Class SbCylinderSectionProjector

    • Constructor Detail

      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector()
        Calls SbCylinderSectionProjector((float)0.9f, true).
      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector​(SbCylinder cyl)
        Calls SbCylinderSectionProjector(cyl, (float)0.9f, true).
      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector​(float edgeTol)
        Calls SbCylinderSectionProjector(edgeTol, true).
      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector​(SbCylinder cyl,
                                          float edgeTol)
        Calls SbCylinderSectionProjector(cyl, edgeTol, true).
      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector​(float edgeTol,
                                          boolean orientToEye)
        Constructor that uses a default cylinder aligned with the Y axis with radius 1.0. The position of the plane which slices the cylinder into a section is specified as a fraction of the cylinder radius with the parameter edgeTol. A tolerance value of 1.0 positions the plane down the center of the cylinder. A tolerance value of 0.5 defines the longitudinal plane halfway between the center and the outside edge of the cylinder. The default value is 0.9, so that almost half the cylinder is in front of the plane. The orientToEye parameter determines whether the plane is perpendicular to the eye, or perpendicular to the cylinder's Z axis. Setting that parameter to true (the default) specifies that the plane be perpendicular to the eye, which is most often the desired behavior.

        The default view volume is undefined, and the working space is identity.

      • SbCylinderSectionProjector

        public SbCylinderSectionProjector​(SbCylinder cyl,
                                          float edgeTol,
                                          boolean orientToEye)
        Constructor. The position of the plane which slices the cylinder into a section is specified as a fraction of the cylinder radius with the parameter edgeTol. A tolerance value of 1.0 positions the plane down the center of the cylinder. A tolerance value of 0.5 defines the longitudinal plane halfway between the center and the outside edge of the cylinder. The default value is 0.9, so that almost half the cylinder is in front of the plane. The orientToEye parameter determines whether the plane is perpendicular to the eye, or perpendicular to the cylinder's Z axis. Setting that parameter to true (the default) specifies that the plane be perpendicular to the eye, which is most often the desired behavior.

        The default view volume is undefined, and the working space is identity.

    • Method Detail

      • setTolerance

        public void setTolerance​(float edgeTol)
        Sets the edge tolerance as a fraction of the radius of the cylinder. If this is 1.0, the projector is a half cylinder. If this is 0.1, the projector is a slice of the cylinder with radius 0.1*radius. Default is 0.9.
      • getTolerance

        public float getTolerance()
        Gets the edge tolerance as a fraction of the radius of the cylinder.
      • isWithinTolerance

        public boolean isWithinTolerance​(SbVec3f point)
        Finds whether this point on the cylinder or tolerance plane is within tolerance.