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d - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCalculator
Floating point input.
D - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
D - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoCalculator
Vector input.
DA - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Date String.
data - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
Specifies the volume data, including dimensions, data type and number of significant bits.
data - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.writers.SoVRMemoryWriter
Buffer containing data.
DATA_ALIGNED - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.SamplingAlignments
Samples are located on planes perpendicular to one axis of the volume.
DATA_COMBINE_FUNCTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeShader.ShaderPositions
This shader is used for GPU multi-data composition.
DATA_MAPPING - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoHistogram.Colorings
Histogram bars are colored by data mapping.
dataBinding - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDataBinding
The data binding to be used in subsequent representations.
DataBinding - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.data
Data binding.
dataFilename - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Data Filename.
DataInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.DataInfo
DataInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfo
DataInfoBox() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoBox
DataInfoLine() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoLine
DataInfoPlane() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoPlane
DataInfoTrace() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.DataInfoTrace
dataRangeId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataRange
This field allows the use of multiple data ranges for the same shape.
dataRGBA - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
Contains true if the volume contains RGBA values rather than scalar values.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
When using multiple SoDataSet nodes, the dataSetId field uniquely identifies each data set used in the compositing.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoROI
Specifies which SoVolumeData node to use.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoFenceSlice
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoObliqueSlice
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoOrthoSlice
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
dataSetId - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeSkin
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
dataSetIds - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender
Specifies the list of volumes on which volume rendering is applied.
dataSize(SoDataSet.DataTypes) - Static method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
Returns the number of bytes per voxel of the specified data type.
dataSpaceMatrix - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoOffscreenVolumeRender
This transformation is applied on the volume render texture coordinate during the extraction.
dataTransform - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
If set to an appropriate SoLDMDataTransform object, the object's transformFunction method is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory.
dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoSFArray.Array3D
dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoSFArray2D.Array2D
dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataCompositor
Data type of the final composed buffer.
dataType - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVolumeWriter
Type of input data (that will be given in the writeXXX method) .
date1 - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDateFormatMapping
Defines the first date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
date2 - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoDateFormatMapping
Defines the second date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
DBCLK - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoButtonEvent.States
Button double click event.
DDS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoImage.FileTypes
The file type is DDS (DirectDraw Surface).
DDS - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.FileTypes
deactivate() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoSceneManager
Deactivates the scene manager.
DECADE_AS_TEN_POWER - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed as power of ten graduations.
DECADE_AS_TEN_POWER - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed as power of ten graduations.
DECADE_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
giving the multiple of the power of ten.
DECADE_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
giving the multiple of the power of ten.
DECADE_DECIMAL - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed in decimals.
DECADE_DECIMAL - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed in decimals.
DECADE_DIGIT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed using a digit from 2 to 9.
DECADE_DIGIT - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
Decade graduations are displayed using a digit from 2 to 9.
DECADE_LIST_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is automatically computed.
DECADE_LIST_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is automatically computed.
DECADE_LIST_NON_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is given by the user.
DECADE_LIST_NON_AUTO - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeListDefs
The list of decade graduations is given by the user.
DECADE_NONE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.DecadeReps
No decade graduations are displayed.
DECADE_NONE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.DecadeReps
No decade graduations are displayed.
decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Decade font name.
decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Decade font name.
decadeFontName - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Decade graduations font size.
decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Decade graduations font size.
decadeFontSize - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
List of graduations between two power of ten graduations (decade graduations).
decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Specifies if the list of decade graduations is given by the user or is automatically computed.
decadeList - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeListDef - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Specifies if the list of decade graduations is given by the user or is automatically computed.
decadeListDef - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
List of graduations between two power of ten graduations (decade graduations).
decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis
Defines the representation of the decade graduations between two power of ten graduations.
decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.GradAttributes
decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis
Defines the representation of the decade graduations between two power of ten graduations.
decadeRep - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarLogAxis.GradAttributes
DECAL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.Models
In this mode, OpenGL requires that the specified texture image have either 3 or 4 components.
DECIMATION - com.openinventor.ldm.converters.SoConverterParameters.SampleTypes
Decimation : Only one voxel out of two.
DECIMATION - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVRLdmFileBorderReader.BuildTileMethods
Apply a decimation on the the full resolution tile to build lower resolution tile.
DECODING_TIME - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Monitoring.MetricTypes
Decoding time: Reported each time a frame is sent to the client.
decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns the translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation components of the matrix.
decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Return translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation components of the matrix.
decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotation
Returns corresponding 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
decompose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbRotationd
Returns corresponding 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
decompose(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation.
decompose(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation, scale, and scale orientation.
