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- M - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- madd(SoBufferObject, SbDataType, SoBufferObject, SbDataType, SoBufferObject, SbDataType, float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.algorithms.SoArithmetic
C = A * scale + B
Note: C can be a reference to A or B
Limitation: typeA and typeB must be the same as typeC. - madd(SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType, SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType, SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType, float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.algorithms.SoArithmetic
C = A * scale + B
Fast version for Cpu buffers. - magFilter - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture
Specifies the OpenGL magFilter.
- Magnifier - Class in com.openinventor.medical.nodes
(Preview Feature) Shape node to display a magnified view of a region of the screen.
- Magnifier() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Magnifier
- magnifierColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Magnifier
Specifies the color of the border around the magnifier.
- magnifierFactor - Variable in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Magnifier
Specifies the magnification factor.
- MAIN_AXIS - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.NumSlicesControls
Use a number of samples computed as follows:
n = complexity * 2 * volumeDataDimension[mainVisibleAxis]
where complexity comes from the value of fieldSoComplexity.value
. - mainLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TickAttributes
- majorPeriod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshContouring
Defines the major and the minor contour lines.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox2d
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox2f
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox2i32
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox2s
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox3d
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox3f
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox3i32
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox3s
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbBox4i32
Makes an empty box.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbXfBox3d
Sets the box to contain nothing.
- makeEmpty() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbXfBox3f
Sets the box to contain nothing.
- makeFileSystemURL(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.helpers.SbFileHelper
Converts a filename to a file system URL.
- makeIdentity() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Sets matrix to be identity.
- makeIdentity() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Sets matrix to be identity.
- makeIdentity() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Sets matrix to be identity.
- makeIdentity(SoState) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
Sets the local matrix to the identity matrix.
- makeIdentity(SoState, SoNode) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoModelMatrixElement
Sets the model matrix to the identity matrix.
- makeIdentity(SoState, SoNode) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureMatrixElement
Sets the texture matrix to the identity matrix.
- manageMouseMove(boolean, SoOrthoSliceDetail) - Method in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Ruler
The application should call this method with 'true' on the mouse down event that begins a measure operation, then call this method with 'false' on each mouse move event during the measure operation.
- MANUAL - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.geometrictransforms.SoResampleImageProcessing3d.SamplingModes
The user specifies the output image dimension (SoResampleImageProcessing3d.outputImageDimension) and thus the output voxel size.
- MANUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtTexture2.Loadings
The texture is loaded by the user using the loadTexture method.
- MANUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture2.Loadings
The texture is loaded when the
method is called. - MANUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.IRenderAreaInteractive.ClippingPlanesAdjustMode
- MANUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive.ClippingPlanesAdjustMode
- MANUAL - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.NumSlicesControls
Use the number of samples specified by the
field. - map - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoWWWAnchor
Specifies what additional information should be added to the end of the URL when passed back to the application for fetching.
- map(SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls map(accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls map(accessMode, offset, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Map the buffer to a system memory address and allows the mapping of a sub part of the buffer object into CPU memory.
- map(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Maps the current buffer object into the specified buffer object.
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.
- map(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Calls map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferBitSet
Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferCompressed
Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader
Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.
- map(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObject.AccessModes, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoCpuBufferUniform
Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.
- mapOnFullColorRange - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataRange
Specifies how to map data values that are outside of the data range.
- mappingMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.distancemaps.SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d
This field defines the region where the distance map is computed.
- margin - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty
Set a margin (extra space) to apply around the text string for the BACK_FRAME and BACK_FRAME_LINE styles.
- MarginAttributes() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.MarginAttributes
- marginBottom - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLegend
Bottom margin.
- marginEnd - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis
Margin at the end of the axis.
- marginLeft - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLegend
Left margin.
- marginRight - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLegend
Right margin.
- marginStart - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis
Margin at the start of the axis.
- marginTop - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLegend
Top margin.
- marginType - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis
Relative or absolute margin.
- marginType - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLegend
Margin type.
- markerColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
List of color for markers.
- markerColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMaterialElement.Material
Color used for points
- markerColoring - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMaterialElement.Material
Coloring method for points
- markerFilterType - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
Defines the type of marker filter.
- markerGlobalScale - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet
Specifies a global scale factor applied to all markers.
- markerGlobalScale - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet
Specifies a global scale factor applied to all markers.
- markerIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet
Specifies the marker index (type of marker) for each marker.
- markerIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet
Specifies the marker index (type of marker) for each marker.
- markerIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoScatter
Defines the type of marker used (cf
). - markerIndexList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
A list of points (of point) is selected by their indices.
- markerIndexPeriod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
One point (of point) in every consecutive markerIndexPeriod is selected.
- markers - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGeneralizedScatter
Defines the sub-scene graphs used for each marker.
- MARKERS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDrawStyleElement.Styles
- MARKERS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDrawStyle.Styles
Draw markers.
- markerScale - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet
Specifies the scale factor applied to each marker.
- markerScale - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet
Specifies the scale factor applied to each marker.
- markerSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
List of sizes for markers.
- markerString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
The markers are defined by a string.
- markerString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve3
The markers are defined by a string.
- markerString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
The markers are defined by a list of strings.
- markerString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoValuedMarkerField
The markers are defined by a string.
- markerVisibility - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
Visibility of the markers.
- markerXList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
A list of points (of the computed curve points) is selected by their abscises.
- markerXPeriod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCurve
One point (of the computed curve points) in every markerXPeriod is selected.
- MASK_BOUNDARY - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeDataDrawStyle.DrawStyles
Display only the mask boundary, using
. - matchIndexArrays(boolean) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoReorganizeAction
Sets whether to try to match index arrays during reorganization.
- matchingFlag - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d
The value set when the condition is verified.
- matchingFlag - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d
The value set when the condition is verified.
- matchingMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms.SoMatchContrastProcessing
Select a matching mode.
- material - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoChart
Defines the list of materials used for the coloring.
- Material() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoCallbackAction.Material
- materialBinding - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoVertexProperty
Material binding.
- materialIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedShape
The indices of the materials that are used for the shape.
- mathematicalOperator - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms.SoMathematicalFunctionProcessing
Select the operator to apply.
