges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh edges.
When set totrue
the edges of cells are displayed. - displayFaces - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh faces.
When set totrue
(default), the surface of mesh representations are filled. - displayMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient
This setting allows you to specify how to map the renderArea image (server-side) into the container (client-side).
- displayPoints - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh node points.
- displayPoints - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh node points.
When set totrue
, the node points are displayed. - displaySolid - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh faces.
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.imageviz.SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.caches.SoBaseContextCache
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.caches.SoNodeDependencies
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoDeviceContext
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoDeviceContextSharedGroup
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.Inventor
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor 9.0, should call
method only on objects implementing SafeDisposable, seeSafeDisposable
for more details. - dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicenseProperty
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.callbacks.NCallback
Explicitly call this method to dispose native resources of this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoBase
- dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.SafeDisposable
Explicitly call this method to force object to dispose its unmanaged resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoSystemTimer
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoSystemTimerTask
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoInputReader
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOffscreenRenderArea
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.viewers.ViewerExaminer
- dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.IRenderArea
Dispose area resources.
- dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.IViewerExaminer
Dispose viewer resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.viewers.ViewerExaminer
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.nodes.SceneInteractor
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoRenderAreaCore
- dispose() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose of cached objects and their underlying OS resources.
- dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoBufferAsyncNotifierInterface
- dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
- dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
- dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
- disposeColors() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose of all the cached
's. - disposeCursors() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached cursors.
- disposeFonts() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached
's. - disposeImages() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached
's. - distance - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages.SoRandomSphereGeneration3d
The minimum length between two centers.
- distanceMapSmoothing - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry.SoCenterLineApproximation3d
This parameter controls the smoothing of the distance map which is computed internally to make the tree centered.
- distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.GradAttributes
- distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TitleAttributes
- distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactor
- distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactor
- distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactor
- distribute(SoDistributeAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode
- distribute(SoDistributeAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoActionNode
- distribution - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages.SoRandomImageGeneration
Select the distribution mode.
- distribution - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages.SoRandomSphereGeneration3d
The distribution type for length of radius.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Destructive division by scalar.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar division operator.
- divide(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise vector division operator.
- DIVIDE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticImageProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The DIVIDE arithmetic operator divides an image
by another
- DIVIDE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticValueProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The DIVIDE arithmetic operator divides an image
by a constant C.
- divisor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoInstanceParameter
This field modifies the rate at which values advance during multiple instance rendering.
- DO_AUTO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AutoCacheModes
- DO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Ruler
Override doAction function
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoCellFilter
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoNode
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellFilter
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellRanges
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoColorMapping
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDataBinding
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMaterial
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMesh
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshBaseRepresentation
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshRepresentation
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoPredefinedColorMapping
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetI
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIj
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIjk
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoStringSet
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetI
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIj
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIjk
- doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
- doCCW - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoPolyLineScreenDrawer
Make the line counter-clockwise when it is finalized.
- dolly(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Dolly - Makes the scene appear larger or smaller.
- dollyInWindow(SbVec2f, SbVec2f, SbViewportRegion) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Moves the camera forward or backward along the view vector to view the region defined by the given corners in normalized screen coordinates.
- dollyWithZoomCenter(SbVec2f, float, SbViewportRegion) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Modifies the camera to ajust the view around the specified point.
- dollyZoom(float, SoCameraInteractor) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Make the scene appear larger or smaller.
- doMultiResolution - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Auto compute sub-resolution tiles when finish writing.
- DONT_AUTO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AutoCacheModes
- DONT_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes
- DONT_CROSS_CONTOUR - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshContouring.AnnotCrossStatusType
Annotations do not cross any contour lines.
- DontCreateInstance - com.openinventor.inventor.Inventor.ConstructorCommand
- dot(SbVec2d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec2f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec2i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec2s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec3s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4b) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4ub) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4ui32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- dot(SbVec4us) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
- DOT3_RGB - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCombiner.CombineFunctions
Output fragment R = G = B =
4*((source0r - 0.5) * (source1r -0.5) +
(source0g - 0.5) * (source1g -0.5) +
(source0b - 0.5) * (source1b -0.5) ) - DOT3_RGBA - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCombiner.CombineFunctions
Output fragment R = G = B = A =
4*((source0r - 0.5) * (source1r -0.5) +
(source0g - 0.5) * (source1g -0.5) +
(source0b - 0.5) * (source1b -0.5) ) - DOUBLE - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasure.ResultFormats
- DOUBLE - com.openinventor.inventor.SbDataType.DataTypes
- DOUBLE - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet.DataTypes
- DOUBLE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SiDicomValue.ValueTypes
- DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextStyleElement.Styles
- DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.Styles
- DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.StyleColorType
- doUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.converters.SoConverterParameters
Only applies to input files in LDM format.
- DOWN - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoButtonEvent.States
Button down event.
- DOWN - com.openinventor.inventor.touch.events.SoTouchEvent.States
Down state : The finger is on the screen.
- DOWN_ARROW - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- draggerPosition - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.manips.SoClipPlaneManip
Dragger position.
- DRAW_SLICES_TEX - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Use texturing for
, and SoVolumeGeometry primitives. - DRAW_TILE_OUTLINE - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Draw tile outlines for all primitives.
- DRAW_TILES - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Draw the tiles of
primitives. - DRAW_TOPOLOGY - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Show tiles loaded in main memory.
- drawStyle - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNurbsProperty
Indicates which part of the NURBS surface to render.
- dropOffRate - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSpotLight
Rate of intensity drop-off per change in angle from primary direction: 0 = constant intensity, 1 = very sharp drop-off.
- DS - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Decimal String.
- DST_ALPHA - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendFactors
- DST_COLOR - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendFactors
- DT - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Date Time String.
- DUPLICATE_TEST - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty.Tests
Remove duplicate faces.
- duration - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoOneShot
Duration of the active cycle.
- duty - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTimeCounter
Duty cycle values.
- DWGREADER - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.ServiceSettings.Extensions
- DYNAMIC - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessFrequencies
The application will set the data multiple times.
- DYNAMIC - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBufferedShape.Usages
The shape is dynamic, this will prevent some optimizations but it is recommended when the buffers are modified on a regular basis.
- DYNAMIC_COPY - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
- DYNAMIC_DRAW - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
- DYNAMIC_READ - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
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