Decomposition() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix.Decomposition
Decomposition() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd.Decomposition
decorateImage(Image, Image) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Returns an Image composed of a base image decorated by another image.
decorateImage(Image, Image, int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Returns an Image composed of a base image decorated by another image.
DECREASE_NONE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
No low resolution mode when moving.
DECREASE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
Downscale the screen resolution of the volume when moving by the factor defined in lowScreenResolutionScale.
DECREASE_SLICES - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes
Decrease the number of samples according to SoComplexity.value when moving.
decrementAndGet() - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTileID
Prefix, increment the tile id
decrementAndGet(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMTileID
Postfix , increment the tile id.
decrementIndent() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput
Calls decrementIndent((int)1).
decrementIndent(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput
def - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TickAttributes
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoRayPickAction.PickingModes
In the default mode, Inventor computes the intersection of the pick ray with geometry nodes (face, line, point, volume, mesh, etc).
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.draggers.SoDragger.TrackerDirectModes
Dragger will use its natural default direct behavior (which will be NONE, MOVE, ROTATE, or FREE depending on the dragger class).
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBaseExtrusion.ScaleModes
Default scaling.
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCircularExtrusion.SpineSimplificationModes
The spine simplification is done based only on geometric data.
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMaterialBinding.Bindings
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNormalBinding.Bindings
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinateBinding.Bindings
DEFAULT - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshCrossSection.CrossSectionMethods
Depending on the mesh type the cross section is computed either like an isosurface or by doing classic intersection.
DEFAULT_FORMAT_DATE - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty
DefaultProperty - com.openinventor.inventor.SoOutput.FileProperties
Regular ascii or binary output.
defaultValue - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Set the default value.
deferredLighting - Variable in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality
Enable screen space lighting (computed on the GPU).
DELAY - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AbortCodes
Delay rendering of this node until the second pass.
DELAY_TRANSP_BIT - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoShapeStyleElement.Flags
deleteReaders(int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.image.SoRasterReaderSet
Calls deleteReaders(start, (int)-1).
deleteReaders(int, int) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.image.SoRasterReaderSet
Removes num readers (including default ones) at start position.
deleteText(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFString
Convenience function to delete text from consecutive strings.
deleteValues(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMField
Calls deleteValues(start, (int)-1).
deleteValues(int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMField
Deletes num values beginning at index start (index start through start + num -1 will be deleted, and any leftover values will be moved down to fill in the gap created).
DELMBR - com.openinventor.inventor.projection.SbProj4Projection.PredefinedEllipsoids
DELTA - com.openinventor.inventor.gestures.events.SoGestureEvent.GestureStates
Delta state : Begin event has been generated, the gesture is updated.
density - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh2DVec
Vector field density filter.
density - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMesh3DVec
Vector field density filter.
DEPEND - com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoLabelHints.Justifications
Automatic choice of path depending on.
depth - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoCube
Size in the z dimension.
DEPTH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget.Attachments
DEPTH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTextureProperty.Components
The depth component is rendered to the texture.
DEPTH - com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.EdgeDetect2DMethods
Edge detection will use the image's depth buffer.
DEPTH_COMPONENT16 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
DEPTH_COMPONENT24 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
DEPTH_STENCIL - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoRenderToTarget.Attachments
DEPTH24_STENCIL8 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTexture.InternalFormats
DEPTHBUFFER - com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SiRenderArea.ClearPolicies
Clear only depth buffer beforing rendering.
description - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoWWWAnchor
A description of the URL which may make more sense to users than the URL itself (e.g., "The VSG Home Page").
deselect(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects a path by removing it from the selection list.
deselect(SoNode) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects the passed node by creating a path to it, and removing the node from the selection list by calling deselect(path) .
deselect(SoPath) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects the passed path by removing it from the selection list.
deselectAll() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection
Deselects all paths in the selection list, that is, clear the list.
det() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix3
Returns the determinant of the matrix.
det3() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of upper-left 3x3 submatrix.
det3() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of upper-left 3x3 submatrix.
det3(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of 3x3 submatrix composed of given row and column indices (0-3 for each).
det3(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of 3x3 submatrix composed of given row and column indices (0-3 for each).
det4() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrix
Returns determinant of entire matrix.
det4() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbMatrixd
Returns determinant of entire matrix.
detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoFieldSensor
The detach() method unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph.
detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoNodeSensor
Unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph.
detach() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoPathSensor
Unschedules this sensor (if it is scheduled) and makes it ignore changes to the scene graph.
