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All Classes All Packages
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- L - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- label - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoLabel
Defines the label string value.
- label - Variable in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Ruler
Specifies a label string appended to the measurement value.
- label - Variable in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.SliceScaleBar
Label (default is empty string).
- LABEL_256 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap.PredefinedColorMaps
256 labels
- LABEL_256 - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoTransferFunction.PredefColorMaps
256 labels (opaque).
- labelPath - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoLabelHints
Defines the path used to display label.
- LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- LAMBERT_EQUAL_AREA_CONIC - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- LANDSCAPE - com.openinventor.hardcopy.SoVectorizeAction.Orientations
The orientation is LANDSCAPE.
- language - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoTimeAxis
Language of date graduations.
- largeSliceSupport - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoSlice
Activate/deactivate direct loading of full resolution slice data.
- LASSO - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection.LassoTypes
- lassoColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Color of lasso.
- lassoMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Specifies the lasso mode (whether ALL_SHAPES or only VISIBLE_SHAPES can be selected).
- lassoPattern - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Stipple pattern.
- lassoPatternScaleFactor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Stipple pattern scale factor.
- lassoPolicy - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Specifies the lasso policy.
- lassoType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Specifies lasso type (none, lasso, or rectangle).
- lassoWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtSelection
Width of lasso.
- LAST - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoSearchAction.Interests
Return only the last path found.
- LAST - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoArray.Origins
Last copy is rendered at the current local origin; all other copies are distributed relative to it.
- LAST_ENTRY - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget.Attachments
Not used, for security only.
- lastGrad - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TickAttributes
- lastValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoValueLegend
Number of the last value to display.
- LAT_LONG - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- layer - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderParameterImage
Specifies the layer of texture to be bound to the image unit.
- layers - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget
This field is used when targets are
. - layout - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture3
Indicates whether the data layout is a volumetric texture VOLUME or an array of bi-dimensional textures ARRAY.
- LDM - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.ReaderTypes
Open Inventor LDM.
- LDM_ALTERNATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
Alternate file not found.
- LDM_COMPLETION_FILE_NOT_FOUND - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
Completion file not found.
- LDM_FILE_NOT_FOUND - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
file not found
- LDM_NO_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
no error
- LDM_RD_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
file not found
- LDM_RD_NO_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
No error.
- LDM_RD_UNKNOWN_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
Unknown error.
- LDM_RD_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
Unsupported data file type.
- LDM_SIZE_TAG_MISSING - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
Size tag missing.
- LDM_XML_PARSING_ERROR - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
XML parsing error.
- LDM_XML_ROOT_END_TAG_NOT_FOUND - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
XML END Tag not found.
- LDM_XML_ROOT_START_TAG_NOT_FOUND - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoLDMReader.SoLDMErrors
XML START Tag not found.
- LDMDataModifier() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet.LDMDataModifier
- ldmResourceParameters - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
Contains an
object which allows you to set LDM resource parameters. - LDMWriter - com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct.SbProducts
- LEAVE_ALONE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCamera.ViewportMappings
Do nothing.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDrawBufferElement.SoDrawBufferTypes
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextAlignmentHElement.AlignmentHs
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAnnoText3.Justifications
Left justification.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAsciiText.Justifications
Left edges of all strings are aligned.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoImage.HorAlignments
The image is left justified.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoText2.Justifications
Left edges of all strings are aligned.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoText3.Justifications
Left edges of all strings are aligned.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.AlignmentHs
Left edges of all strings are aligned.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.medical.nodes.SliceScaleBar.Alignment
Left (for horizontal orientation).
- LEFT - com.openinventor.medical.nodes.TextBox.AlignmentH
Left edge
- LEFT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoHighLowClose.HorCloseBarPositions
The horizontal close bar is on the left of the vertical close bar.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLabelField.Justifications
Left edges of all string are aligned.
- LEFT - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoLabelHints.Justifications
Left edges of all labels are aligned.