- Matrices() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.SbViewVolume.Matrices
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoComposeMatrix
) Transformation matrix that transforms from object space into the space specified by the inputs. - matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoDecomposeMatrix
The 4x4 transformation matrix.
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTransformVec3f
Input transformation matrix.
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMatrixTransform
Transformation matrix.
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMultipleCopy
Set of matrices to apply to children.
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoProjection
Matrix that can be applied before projecting a point.
- matrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureMatrix
- matrixTransform - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderStateMatrixParameter
Specifies the transformation to be applied to the state matrix.
- matrixType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderStateMatrixParameter
Specifies the type of the state matrix.
- MATTE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.PredefinedMaterials
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoComputeBoundingBox
) Maximum point of the computed bounding box. - max - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCounter
Maximum value for the counter.
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTimeCounter
Maximum value for the counter.
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap
. - max - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataRange
Maximum data value of the data range.
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbIsovaluesList.IsoList
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDomain
Define the maximum of the domain.
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIntervalCellFilter
Specifies the max limit of the float interval.
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIsovaluesList.IsoList
- max - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellRanges
Maximum cell index values for displaying the mesh representation.
- MAX - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendEquations
- MAX - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData.SubMethods
- MAX_BOUNDED_CUBE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbDomain.BoundingBoxTypes
- MAX_BOUNDED_CUBE - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDomain.BoundingBoxTypes
- MAX_CHANNEL - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.SoVRRasterStackReader.ChannelSelections
Maximum of all channels.
- MAX_GRADIENT_DIFFERENCE_ACCUMULATION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.RenderModes
Maximum Gradient Difference Accumulation.
- MAX_INTENSITY - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShape.Compositions
Deprecated.Max intensity.
- MAX_INTENSITY_DIFFERENCE_ACCUMULATION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.RenderModes
Maximum Intensity Difference Accumulation (MIDA).
- MAX_INTENSITY_PROJECTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.RenderModes
Maximum intensity projection (MIP).
- MAX_SHADER_SLOT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAlgebraicShape.ASShaderSlots
- MAX_WORK_SPACE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAlgebraicShape.ASWorkSpaces
The world space.
- max2DTexMemory - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Maximum of 2D textures memory in MB for this data set.
- maxAnisotropy - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture
Specifies on a per-texture object basis, the maximum degree of anisotropy to account for in texture filtering.
- maxCellRanges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSkin
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor 9.5.1, use
instead. - maxDistance - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry.SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d
The maximum distance in pixels between curve and segment.
- maxDistance - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.labeling.SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d
The maximal distance for grouping objects.
- maxGeometryOutputVertices - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderProgram
Set the maximum number of vertices the geometry shader will emit in one invocation.
- maxGradNum - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Maximum number of logarithmic graduations displayed.
- MAXIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoExtremaImpositionProcessing.ImpositionOperators
This mode performs geodesic propagation in one direction and extracts the maximum.
- MAXIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoHExtremaProcessing.RegionalOperators
This mode implements case Maxima.
- MAXIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoRegionalExtremaProcessing.RegionalOperators
This mode implements case Maxima.
- MAXIMUM - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticImageProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MAXIMUM arithmetic operator computes the maximum value between two images
- MAXIMUM - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticValueProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MAXIMUM arithmetic operator computes the maximum value between an image
and a constant C.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing
The maximum length allowed for pixel in fuzzy zone (0:until convergence).
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoPruningProcessing2d
Enter the number of iterations (0:until convergence) Default value is 1.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoPruningProcessing3d
Enter the number of iterations (0:until convergence) Default value is 1.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoBaseStreamLine
The curvilinear distance between the start-point and the last point of a streamline must be less than maxLength.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec
Maximum length of the vector to be drawn.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec
Maximum length of the vector to be drawn.
- maxLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the maximum length of the streamline.
The default value is 0, meaning infinite length. - maxLifetime - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoBaseStreamLine
The difference between the time of the start-point and the time of the last point of a streamline must be less than maxLifetime.
- maxLifeTime - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the maximum life time of the streamline.
The default value is 0, meaning infinite life time. - maxMainMemory - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Maximum allowed main memory in MB that LDM is allowed to use for this data set.
- maxMemory - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.images.SoFileDataAdapter
Specifies the maximum memory that may be allocated for the image in MB (megabytes).
- maxPointNumber - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry.SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d
The maximum number of processed pixels.
- maxResolutionThreshold - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Maximum loading threshold for the LDM module.
- maxStepNumber - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the maximum step number during the streamline integration.
The default value is 0, meaning infinite step number. - maxTexMemory - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Maximum allowed texture (GPU) memory in MB for this data set.
- maxThreshold - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Maximum threshold value.
- maxThresholdColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Color associated to values >= maxThreshold.
- maxThresholdEnabled - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Defines if the maximum threshold is enabled.
- maxThresholdTransparency - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Transparency associated to values >= maxThreshold.
- maxTime() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Get a time far, far into the future.
- maxTriangleEdgesRatio - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.io.cad.SoCADInputReaderParameters.TessellationOption
Set the maximum edges length ratio of generated triangles.
- maxValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedTexture2
. - maxValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoTransferFunction
field. - maxValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoPredefinedColorMapping
The max value defining the range of scalar values.
The default value is 1. - maxValueSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearValueLegend
Indicates the maximum size of text values.
- maxValueSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoNonLinearValueLegend3
Indicates the maximum size of text values.
- MCBRYDE_THOMAS_FLAT_POLAR_PARABOLIC - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MCBRYDE_THOMAS_FLAT_POLAR_QUARTIC - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MCBRYDE_THOMAS_FLAT_POLAR_SINUSOIDAL - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MCBRYDE_THOMAS_FLAT_POLE_SINE - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MEAN - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.patternrecognition.SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d.CorrelationModes
Mean normalized correlation (luminosity).
- MEAN - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.texturefilters.SoLocalStatisticsProcessing.StatisticalOperators
The MEAN type gives to pixels the mean value in its neighbourhood:
- MEAN - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.stackoperations.SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d.ProjectionModes
Compute the average of the sequence.
- MEAN_VARIANCE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.patternrecognition.SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d.CorrelationModes
Mean and variance normalized correlation (luminosity and contrast).