DEUTSCH - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoTimeAxis.Languages
The date graduation are displayed in German.
DEVICE - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures
The application will be neither writing nor reading the data.
DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
DIAMOND_FILLED_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 5x5.
DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
DIAMOND_FILLED_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 7x7.
DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
DIAMOND_FILLED_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond filled 9x9.
DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
DIAMOND_LINE_5_5 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 5x5.
DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
DIAMOND_LINE_7_7 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 7x7.
DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoIndexedMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarker.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
DIAMOND_LINE_9_9 - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMarkerSet.MarkerTypes
Diamond line 9x9.
DICOM - com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.ReaderTypes
dicomAdjustDataRange(SoDataRange, SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Adjust data range based on values in the DICOM file, i.e.
dicomAdjustVolume(SoVolumeData, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Optimize volume data node for DICOM volumes.
dicomAdjustVolume(SoVolumeData, SoMatrixTransform) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Similar to dicomAdjustVolume( SoVolumeData, boolean ) above but returns an SoMatrixTransform that can be used to properly locate VolumeData in patient space in case of non axis aligned acquisition:
dicomCheckMonochrome1(SoTransferFunction, SoVolumeData, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Automatically adjusts the color map (transferFunction) if the specified volume is a DICOM data set (reader is SoVRDicomFileReader) and the Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) value is MONOCHROME1.
dicomGetImagePosition(SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the "Image Position (Patient)" attribute (0020,0032) from a DICOM volume.
dicomGetWindowCenterWidth(SoDataRange) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the window center (level) and width values from an SoDataRange node.
dicomGetWindowCenterWidth(SoVolumeData) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Get the window center (level) and width values from a DICOM volume.
DicomInfo - Class in com.openinventor.medical.nodes
(Preview Feature) Text node to display DICOM information on screen.
DicomInfo() - Constructor for class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.DicomInfo
dicomSetWindowCenterWidth(SoDataRange, SbVec2f) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Set an SoDataRange node from the window center (level) and width values.
diffuse - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoCallbackAction.Material
DIFFUSE_CASE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Cases
Diffuse case.
DIFFUSE_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoLazyElement.Masks
Diffuse mask.
DIFFUSE_MASK - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoMaterialElement.Masks
Diffuse mask.
diffuseColor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoMaterial
Diffuse color(s) of the surface.
diffuseMatch(long) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoColorPacker
dim - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.readers.SoVolumeReader.DataInfo
dimension - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVolumeWriter
Dimension of dataset, in voxels.
dimension - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshSlab
The dimension along which the slab will be computed.
Dimension - Enum in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh
Defines a dimension in a one, two, or three-dimensional array.
DIRECT - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.GetDataModes
Request data directly.
DIRECT_AND_PREFETCH - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMDataAccess.GetDataModes
Same as Direct, but also schedule the relevant tiles to be loaded for faster future access.
DIRECT_TRIANGLE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoArrow.PatternTypes
Direct triangle at the arrow extremity.
DIRECT_TRIANGLE - com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoArrow3.PatternTypes
Direct triangle (pointing away from the polyline) at the arrow extremity.
direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTransformVec3f
( SoMFVec3f ) Vector transformed by matrix, ignoring translation.
direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoDirectionalLight
Illumination direction vector.
direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSpotLight
Principal direction of illumination (center axis of cone).
direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshCylinderSlice
Specifies the cylinder's direction.
The default value is (1,0,0).
direction - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshStreamline
Sets the direction for the streamline integration.
The default value is FORWARD.
directionS - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinatePlane
directionT - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCoordinatePlane
Directions of projection for S and T coordinates.
DIRECTORIES_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoInput
directValues - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PbIsovaluesList.IsoList
directValues - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoIsovaluesList.IsoList
disable - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoOneShot
If true, the timer is disabled.
DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.FastEditSavePolicies
Fast editing is disabled.
DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBBox.Modes
The node doesn't do anything.
DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSelection.Policies
Disable selection (behave like a normal SoSeparator).
DISABLE - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSeparator.FastEditings
This SoSeparator node doesn't have Fast Edit behavior.