- LEFT_ALIGN - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPieChart.Alignments
Annotations are aligned on the left of the annotation box.
- LEFT_ALT - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
Left alt.
- LEFT_ARROW - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
- LEFT_CONTROL - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
Left control.
- LEFT_META - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
Left Windows Logo key also known as Super_L.
- LEFT_ONLY - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCSGShape.CsgOperationTypes
Keep only leftOperand.
- LEFT_SHIFT - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
Left shift.
- LEFT_TO_RIGHT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextOrientationElement.Orientations
- LEFT_TO_RIGHT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.Orientations
Text string is left to right oriented.
- LEFT_VIEW - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCamera.StereoModes
Left eye view.
- LEFT_VIEW - com.openinventor.inventor.SbViewVolume.StereoModes
Left eye view.
- leftOperand - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCSGShape
Geometry scene graph to be used as left operand for the Boolean operation.
- length - Variable in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.SliceScaleBar
Length in normalized screen coordinates (-1 to 1) if not tracking, else length in 3D world coordinates.
- length - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.ArrowAttributes
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Returns geometric length of vector.
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Returns geometric length of vector.
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Returns geometric length of vector.
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Returns geometric length of vector.
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Returns geometric length of vector.
- length() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Returns geometric length of vector.
- LENGTH - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
- LENGTH_REQUIRED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- lengthFactor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoStreamTadpoleMotion
Length factor applied to the velocity.
- lengthGradOtherSide - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.GridAttributes
- lengthGradSide - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.GridAttributes
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Returns square length of vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Returns square length of vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Returns square length of vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Returns square length of vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Returns square length of vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Returns square length of vector.
- LEQUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDepthBufferElement.DepthWriteFunctions
Passes if the incoming depth value is less than or equal to the stored depth value.
- LEQUAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDepthBuffer.DepthWriteFunctions
Passes if the incoming depth value is less than or equal to the stored depth value.
- LERCH - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.PredefinedEllipsoids
- LESS - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDepthBufferElement.DepthWriteFunctions
Passes if the incoming depth value is less than the stored depth value.
- LESS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDepthBuffer.DepthWriteFunctions
Passes if the incoming depth value is less than the stored depth value.
- lessLevelString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoNonLinearValueLegend1
String used for the lowest level.
- level(long) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTopoOctree
Returns the tile level of the given tile Id.
- level(SoLDMTileID) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTopoOctree
Returns the tile level of the given tile Id.
- levelValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshLevelSurf
Value of the level surface.
- LIGHT_MODEL_CASE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Cases
Deprecated.Light model case.
- LIGHT_MODEL_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Masks
Deprecated.Light model mask.
- lightBleedingReduction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShadowGroup
In some cases, a halo may appear around shadows intersecting each other.
- lightDirection - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor Use SoVolumeRenderingQuality.lighting field instead.
- lighting - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor Use SoVolumeRenderingQuality.lighting field instead.
- lighting - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality
Enable gradient based lighting (computed on the GPU).
- lightingModel - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor No longer used. OPENGL mode is always used.
- lightIntensity - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor Use SoVolumeRenderingQuality.lighting field instead.
- LIGHTNING_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 5x5.
- LIGHTNING_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Lightning 5x5.
- LIGHTNING_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 5x5.
- LIGHTNING_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 7x7.
- LIGHTNING_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Lightning 7x7.
- LIGHTNING_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 7x7.
- LIGHTNING_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 9x9.
- LIGHTNING_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Lightning 9x9.
- LIGHTNING_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Lightning 9x9.
- LINE - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec.BodyShapes
- LINE - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec.BodyShapes
- LINE_BAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoErrorCurve.ErrorCurveReps
The error curve is a line bar representation.
- LINE_LENGTH_MAX - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbMiscTextAttr.LineLengths
The lines are not limited.
- LINE_LENGTH_MAX - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoMiscTextAttr.LineLengths
The lines are not limited.