- MEAN_VARIANCE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms.SoMatchContrastProcessing.MatchingModes
With this type of adjustment, the computation is based on the intensity mean and variance values of the image.
- measure - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoFilterByMeasureProcessing
A measure.
- measure - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoMeasureImageProcessing
Select a measure Default value is NULL.
- measure - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoSieveLabelingProcessing
The measure.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.globalmeasures.SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoFilterByMeasureProcessing
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoLabelAnalysisQuantification
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoMeasureImageProcessing
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoSieveLabelingProcessing
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureAttributes - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing
The measure attributes to customize measurement.
- measureFilterType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoFilterByMeasureProcessing
Data filter type.
- measureHigh - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing
The measure defining the higher threshold.
- measureList - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.globalmeasures.SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification
The list of measures to compute.
- measureList - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoLabelAnalysisQuantification
The list of measures to compute.
- measureList - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures.SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification
The list of measures to compute.
- measureLow - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing
The measure defining the lower threshold.
- measureName - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasureCustom
Measure name that can be used in custom measure combination formula.
- MEDIAN - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.stackoperations.SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d.ProjectionModes
Select the pixel which is the median of the sequence.
- MedicalAxisFromViewAxis(Axis, SbMatrix) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
- MedicalAxisFromViewAxis(Axis, SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
- MedicalHelper - Class in com.openinventor.medical.helpers
Utility class for medical applications using Open Inventor.
- MedicalHelper() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
- MedicalHelper.Axis - Enum in com.openinventor.medical.helpers
Medical axis names.
- MEDIUM - com.openinventor.inventor.io.cad.SoCADInputReaderParameters.Qualities
Medium quality / reasonnable quality, time and memory consumption in most case.
- MEDIUM - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.ToneMappings
Medium Tone Mapping.
- MEDIUM - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.GradientQualities
Use the central difference technique to compute the gradient.
- MeEmptyDataSetException - Exception in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported on an empty data set.
- MeEmptyDataSetException() - Constructor for exception com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data.MeEmptyDataSetException
Constructs a MeEmptyDataSetException with no detail message.
- MeEmptyDataSetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data.MeEmptyDataSetException
Constructs a MeEmptyDataSetException with the specified detail message.
- memcpy(SoBufferObject) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls memcpy(sourceBufferObject, (long)0, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- memcpy(SoBufferObject, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, (long)0, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- memcpy(SoBufferObject, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Calls memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, sourceOffset, (long)SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL).
- memcpy(SoBufferObject, long, long, long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Copies data from the specified buffer object into this buffer object.
- MEMORY - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.ReaderTypes
In memory.
- MEMORY - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData.StorageHints
Deprecated.In memory.
- MEMORY_FULL - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.ErrorValues
No more memory is available.
- MERCATOR - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- mergeFaces - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.io.cad.SoCADInputReaderParameters.ImportOption
Merge imported geometry in a single Open Inventor Geometry object.
- MERIT - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.PredefinedEllipsoids
- mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoCartesianGrid2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoCartesianGrid3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoHexahedronMesh3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIndexedMesh2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIndexedMesh3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIrregularMesh1D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoParalCartesianGrid2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoParalCartesianGrid3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoPolarGrid2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoQuadrangleMesh2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoRegularCartesianGrid2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoRegularCartesianGrid3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoRegularMesh1D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoTetrahedronMesh3D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoTriangleMesh2D
Field containing a mesh of type
. - mesh - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMeshElement.Mesh
The mesh
- meshType - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMeshElement.ConnectedRepresentation
The mesh type
- meshType - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMeshElement.Mesh
The mesh type
- MeshViz - com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct.SbProducts
- MESHVIZ - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.ServiceSettings.Extensions
- MESHVIZ_OCTREE_CACHE_CELLBBOX - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoPreferences
Affects MeshViz, specifies if the cell boundingboxes must be cached when building the octree associated to a mesh.
- MESHVIZ_OCTREE_MAX_CELL_PER_TILE - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoPreferences
Affects MeshViz, specifies the maximum number of cells that can be contained in a tile of the octree.
- MESHVIZ_OCTREE_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoPreferences
Affects MeshViz, specifies the maximum depth allowed to build the octree associated to a mesh.
- MESHVIZ_POLYGON_OFFSET - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoPreferences
Affects MoMeshRepresentation, specifies if surface representations must be automatically offset with a SoPolygonOffset node, to allow line representations on top without artifacts.
- MeshVizExtractor - com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct.SbProducts
- MeshVizInterface - com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct.SbProducts
- MeshVizXLM - com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct.SbProducts
- MESHVIZXLM - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.ServiceSettings.Extensions
- MessageEventArg(SoRemoteVizClient, String) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.MessageEventArg
Default constructor.
- METER - com.openinventor.hardcopy.SoVectorizeAction.DimensionUnits
- METERS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoUnitsElement.Units
- METERS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoUnits.UnitsType
- method - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoEllipseScreenDrawer
Method to create ellipse.
- method - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoRectangleScreenDrawer
Method to create rectangle.
- method - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPickStyle
Specifies the method used to pick shapes.
- method - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShadowGroup
Specifies the shadowing technique to use.
- METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- MetricsListener - Class in com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering
This class can be overridden by an application to monitor the service.
- MetricsListener() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.MetricsListener
Default constructor.
- metricType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.registration.SoElasticRegistrationProcessing2d
Type of metric used to measure the similarity/dissimilarity between the fixed and the transformed image.
- metricType - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.registration.SoImageRegistrationTransform
Select the metric type.
- MeXDataSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Generic data set interface for extracted unstructured meshes.
- MeXDataSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Generic data set interface for extracted structured surface meshes.
- MeXGeometry - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.geometry
Extracted geometry interface.
- MeXGeometryI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.geometry
Generic geometry interface for extracted unstructured meshes.
- MeXGeometryIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.geometry
Generic geometry interface for extracted structured surface meshes.
- MeXLineCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.cell
Defines a cell of an extracted line mesh.
- MeXLineMeshCurvilinear<T extends MeXTopologyI,G extends MeXGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted curvilinear line mesh interface.