DISABLED - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLContext.SharedGroupPolicies
Disables context sharing (same behavior as v2.6 and older)
DISABLED - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoInteractiveComplexity.InteractiveModes
Behave like there isn't any SoInteractiveComplexity node.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFBool
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFBufferObject
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFColor
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFColorRGBA
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFDouble
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFEngine
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFEnum
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFFieldContainer
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFFloat
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInstanceParameter
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInt32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFInt64
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFMatrix
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFName
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFNode
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFPath
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFPlane
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFRotation
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFShort
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFString
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFTime
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUByte
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUInt32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUniformShaderParameter
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFUShort
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2d
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2f
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2s
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec2String
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3d
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3f
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec3s
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4b
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4f
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4i32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4s
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4ub
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4ui32
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableDeleteValues() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoMFVec4us
Temporary disable value deleting.
disableExtension(String) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLExtension
Disable a specific extension in software.
disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTexture3EnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
disableForShapeCache(SoState, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextureEnabledElement
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
disableFragmentProcessing - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoVertexAttribFeedback
Turn off the fragment rasterizer.
disconnect() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from whatever it was connected to.
disconnect() - Method in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Client
Disconnects the client.
disconnect(SoEngineOutput) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from the requested engineOutput.
disconnect(SoField) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.fields.SoField
Disconnect the field from the requested field.
DISCONNECTED - com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient.ServiceMessageEventArg.States
Disconnected from the service.
DISCRETE - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet.ValueInterpretations
Specifies an image containing discrete values that represent labels.
dispatch() - Method in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.Service
This method has to be used with the ServiceSettings.INVENTOR_SERVICE and ServiceSettings.INDEPENDENT_SERVICE mode in a loop.
display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
displayDicomInfo(String, short, short) - Method in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.DicomInfo
Add a line to the DICOM annotation.
displayEdges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh edges.
displayEdges - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh edges.
When set to true the edges of cells are displayed.
displayFaces - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh faces.
When set to true (default), the surface of mesh representations are filled.
displayMode - Variable in class com.openinventor.remoteviz.clients.nodes.SoRemoteVizClient
This setting allows you to specify how to map the renderArea image (server-side) into the container (client-side).
displayPoints - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh node points.
displayPoints - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
The display mode for mesh node points.
When set to true, the node points are displayed.
displaySolid - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.elements.MoDrawStyleElement.DrawStyle
Display mode for mesh faces.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.caches.SoBaseContextCache
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.caches.SoNodeDependencies
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoBufferObject
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoDeviceContext
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoDeviceContextSharedGroup
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.Inventor
As of Open Inventor 9.0, should call dispose method only on objects implementing SafeDisposable, see SafeDisposable for more details.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicensedProduct
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.lock.SoLicenseProperty
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.callbacks.NCallback
Explicitly call this method to dispose native resources of this object.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoBase
dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.SafeDisposable
Explicitly call this method to force object to dispose its unmanaged resources.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoSystemTimer
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.sensors.SoSystemTimerTask
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoInputReader
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SoOffscreenRenderArea
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.viewers.ViewerExaminer
dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.IRenderArea
Dispose area resources.
dispose() - Method in interface com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.IViewerExaminer
Dispose viewer resources.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.viewers.ViewerExaminer
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoRenderAreaCore
dispose() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose of cached objects and their underlying OS resources.
dispose() - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.tiles.SoBufferAsyncNotifierInterface
dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.awt.newt.renderareas.RenderArea
dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.glcanvas.renderareas.RenderArea
disposeColors() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose of all the cached Color's.
disposeCursors() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached cursors.
disposeFonts() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached Font's.
disposeImages() - Static method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.swt.tools.SWTResourceManager
Dispose all of the cached Image's.
distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.GradAttributes
distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoAxis.TitleAttributes
distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLinearAxis.MultFactor
distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoLogAxis.MultFactor
distAxis - Variable in class com.openinventor.meshviz.graph.PoPolarAxis.MultFactor
distribute(SoDistributeAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode
distribute(SoDistributeAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoActionNode
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbTime
Destructive division by scalar.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(double) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(int) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Component-wise scalar division operator.
divide(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Component-wise vector division operator.
divisor - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoInstanceParameter
This field modifies the rate at which values advance during multiple instance rendering.