- LINE_LENGTH_MIN - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbMiscTextAttr.LineLengths
The lines are limited to one word.
- LINE_LENGTH_MIN - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoMiscTextAttr.LineLengths
The lines are limited to one word.
- LINE_LOOP - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBufferedShape.Types
Like LINE_STRIP, but an extra line segment is drawn connecting the last vertex to the first vertex.
- LINE_MESH_CURVILINEAR - com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.MoMeshVizDataMapping.MeshType
Curvilinear Line Mesh
- LINE_MESH_UNSTRUCTURED - com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.MoMeshVizDataMapping.MeshType
Unstructured Line Mesh
- LINE_SEGMENT - com.openinventor.inventor.collision.SoCollidingPrimitive.PrimitiveTypes
Line segment.
- LINE_SEGMENT - com.openinventor.inventor.collision.SoIntersectingPrimitive.PrimitiveTypes
Line segment.
- LINE_STRIP - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBufferedShape.Types
Connects all the vertices to form a polyline.
- LINE_STRIP_OUTPUT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderProgram.GeometryOutputTypes
- LINE_WIDTH_CASE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Cases
Deprecated.Line width case.
- LINE_WIDTH_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Masks
Deprecated.Line width mask.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap.Interpolations
Linear interpolation.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Filters
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAutoCubeAxis.AxisTypes
Linear axis.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup2Axis.AxisTypes
Linear axis.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup3Axis3.AxisTypes
Linear axis.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup4Axis.AxisTypes
Linear axis.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup6Axis3.AxisTypes
Linear axis.
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData.OverMethods
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeFaceSet.Interpolations
Deprecated.OpenGL linear interpolation (Default).
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeIndexedFaceSet.Interpolations
Deprecated.OpenGL linear interpolation (Default).
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet.Interpolations
Deprecated.OpenGL linear interpolation (Default).
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShape.Interpolations
OpenGL linear interpolation (Default).
- LINEAR - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeTriangleStripSet.Interpolations
Deprecated.OpenGL linear interpolation (Default).
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Filters
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Filters
- LINEAR_PER_LEVEL - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbNonLinearDataMapping2.Types
- LINEAR_PER_LEVEL - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoNonLinearDataMapping2.Types
The data mapping is non linear but linear per level.
- LINEAR_VALUES - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearValueLegend.ValueDistributions
The values of the legend are displayed like a linear axis.
- linearTolerance - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.io.cad.SoCADInputReaderParameters.TessellationOption
Set the maximum distance allowed between tessellated mesh triangle and the original surface.
- lineColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoStreamLineMotion
Color of each streamlines.
- lineColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
List of colors for lines.
- lineColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMaterialElement.Material
Color used for lines
- lineColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMaterial
Uniform color used for lines and edges when
is set toCOLOR
. - lineColoring - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoMaterialElement.Material
Coloring method for lines
- lineColoring - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMaterial
The coloring method for lines.
- lineCoord - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoLine
First and last point of the segment of data in voxel coordinates.
- lineLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbMiscTextAttr.LineLength
- lineLength - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoMiscTextAttr
Defines the max number of characters per line.
- LineLength() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbMiscTextAttr.LineLength
- linePattern - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoPolyLineScreenDrawer
Stipple pattern.
- linePattern - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDrawStyle
Stipple pattern for lines (for LINES style).
- linePattern - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
Be careful: (lineColor or lineSize or linePattern).getNum() must be greater or equal to item.getNum() in order to take into account one of these fields, otherwise the inherited attributes will be used.
- linePatternScaleFactor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoPolyLineScreenDrawer
Stipple pattern scale factor.
- linePatternScaleFactor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDrawStyle
Stipple pattern scale factor (for LINES style).
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDrawStyleElement.Styles
Outlined regions.
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement.Filters
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoPolygonOffsetElement.Styles
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBufferedShape.Types
Connects each pair of vertices with a line.