- MeXLineMeshFromPolyhedralMesh - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
- MeXLineMeshFromPolyhedralMesh(MeXLineTopologyExplicitI<MeXLineCell>, MeXGeometryI) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.MeXLineMeshFromPolyhedralMesh
- MeXLineMeshUnstructured<C extends MeXLineCell,T extends MeXLineTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MeXGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted unstructured line mesh interface.
- MeXLineTopologyExplicitI<C extends MeXLineCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.topology
List of extracted line cells interface.
- MeXMeshIj<T extends MeXTopologyIj> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted IJ surface mesh interface.
- MeXMeshUnstructured<G extends MeXGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted unstructured mesh interface.
- MeXScalardSet - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Extracted scalar set interface.
- MeXScalardSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Scalar set interface for extracted unstructured meshes.
- MeXScalardSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Scalar set interface for extracted structured surface meshes.
- MeXStringSet - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Extracted string set interface.
- MeXStringSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
String set interface for extracted unstructured meshes.
- MeXStringSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
String set interface for extracted structured surface meshes.
- MeXSurfaceCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.cell
Defines a cell of an extracted surface mesh.
- MeXSurfaceMeshCurvilinear<T extends MeXTopologyIj,G extends MeXGeometryIj> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted curvilinear surface mesh interface.
- MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured<C extends MeXSurfaceCell,T extends MeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MeXGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted
Extracted unstructured surface mesh interface.
- MeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI<C extends MeXSurfaceCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.topology
List of extracted surface cells interface.
- MeXTopologyI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.topology
List of extracted cells interface.
- MeXTopologyIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.topology
List of extracted structured surface cells interface.
- MeXVec3dSet - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Extracted vector set interface.
- MeXVec3dSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Vector set interface for extracted unstructured meshes.
- MeXVec3dSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.meshextracted.data
Vector set interface for extracted structured surface meshes.
- MiBaseExtractor - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors
Base interface for all extractor interfaces.
- MiCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell of a mesh.
- MiCellExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Cell extractor for an IJK hexahedron volume mesh.
- MiCellExtractIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Cell extractor for structured surface meshes.
- MiCellExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Cell extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiCellExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Cell extractor for unstructured meshes.
- MiCellFilter - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell filter.
- MiCellFilterI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell filter for unstructured meshes.
- MiCellFilterIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell filter for structured surface meshes.
- MiCellFilterIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Interface class defining a cell filter for structured volume meshes.
- MiColorMapping<V,C> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping
Interface defining a color mapping function.
- MICROMETERS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoUnitsElement.Units
- MICROMETERS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoUnits.UnitsType
- MICRONS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoUnitsElement.Units
- MICRONS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoUnits.UnitsType
- MiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Cylinder slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes.
- MiCylinderSliceExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Cylinder slice extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes.
- MiDataSet - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Generic data set interface.
- MiDataSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Generic data set interface for unstructured meshes.
- MiDataSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Generic data set interface for structured surface meshes.
- MiDataSetIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Generic data set interface for structured volume meshes.
- MIDDLE - com.openinventor.medical.nodes.TextBox.AlignmentV
- MIDDLE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoHighLowClose.HorCloseBarPositions
The horizontal close bar is on the middle of the vertical close bar.
- MIDDLE_POS - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLabel.Positions
The abscissas (resp ordinate) is given by the current mesh 1D geometry and the ordinate (resp.
- middlePoint - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCircleArc3ThreePts
Intermediate point of the arc.
- middlePoint - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCircleArcThreePts
Intermediate point of the arc.
- MiExtractorCallback - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors
Base interface for extraction callback interfaces.
- MiExtractorIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors
Base interface for all extractor IJ interfaces.
- MiExtractorIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors
Base interface for all extractor IJK interfaces.
- MiExtractorUnstructured - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors
Base interface for all unstructured extractor interfaces.
- MiGeometry - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.geometry
Generic geometry interface.
- MiGeometryHexahedronIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.geometry
Generic geometry interface for hexahedron mesh Ijk.
- MiGeometryI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.geometry
Generic geometry interface for unstructured meshes.
- MiGeometryIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.geometry
Generic geometry interface for structured surface meshes.
- mightNotRender() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoShapeStyleElement
Returns true if shapes may not render for some reason.
- MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured volume meshes.
- MiHexahedronTopologyExplicitIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of volume cells interface.
- MiIsosurfExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.isosurf
Isosurface extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes.
- MiIsosurfExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.isosurf
Isosurface extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiIsosurfExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.isosurf
Isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes.
- MILES - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoUnitsElement.Units
- MILES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoUnits.UnitsType
- MiLineCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell of a line mesh.
- MiLineMeshCurvilinear<T extends MiTopologyI,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Curvilinear Line mesh interface.
- MiLineMeshUnstructured<C extends MiLineCell,T extends MiLineTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Unstructured Line mesh interface.
- MiLineTopologyExplicitI<C extends MiLineCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of line cells interface.
- MILLER_CYLINDRICAL - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MILLIMETERS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoUnitsElement.Units
- MILLIMETERS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoUnits.UnitsType
- MiMesh - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Base mesh interface.
- MiMeshIj<T extends MiTopologyIj> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
IJ surface mesh interface.
- MiMeshIjk<T extends MiTopologyIjk> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
IJK volume mesh interface.
- MiMeshUnstructured<G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Unstructured mesh interface.
- MiMeshUnstructuredI<C extends MiCell,T extends MiTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
I Unstructured mesh interface.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoComputeBoundingBox
) Minimum point of the computed bounding box. - min - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCounter
Minimum value for the counter.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTimeCounter
Minimum value for the counter.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap
This field allow to remap the color map such that only data values ranging from min to max will be mapped to the color map.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataRange
Minimum data value of the data range.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbIsovaluesList.IsoList
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDomain
Define the minimum of the domain.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIntervalCellFilter
Specifies the min limit of the float interval.
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIsovaluesList.IsoList
- min - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellRanges
Minimum cell index values for displaying the mesh representation.
- MIN - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendEquations
- MIN_BOUNDING_CUBE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbDomain.BoundingBoxTypes
- MIN_BOUNDING_CUBE - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDomain.BoundingBoxTypes
- MIN_INTENSITY - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShape.Compositions
Deprecated.Min intensity.
