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z - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoComposeVec3f
The z component.
z - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoComposeVec4f
The z component.
z - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoDecomposeVec3f
( SoMFFloat ) Third component of the vector.
z - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoDecomposeVec4f
( SoMFFloat ) Third component of the vector.
Z - com.openinventor.inventor.Axis
The Z axis.
Z - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
Z - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAntiSquish.Sizings
Fits the other two axes to match the Z axis, whose size is unchanged.
Z - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRotationXYZ.AxisType
The Z-axis.
Z - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.Axis
Z - com.openinventor.medical.nodes.OrthoSliceBorder.AxisType
Right edge
Z - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoFenceSlice.AxisType
Z - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoOrthoSlice.AxisType
Z Axis (Default)
Z - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoUniformGridClipping.AxisType
Z Axis.
Z - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData.Axis
Z_AXIS - com.openinventor.inventor.collision.SoCollisionManager.Axis
Z_AXIS - com.openinventor.inventor.collision.SoIntersectionDetectionAction.Axis
Z_AXIS - com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoDragPointDragger.DraggerSets
Z_AXIS - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup3Axis3.AxisNames
z_nod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PbIndexedMesh2D.NodesInfo
z_nod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PbIndexedMesh3D.NodesInfo
zCenter2 - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPieChart3D
Z coordinate of the center of the circle forming the second face of the pie chart.
zDimension - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.geo.SoGeoElevationGrid
Number of Z values in the grid.
zero() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Get a zero time.
ZERO - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendFactors
ZeroHandle - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.Inventor
zNarrow(float, float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbViewVolume
Returns a narrowed view volume which contains as tightly as possible the given interval on the z axis (in eye space).
znod - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PbMesh.CoordinatesInfo
zoom(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Zoom - Makes the scene appear larger or smaller.
zoomInWindow(SbVec2f, SbVec2f, SbViewportRegion) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Zooms to the region defined by the given corners in normalized screen coordinates.
zSpacing - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.geo.SoGeoElevationGrid
Spacing between Z values.
zTitle - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAutoCubeAxis
Title of the Z axes.
zTitle - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCoordinateSystemAxis
String to be displayed at the end of the Z coordinate vector.
zTitle - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup3Axis3
Title of the Z axis.
zTitle - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup6Axis3
Title of the Z axis.
zValuesIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2D
Defines the index of the set of values used by a representation as a z-coordinate of each mesh node (-1 by default).
zValuesIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGeneralizedScatter
Defines the index of the set of values used to specify a z-coordinate for markers.
zValuesIndex - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoScatter
Defines the index of the set of values used to specify a z-coordinate for markers.
zVector() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbViewVolume
Returns the positive z axis in eye space.
ZX - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCartesianAxis.Types
Z-Axis in the plane ZX.
ZY - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoCartesianAxis.Types
Z-Axis in the plane ZY.
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