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDrawStyle.Styles
Draw only outlines (wireframe)
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoFullSceneAntialiasing.Filters
The shape is render based on lines (Ex:
). - LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPolygonOffset.StyleType
- LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShape.ShapeTypes
The shape is render based on lines (Ex:
). - LINES - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoVertexAttribFeedback.PrimitiveTypes
The shader is supposed to generate LINES.
- LINES_INPUT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShaderProgram.GeometryInputTypes
The input geometry should be interpreted as lines.
- lineSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
List of sizes for lines.
- lineVisibility - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoItemLegend
Visibility of the lines.
- lineWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoTabPlaneDragger
Specifies the line width for the outline box.
- lineWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoPolyLineScreenDrawer
Width of lines.
- lineWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDrawStyle
Width of lines (for LINES style).
- lineWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoStreamLine
Convenience field to set the width line attribute of each streamline drawn.
- lineWidth - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoStreamLineMotion
Convenience field to set the width line attribute of each streamline drawn.
- linkage - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoProfile
Specifies connectivity of profile curve with respect to profiles in current list in state.
- LIST - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMultiSwitch.InheritModes
field value is inherited from the state. - Listener() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.tools.SliderPanel.Listener
- LO - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Long String (vector of 32bits signed integers)
- loadAlgorithmsModule(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.algorithms.SoAlgorithms
Loads a module and returns an instance of the implementation of
in this module. - loadColormap(String) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoTransferFunction
Loads a colormap from a file.
- loadFinished() - Method in interface com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.LoadListener
- loadingMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtTexture2
Specifies the loading mode.
- loadingMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture2
Specifies the loading mode.
- loadingStatus - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtTexture2
Tells if the texture is loaded or not (not necessarily displayed)
- loadingThreadPriority - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtTexture2
Specifies the priority of the texture loading thread when activated (syncMode = ASYNCHRONOUS).
- loadInMemory() - Method in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.SoVRDicomFileReader
Load the DICOM data into contiguous memory if possible.
- loadLibrary(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLockManager
Internal use only.
- loadNotificationRate - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Tile loading notification rate.
- loadPatterns(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Calls loadPatterns(fileName, (int)0, (java.lang.String[])null, SoPattern.FilterTypes.valueOf( SoPattern.FilterTypes.INCLUSIVE_FILTER.getValue() )).
- loadPatterns(String, int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Calls loadPatterns(fileName, numFilters, (java.lang.String[])null, SoPattern.FilterTypes.valueOf( SoPattern.FilterTypes.INCLUSIVE_FILTER.getValue() )).
- loadPatterns(String, int, String[]) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Calls loadPatterns(fileName, numFilters, filterNames, SoPattern.FilterTypes.valueOf( SoPattern.FilterTypes.INCLUSIVE_FILTER.getValue() )).
- loadPatterns(String, int, String[], SoPattern.FilterTypes) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Loads a pattern file, with optional filtering of patterns.
- loadPatterns(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Calls loadPatterns(fileName, filterNames, SoPattern.FilterTypes.valueOf( SoPattern.FilterTypes.INCLUSIVE_FILTER.getValue() )).
- loadPatterns(String, String[], SoPattern.FilterTypes) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPattern
Loads a pattern file, with optional filtering of patterns.
- loadPolicy - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters
Tile loading policy.
- loadSceneGraph(String) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.viewers.ViewerExaminer
- loadStarted() - Method in interface com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.LoadListener
- loadTexture() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoExtTexture2
Loads the texture if the loading mode is set to MANUAL.
- loadTexture() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture2
Loads the texture if the
field is set to MANUAL. - LOCAL_ONLY - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoAction.DistribModes
Action is only applied by the application.
- locatePoint(SbVec3f, float) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PbCell
Returns 1 if the point is inside the cell, 0 otherwise.
- location - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoPointLight
Location of the source.
- location - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSpotLight
Location of the source.
- lockBuffer() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
Locks the buffer against concurrent calls from different threads.
- LOCKED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- lockTypes() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodekits.SoNodeKitListPart
This function permanently locks the permitted child types and the container type permanently.