- MIN_INTENSITY_PROJECTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.RenderModes
Minimum intensity projection (MinIP).
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.registration.SoImageRegistrationTransform.RangeModes
The reference intensity range is between the minimum and the maximum of the image intensities.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.globalmeasures.SoIntensityHistogramQuantification.RangeModes
This histogram is computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics.SoAutoThresholdingQuantification.RangeModes
With this option the histogram is computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics.SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification.RangeModes
The measurements are computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms.SoHistogramEqualizationProcessing.RangeModes
With this option the histogram is computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms.SoRescaleIntensityProcessing.RangeModes
With this option the histogram is computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAutoThresholdingProcessing.RangeModes
With this option the histogram is computed between the minimum and the maximum of the image.
- MIN_MAX_VALUES - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearValueLegend.ValueDistributions
Only the minimum and maximum of the values of the legend are displayed.
- minArea - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry.SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d
The minimum surface of kept cells.
- minCellRanges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSkin
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor 9.5.1, use
instead. - minDiscRotDot - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoTransformerDragger
Specifies the minimum dot product between eyeDir and rotPlane normal before switching from record-player-type rotation to rolling-pin-type rotation.
- minFilter - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture
Specifies the OpenGL minFilter.
- MINIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoExtremaImpositionProcessing.ImpositionOperators
This mode performs geodesic propagation in one direction and extracts the minimum.
- MINIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoHExtremaProcessing.RegionalOperators
This mode implements case Minima.
- MINIMA - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.geodesictransformations.SoRegionalExtremaProcessing.RegionalOperators
This mode implements case Minima.
- MINIMUM - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticImageProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MINIMUM arithmetic operator computes the minimum value between two images
- MINIMUM - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticValueProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MINIMUM arithmetic operator computes the minimum value between an image and a constant C.
- minLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec
Minimum length of the vector to be drawn.
- minLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec
Minimum length of the vector to be drawn.
- minResolutionThreshold - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Minimum loading threshold for LDM module.
- minSeparationPercentage - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.classification.SoSupervisedTextureClassificationProcessing2d
This parameter controls the rejection criteria of the feature selection algorithm (FS).
- minSeparationPercentage - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.classification.SoSupervisedTextureClassificationProcessing3d
This parameter controls the rejection criteria of the feature selection algorithm (FS).
- minSpeed - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoBaseStreamLine
The streamline ends when it goes through a point where the velocity is less than minSpeed.
- minSpeed - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the minimum speed of the streamline.
The default value is 0, meaning no speed constraint. - minThreshold - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Minimum threshold value.
- minThresholdColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Color associated to values <= minThreshold.
- minThresholdEnabled - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Defines if the minimum threshold is enabled.
- minThresholdTransparency - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDataMapping
Transparency associated to values <= minThreshold.
- minTilesToLoad - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Minimum number of tiles that must be loaded in memory before rendering.
- minus(SbTime) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Subtraction of two times.
- minus(SbVec2d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec2f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec2i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec2s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec3s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4b) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4ub) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4ui32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- minus(SbVec4us) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise binary vector subtraction operator.
- MINUS - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- MINUS - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataCompositor.PreDefCompositors
- MINUS_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 5x5.
- MINUS_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Minus 5x5.
- MINUS_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 5x5.
- MINUS_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 7x7.
- MINUS_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Minus 7x7.
- MINUS_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 7x7.
- MINUS_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 9x9.
- MINUS_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Minus 9x9.
- MINUS_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Minus 9x9.
- minValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedTexture2
Specifies the range of values which is mapped onto the color map (see
). - minValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoTransferFunction
Remaps the defined color map between minValue and maxValue indices.
- minValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoPredefinedColorMapping
The min value defining the range of scalar values.
The default value is 0. - minVariance - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShadowGroup
Increasing this value will decrease possible self-shadowing artifacts but will make shadows fade away.
- MiOutlineExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.outline
Outline extractor for an hexahedron IJK meshes.
- MiOutlineExtractIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.outline
Outline extractor for structured surface meshes.
- MiOutlineExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.outline
Outline extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiOutlineExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.outline
Outline extractor for an unstructured mesh.
- MiPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Plane slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes.
- MiPlaneSliceExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Plane slice extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Plane slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes.
- MiPointProbeHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.pointprobe
Probe at a given location in an hexahedron IJK mesh.
- MiPointProbeIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.pointprobe
Probe at a given location in a structured volume mesh.
- MiPointProbeUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.pointprobe
Probe at a given location in an unstructured mesh.
- MIRROR - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.distancemaps.SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d.BorderConditions
Outside pixels are extrapolated using a mirror border condition.
- MIRRORED_REPEAT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.WrapType
The texture image is repeated in such a way that every odd repetition is a mirror image.
- MiScalardSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Scalar set interface for unstructured meshes.
- MiScalardSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Scalar set interface for structured surface meshes.
- MiScalardSetIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Scalar set interface for structured volume meshes.
- MISDIRECTED_REQUEST - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- MiSkinExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.skin
Extract the skin of an hexahedron IJK mesh.
- MiSkinExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.skin
Skin extractor for a structured volume mesh.
- MiSkinExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.skin
Skin extractor for an unstructured volume mesh.
- MiSlabExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slab
Extract a slab of an hexahedron IJK mesh.
- MiSlabExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slab
Extract a slab of a structured volume mesh.
- MiSphereSliceExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Sphere slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes.
- MiSphereSliceExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Sphere slice extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.slice
Sphere slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes.
- MiStreamlineExtractBase - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.streamline
Base interface for all streamline extractors.
- MiStreamlineExtractHexahedronIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.streamline
Streamline extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes.
- MiStreamlineExtractIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.streamline
Streamline extractor for structured volume meshes.
- MiStreamlineExtractUnstructured - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.streamline
Streamline extractor for unstructured meshes.
- MiStringSet - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
String set interface.
- MiStringSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
String set interface for unstructured meshes.
- MiStringSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
String set interface for structured surface meshes.
- MiStringSetIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
String set interface for structured volume meshes.
- MiSurfaceCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell of an unstructured surface mesh.
- MiSurfaceMeshCurvilinear<T extends MiTopologyIj,G extends MiGeometryIj> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Curvilinear surface mesh interface.