DO_AUTO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AutoCacheModes
DO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.medical.nodes.Ruler
Override doAction function
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoCellFilter
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes.PoNode
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellFilter
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoCellRanges
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoColorMapping
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDataBinding
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoDrawStyle
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMaterial
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMesh
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshBaseRepresentation
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshPointProbe
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoMeshRepresentation
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoPredefinedColorMapping
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetI
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIj
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoScalarSetIjk
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoStringSet
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetI
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIj
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes.MoVec3SetIjk
doAction(SoAction) - Method in class com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes.SoVolumeData
doCCW - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.drawers.SoPolyLineScreenDrawer
Make the line counter-clockwise when it is finalized.
dolly(float) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Dolly - Makes the scene appear larger or smaller.
dollyInWindow(SbVec2f, SbVec2f, SbViewportRegion) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Moves the camera forward or backward along the view vector to view the region defined by the given corners in normalized screen coordinates.
dollyWithZoomCenter(SbVec2f, float, SbViewportRegion) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.SoCameraInteractor
Modifies the camera to ajust the view around the specified point.
dollyZoom(float, SoCameraInteractor) - Static method in class com.openinventor.medical.helpers.MedicalHelper
Make the scene appear larger or smaller.
doMultiResolution - Variable in class com.openinventor.ldm.writers.SoVRLdmFileWriter
Auto compute sub-resolution tiles when finish writing.
DONT_AUTO_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.actions.SoGLRenderAction.AutoCacheModes
DONT_CACHE - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes
DONT_CROSS_CONTOUR - com.openinventor.meshviz.data.PoMeshContouring.AnnotCrossStatusType
Annotations do not cross any contour lines.
DontCreateInstance - com.openinventor.inventor.Inventor.ConstructorCommand
dot(SbVec2d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec2f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec2i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec2s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec2s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec3d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec3f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec3i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec3s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec3s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4b) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4b
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4d) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4d
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4f) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4f
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4i32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4i32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4s) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4s
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4ub) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ub
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4ui32) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4ui32
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
dot(SbVec4us) - Method in class com.openinventor.inventor.SbVec4us
Returns dot (inner) product of vector and another vector.
DOT3_RGB - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCombiner.CombineFunctions
Output fragment R = G = B =
4*((source0r - 0.5) * (source1r -0.5) +
(source0g - 0.5) * (source1g -0.5) +
(source0b - 0.5) * (source1b -0.5) )
DOT3_RGBA - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextureCombiner.CombineFunctions
Output fragment R = G = B = A =
4*((source0r - 0.5) * (source1r -0.5) +
(source0g - 0.5) * (source1g -0.5) +
(source0b - 0.5) * (source1b -0.5) )
DOUBLE - com.openinventor.inventor.SbDataType.DataTypes
DOUBLE - com.openinventor.ldm.nodes.SoDataSet.DataTypes
DOUBLE - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SiDicomValue.ValueTypes
DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoTextStyleElement.Styles
DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.Styles
DOUBLE_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoTextProperty.StyleColorType
doUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.openinventor.ldm.converters.SoConverterParameters
Only applies to input files in LDM format.
DOWN - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoButtonEvent.States
Button down event.
DOWN - com.openinventor.inventor.touch.events.SoTouchEvent.States
Down state : The finger is on the screen.
DOWN_ARROW - com.openinventor.inventor.events.SoKeyboardEvent.Keys
draggerPosition - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.manips.SoClipPlaneManip
Dragger position.
DRAW_SLICES_TEX - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Use texturing for SoOrthoSlice, SoObliqueSlice, and SoVolumeGeometry primitives.
DRAW_TILE_OUTLINE - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Draw tile outlines for all primitives.
DRAW_TILES - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Draw the tiles of SoVolumeRender or SoVolumeSkin primitives.
DRAW_TOPOLOGY - com.openinventor.ldm.SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters.VisualFeedbackParams
Show tiles loaded in main memory.
drawStyle - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNurbsProperty
Indicates which part of the NURBS surface to render.
dropOffRate - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoSpotLight
Rate of intensity drop-off per change in angle from primary direction: 0 = constant intensity, 1 = very sharp drop-off.
DS - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Decimal String.
DST_ALPHA - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendFactors
DST_COLOR - com.openinventor.inventor.elements.SoBlendElement.BlendFactors
DT - com.openinventor.volumeviz.readers.dicom.SoDicomTag.VRs
Date Time String.
DUPLICATE_TEST - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty.Tests
Remove duplicate faces.
duration - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoOneShot
Duration of the active cycle.
duty - Variable in class com.openinventor.inventor.engines.SoTimeCounter
Duty cycle values.
DWGREADER - com.openinventor.remoteviz.rendering.ServiceSettings.Extensions
DYNAMIC - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessFrequencies
The application will set the data multiple times.
DYNAMIC - com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBufferedShape.Usages
The shape is dynamic, this will prevent some optimizations but it is recommended when the buffers are modified on a regular basis.
DYNAMIC_COPY - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
DYNAMIC_DRAW - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
DYNAMIC_READ - com.openinventor.inventor.devices.SoGLBufferObject.Usages
The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
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