- LOGARITHMIC - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAutoCubeAxis.AxisTypes
Logarithmic axis.
- LOGARITHMIC - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup2Axis.AxisTypes
Logarithmic axis.
- LOGARITHMIC - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup3Axis3.AxisTypes
Logarithmic axis.
- LOGARITHMIC - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup4Axis.AxisTypes
Logarithmic axis.
- LOGARITHMIC - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoGroup6Axis3.AxisTypes
Logarithmic axis.
- LONG_LAT - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- LONGEST_BBOX_EDGE_FACTOR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoShadowGroup.VisibilityFlags
The longest edge of the scene bounding box will be multiplied by the value of
. - LONGEST_DIAGONAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoAntiSquish.Sizings
Accounts for shearing; transforms a cube by the matrix and then uses length of longest diagonal.
- lookAt(SbVec3f, SbVec3f, SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Returns the rotation needed to point a camera at position toward the given target point while keeping the "up" direction of the camera parallel to the specified up vector.
- loop - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTrackFollower
If loop is true, the animation will loop.
- LOOP_DETECTED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus
- LOW - com.openinventor.inventor.io.cad.SoCADInputReaderParameters.Qualities
Low quality / less time and memory consumption.
- LOW - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.GradientQualities
Use the forward difference technique to compute the gradient.
- LOWER_LEFT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoImageBackground.Styles
Image is rendered actual size in lower left corner
(image aspect ratio is preserved but image may be cropped and background may be visible). - LOWER_RIGHT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoImageBackground.Styles
Image is rendered actual size in lower right corner
(image aspect ratio is preserved but image may be cropped and background may be visible). - lowerUndefString - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoValueLegend
String indicating the lower undefined level.
- lowerUpperBoxes - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearValueLegend
Indicates if lower and upper boxes should be displayed.
- lowerUpperBoxes - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoNonLinearValueLegend3
Indicates if lower and upper boxes should be displayed.
- LOWEST - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoDecimationTypeElement.Types
Nodes must use lowest level (non-empty).
- LOWRES_ONLY - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters.TileCachePolicies
For non-tiled data such as DICOM or SEGY or in-memory volume, tiles are created when needed (to send data to the GPU): full resolution tiles are stored in the second level CPU tile cache and all the other created tiles (lower resolution) are stored in the first level CPU tile cache.
- lowResAlgorithm - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Specifies the algorithm used to build low resolution tiles.
- lowResMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Sets the method to use when moving in low resolution.
- lowScreenResolutionScale - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
is DECREASE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION, render the volume at a lower screen resolution. - lowX - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoBiErrorPointField
List of abscissas low errors.
- lowY - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoBiErrorPointField
List of ordinates low errors.
- lowY - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoErrorCurve
List of the low ordinates for the low curve.
- LOXIMUTHAL - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.Projections
- LT - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Long Text.
- LUM_ALPHA - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoTransferFunction.ColorMapTypes
(2 floats)
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoToHTMLAction.Components
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.inventor.image.SbRasterImage.Components
Number of components 1 (luminance).
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.inventor.mpeg.SoMPEGRenderer.Components
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap.ColorMapFormats
(1 float)
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.EdgeDetect2DMethods
Edge detection will use the image's luminance.
- LUMINANCE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.SoVRRasterStackReader.ChannelSelections
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoColorMap.ColorMapFormats
(2 floats)
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_FLOAT16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_FLOAT32 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_FORMAT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE_TRANSPARENCY - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoToHTMLAction.Components
- LUMINANCE_TRANSPARENCY - com.openinventor.inventor.image.SbRasterImage.Components
Number of components 2 (luminance + transparency).
- LUMINANCE_TRANSPARENCY - com.openinventor.inventor.mpeg.SoMPEGRenderer.Components
Luminance transparency.
- LUMINANCE12 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE4 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor Use an 8 bit type instead.
- LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE8 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
- LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
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