- MiSurfaceMeshUnstructured<C extends MiSurfaceCell,T extends MiSurfaceTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Unstructured surface mesh interface.
- MiSurfaceTopologyExplicitI<C extends MiSurfaceCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of surface cells interface.
- MITERED_BEVELED_JOIN - com.openinventor.hardcopy.SoVectorizeAction.JoinLineStyles
The line join style is mitered and beveled.
- MITERED_JOIN - com.openinventor.hardcopy.SoVectorizeAction.JoinLineStyles
The line join style is mitered.
- MiTopology - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of cells interface.
- MiTopologyExplicitI<C extends MiCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of generic cells interface.
- MiTopologyI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of cells interface.
- MiTopologyIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of structured surface cells interface.
- MiTopologyIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of volume cells interface.
- MiVec3dSetI - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Vector set interface for unstructured meshes.
- MiVec3dSetIj - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Vector set interface for structured surface meshes.
- MiVec3dSetIjk - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Vector set interface for structured volume meshes.
- MiVolumeCell - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.cell
Defines a cell of an unstructured volume mesh.
- MiVolumeMeshHexahedronIjk<T extends MiHexahedronTopologyExplicitIjk,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
IJK Hexahedron volume mesh interface.
- MiVolumeMeshUnstructured<C extends MiVolumeCell,T extends MiVolumeTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MiGeometryI> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Unstructured volume mesh interface.
- MiVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk<T extends MiTopologyIjk,G extends MiGeometryHexahedronIjk> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Non Indexed Hexahedron mesh IJK abstract interface.
- MiVolumeTopologyExplicitI<C extends MiVolumeCell> - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.topology
List of volume cells interface.
- MM - com.openinventor.hardcopy.SoVectorizeAction.DimensionUnits
- mmxSupported() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbCPUID
- MoActionNode - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
- MoCellFilter - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that defines a cell filter.
- MoCellFilter() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellFilter
Constructs a property node with no cell filter defined.
- MoCellFilterElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current cell filter.
- MoCellFilterElement.CellFilter - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Utility class to store cell filter parameters.
- MoCellRanges - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores cell ranges for meshes.
- MoCellRanges() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellRanges
Constructs an empty cell range.
- MoCellRangesElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current accumulated cell ranges and computes the intersection of all these.
- MoColorMapping - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Abstract base class for color mapping nodes.
- MoColorMappingElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current color mapping.
- MoDataBinding - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that defines the data binding.
- MoDataBinding() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDataBinding
Constructs a property node with data binding set to
(default value). - MoDataBinding.DataBinding - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Data binding
- MoDataBindingElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current data binding.
- mode - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBBox
Specifies the behavior of the
node. - mode - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoLocateHighlight
Whether to highlight or not.
- MODE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMultiSwitch.InheritModes
field value is inherited from the state. - MODE_2D - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.SoImageVizEngine.ComputeModes
The engine processes the input image as a stack of 2D images (slice by slice).
- MODE_3D - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.SoImageVizEngine.ComputeModes
The engine processes the input image as a 3D volume.
- MODE_AUTO - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.SoImageVizEngine.ComputeModes
The inputs determine if the processing should be applied in 2D or 3D mode.
- model - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.morphometry.SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d
The trabecular model.
- model - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.morphometry.SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d
The trabecular model.
- model - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.morphometry.SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d
The trabecular model.
- model - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoLightModel
Lighting model to use .
- model - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture
Specifies how to map texture onto surface.
- modellingMatrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAutoCubeAxis
This modelling matrix is used to determine the visibility of each face (and thus the axes to draw).
- MODELVIEW - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderStateMatrixParameter.MatrixTypes
The state matrix is the modelview matrix.
- MODELVIEW_PROJECTION - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderStateMatrixParameter.MatrixTypes
The state matrix is the modelview projection matrix (default value).
- modes - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget
This defines the mode modifier for the targets.
- modify(SoNode) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoTranSender
Adds a MODIFY command to the transcription area.
- modifyData(SbBox3i32, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet.LDMDataModifier
Deprecated.This methods can change the content of the given buffer
- MoDrawStyle - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that defines the draw style of representations.
- MoDrawStyle() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
Constructs a property node with draw style set to default values.
- MoDrawStyleElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current draw style.
- MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Utility class to store draw style parameters.
- MODULATE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Models
The texture color is multiplied by the surface color.
- MODULATE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCombiner.CombineFunctions
Output fragment is source0 * source1.
- MODULE_MAPPING_COLOR - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec.ArrowColoringTypes
- MODULE_MAPPING_COLOR - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec.ArrowColoringTypes
- moduleDataMapping - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh
Field used to do coloring according the module of the vectors.
- MoFaceDetail - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces.
- MoFaceDetailI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes.
- MoFaceDetailIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured surface mesh.
- MoFaceDetailIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured volume mesh.
- MoLineDetail - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments.
- MoLineDetailI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes.
- MoLineDetailIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured volume meshes.
- MoLineMeshDetail - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a line.
- MOLLWEIDE - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- MoMaterial - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that defines the material of surface representations.
- MoMaterial() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMaterial
Constructs a property node with color and coloring options set to default values.
- MoMaterial.ColoringType - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Color Coloring type
- MoMaterialElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current colors and coloring options.
- MoMaterialElement.Material - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Utility class to store colors and coloring options.
- MOMENT2X - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (XX) of the covariance matrix.
- MOMENT2Y - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (YY) of the covariance matrix.
- MOMENT2Z - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (ZZ) of the covariance matrix.
- MOMENTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics.SoAutoThresholdingQuantification.ThresholdCriterions
The measure of dispersion used in the algorithm is the moments of the intensity distribution.
- MOMENTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoAutoThresholdingProcessing.ThresholdCriterions
The measure of dispersion used in the algorithm is the moments of the intensity distribution.
- MOMENTS - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.labeling.SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing.ThresholdCriterions
The measure of dispersion used in the algorithm is the moments of the intensity distribution.
- MOMENTXY - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (XY) of the covariance matrix.
- MOMENTXZ - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (XZ) of the covariance matrix.
- MOMENTYZ - com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures.SoDataMeasurePredefined.PredefinedMeasures
Centered moment term (YZ) of the covariance matrix.
- MoMesh - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that defines a mesh.
- MoMesh() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMesh
Constructs a property node with no mesh defined.
- MoMeshBaseRepresentation - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes.
- MoMeshCellShape - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh.
- MoMeshCellShape() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshCellShape
Constructs a rendering node with default options and cell indices list.
- MoMeshCylinderSlice - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a cylinder slice of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshCylinderSlice() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshCylinderSlice
Constructs a rendering node with default position, radius and direction vector.
- MoMeshDetail - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about a mesh.
- MoMeshElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current mesh.
- MoMeshElement.ConnectedRepresentation - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Utility class to store connected representation parameters.
- MoMeshElement.Mesh - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Utility class to store mesh parameters.
- MoMeshIsosurface - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays an isosurface of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshIsosurface() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshIsosurface
Constructs a rendering node with default iso value and scalar set id.
- MoMeshOutline - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays the outline of a mesh.
- MoMeshOutline() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshOutline
Constructs a rendering node to display outline of a mesh.
- MoMeshPlaneSlice - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a plane slice of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshPlaneSlice() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPlaneSlice
Constructs a rendering node with default plane
. - MoMeshPointProbe - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Action node that probes cells of a mesh.
- MoMeshPointProbe() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe
Constructs an action node with default values.
- MoMeshPointProbe.MoProbeCallback - Interface in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
This class specifies the interface used by this node to notify the application when the
of the probe is updated. - MoMeshRepresentation - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes containing an extractor.
- MoMeshRepresentationDetail<C extends MiCell,T extends MiTopologyExplicitI<C>,G extends MiGeometryI> - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about a mesh representation.
- MoMeshSkin - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays the skin of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshSkin() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSkin
Constructs a rendering node to display the skin of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshSlab - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a slab of an IJK volume mesh.
- MoMeshSlab() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSlab
Constructs a rendering node to display a slab of an IJK volume mesh.
- MoMeshSphereSlice - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a sphere slice of a volume mesh.
- MoMeshSphereSlice() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSphereSlice
Constructs a rendering node with default center and radius.
- MoMeshStreamline - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays streamlines of a vector field on a volume mesh.
- MoMeshStreamline() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Constructs a rendering node with default values.
- MoMeshStreamline.IntegrationDirection - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Integration direction
- MoMeshSurface - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a surface mesh.
- MoMeshSurface() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSurface
Constructs a rendering node that displays a surface mesh.
- MoMeshVector - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Rendering node that displays a vector data set.
- MoMeshVector() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshVector
Constructs a rendering node with default options.
- MoMeshVizDataMapping - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping
- MoMeshVizDataMapping.CellFilterType - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping
Type of cell filter.
- MoMeshVizDataMapping.MeshType - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping
All supported mesh types.
- Monitoring - Class in com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering
This class enables to manage metrics listeners that monitor states and performance of the service.
- Monitoring.MetricTypes - Enum in com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering
Types of metrics.
- MONOSCOPIC - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCamera.StereoModes
Monoscopic (i.e., non-stereo) viewing.
- MONOSCOPIC - com.openinventor.inventor.SbViewVolume.StereoModes
Monoscopic (i.e., non-stereo) viewing.
- MoPredefinedColorMapping - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that selects a predefined color mapping.
- MoPredefinedColorMapping() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoPredefinedColorMapping
Constructs a property node with initial color map set to
(node has no effect). - MoPredefinedColorMapping.PredefColorMapping - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Predefined colormaps.
- MORPHOLOGICAL_GRADIENT - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.stackoperations.SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d.GradientOperators
Compute a morphological gradient (see
for definition). - morphologicalLut - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d
The input morphological LUT array.
- morphologicalLut - Variable in class com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.hitormissandskeleton.SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d
The input morphological LUT array.
- MoScalarSetElementI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of scalar sets for unstructured meshes.
- MoScalarSetElementIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of scalar sets for structured surface meshes.
- MoScalarSetElementIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of scalar sets for structured volume meshes.
- MoScalarSetI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a scalar data set for an unstructured mesh.
- MoScalarSetI() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetI
Constructs a property node to store a scalar data set.
- MoScalarSetIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured surface mesh.
- MoScalarSetIj() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIj
Constructs a property node to store a scalar data set.
- MoScalarSetIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured volume mesh.
- MoScalarSetIjk() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIjk
Constructs a property node to store a scalar data set.
- MoStringSet - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores any kind of string data set.
- MoStringSet() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoStringSet
Constructs a property node to store a string data set.
- MoStringSetElement - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
- MoSurfaceMeshDetail - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.details
Stores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a surface.
- motionCallback(long, long, long, MeXScalardSetI, MeXVec3dSetI) - Method in interface com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe.MoProbeCallback
Callback that is triggered each time the field
changes for IJK volume meshes. - motionCallback(long, long, MeXScalardSetI, MeXVec3dSetI) - Method in interface com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe.MoProbeCallback
Callback that is triggered each time the field
changes for IJ surface meshes. - motionCallback(long, MeXScalardSetI, MeXVec3dSetI) - Method in interface com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe.MoProbeCallback
Callback that is triggered each time the field
changes for unstructured meshes. - MOUSE_ENTER - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoLocation2Event.EventSources
- MOUSE_LEAVE - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoLocation2Event.EventSources
- MOUSE_MOVE - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoLocation2Event.EventSources
- MouseButtonEventArg(SoRemoteVizClient, SoMouseButtonEvent) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.MouseButtonEventArg
Default constructor.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseDown(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseEnter(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseExit(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseHover(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- MouseLocationEventArg(SoRemoteVizClient, SoLocation2Event) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.MouseLocationEventArg
Default constructor.
- mouseMove(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseScrolled(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseUp(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- MouseWheelEventArg(SoRemoteVizClient, SoMouseWheelEvent) - Constructor for class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.MouseWheelEventArg
Default constructor.
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderAreaInteractive
- MOVE - com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoDragger.TrackerDirectModes
Dragger will use tracker position values directly.
- MOVE - com.openinventor.inventor.touch.events.SoTouchEvent.States
Move state : The finger is moving on the screen.
- MoVec3SetElementI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of vector sets for unstructured meshes.
- MoVec3SetElementIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of vector sets for structured surface meshes.
- MoVec3SetElementIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements
Element that stores the current list of vector sets for structured volume meshes.
- MoVec3SetI - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a vector data set for an unstructured mesh.
- MoVec3SetI() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetI
Constructs a property node to store a vector data set.
- MoVec3SetIj - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured surface mesh.
- MoVec3SetIj() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIj
Constructs a property node to store a vector data set.
- MoVec3SetIjk - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured volume mesh.
- MoVec3SetIjk() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIjk
Constructs a property node to store a vector data set.
- MOVED_PERMANENTLY - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- moveLocation(double[], int, int, int, MiCellFilterIjk) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.pointprobe.MiPointProbeIjk
Moves the current probe location at the given point.
- moveLocation(double[], long, MiCellFilterI) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.pointprobe.MiPointProbeUnstructured
Moves the current probe location at the given point.
- MPRTS - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.PredefinedEllipsoids
- MRC - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.ReaderTypes
- mult(SoBufferObject, SbDataType, SoBufferObject, SbDataType, SoBufferObject, SbDataType) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.algorithms.SoArithmetic
Multiply two buffers into a third one.
- mult(SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType, SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType, SoCpuBufferObject, SbDataType) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.algorithms.SoArithmetic
Multiply two buffers into a third one.
- mult(SoState, SoNode, SbMatrix) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoModelMatrixElement
Multiplies the given matrix into the model matrix.
- mult(SoState, SoNode, SbMatrix) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureMatrixElement
Multiplies the given matrix into the texture matrix.
- mult(SoState, SbMatrix) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
Multiplies the given matrix into the local matrix.
- MULT_FACTOR_END - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_END - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_END - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_EXTR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start and at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_EXTR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start and at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_EXTR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start and at the end of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_GRAD - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the graduations of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_GRAD - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the graduations of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_GRAD - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the graduations of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_START - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_START - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start of the axis.
- MULT_FACTOR_START - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactorPositions
The multiplicative factor is at the start of the axis.
- multDirMatrix(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Pre-multiplies the matrix by the given row vector, giving vector result.
- multDirMatrix(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Pre-multiplies the matrix by the given row vector, giving vector result.
- MultFactor() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactor
- MultFactor() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactor
- MultFactor() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactor
- multFactorDistAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis
Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis.
- multFactorDistAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis.
- multFactorDistAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis
Distance from the mutiplicative factor to the axis.
- multFactorPosition - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis
Position of the multiplicative factor.
- multFactorPosition - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Position of the multiplicative factor.
- multFactorPosition - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis
Position of the multiplicative factor.
- MULTI_STATUS - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- MULTIPLE_CHOICES - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- MULTIPLICATIVE - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization.SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing.ThresholdModes
The local threshold is equal to
, where value is an input parameter and
is the mean of a window centered on x.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Destructive multiplication by scalar.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar multiplication operator.
- multiply(SbMatrix) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Post-multiplies the matrix by the given matrix (equivalent to
method). - multiply(SbMatrix3) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Post-multiplies the matrix by the given matrix (equivalent to
method). - multiply(SbMatrixd) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Post-multiplies the matrix by the given matrix (equivalent to
method). - multiply(SbRotation) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotation
Multiplies by another rotation; results in product of rotations.
- multiply(SbRotationd) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotationd
Multiplies by another rotation; results in product of rotations.
- multiply(SbVec2f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Component-wise vector multiplication operator.
- multiply(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Component-wise vector multiplication operator.
- multiply(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Component-wise vector multiplication operator.
- multiply(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise vector multiplication operator.
- MULTIPLY - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticImageProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MULTIPLY arithmetic operator multiplies an image
by another
- MULTIPLY - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations.SoArithmeticValueProcessing.ArithmeticOperators
The MULTIPLY arithmetic operator multiplies an image
by a constant C.
- MULTIPLY - com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.patternrecognition.SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d.CorrelationCriterions
See Multiply correlation.
- MULTIPLY - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataCompositor.PreDefCompositors
- MULTISAMPLE_12 - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShape.Interpolations
Multi-sample interpolation for slice shapes.
- multiVolumes - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeGroup
Activates the multi-volumes feature.
- multLeft(SbMatrix) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTransform
Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
- multLeft(SbMatrix) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given matrix.
- multLeft(SbMatrix3) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given matrix.
- multLeft(SbMatrixd) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Pre-multiplies the matrix by given matrix.
- multLineMatrix(SbLine) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Multiplies the given line's origin by the matrix, and the line's direction by the rotation portion of the matrix.
- multLineMatrix(SbLined) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Multiplies the given line's origin by the matrix, and the line's direction by the rotation portion of the matrix.
- multMatrixVec(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Post-multiplies matrix by given column vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- multMatrixVec(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Post-multiplies matrix by the given column vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- multMatrixVec(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Post-multiplies matrix by the given column vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- multMatrixVec4(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Posts-multiplies matrix by the given column vector, giving vector result in homogeneous coordinates.
- multRight(SbMatrix) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTransform
Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
- multRight(SbMatrix) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Post-multiplies the matrix by the given matrix.
- multRight(SbMatrix3) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Post-multiplies the matrix by the given matrix.
- multRight(SbMatrixd) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Post-multiplies the matrix by given matrix.
- multVec(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotationd
Multiplies the given vector by the matrix of this rotation.
- multVec(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotation
Multiplies the given vector by the matrix of this rotation.
- multVec4Matrix(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given row vector, giving vector result in homogeneous coordinates.
- multVecMatrix(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given row vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- multVecMatrix(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given row vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- multVecMatrix(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Pre-multiplies matrix by the given row vector, giving a 3D vector result.
- MxCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for cells.
- MxGenericCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
- MxHexahedronCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for hexahedron cells.
- MxMeshViz - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm
Defines useful constant values.
- MxPolygonCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for polygon cells.
- MxPolyhedronCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for polyhedron cells.
- MxPyramidCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for pyramid cells.
- MxQuadrangleCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for quadrangle cells.
- MxTetrahedronCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for tetrahedron cells.
- MxTimeStamp - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm
Manages an identifier that can be used as a time stamp.
- MxWedgeCellExtract - Class in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.cell
Utility class for wedge cells.
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