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SoTextureCoordinate3Element Class

Stores the current 3D texture coordinates.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Elements
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoTextureCoordinate3Element : SoReplacedTextureElement

The SoTextureCoordinate3Element type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet(SbVec3f, SbVec3f)
Calls Get(point, normal, System.Int32(0)).
Public methodGet(SbVec3f, SbVec3f, Int32)

Given point and normal, returns texture coordinate.

Public methodGet3(Int32)
Calls Get3(index, System.Int32(0)).
Public methodGet3(Int32, Int32)

Returns the indexed coordinate from an element as a 3- or 4-vector, converting if necessary.

Public methodGet4(Int32)
Calls Get4(index, System.Int32(0)).
Public methodGet4(Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberGetClassStackIndex Obsolete.

Returns the stack id for this element.

Public methodGetCoordType
Calls GetCoordType(System.Int32(0)).
Public methodGetCoordType(Int32)

Public methodStatic memberGetCoordType(SoState)
Calls GetCoordType(state, System.Int32(0)).
Public methodStatic memberGetCoordType(SoState, Int32)

Returns code indicating what has been set in state/element.

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance

Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.

Public methodGetNum
Calls GetNum(System.Int32(0)).
Public methodGetNum(Int32)

Returns the number of coordinate points in an instance.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetType(SoState) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberGetType(SoState, Int32) Obsolete.
Public methodIs3D
Calls Is3D(System.Int32(0)).
Public methodIs3D(Int32)
Public methodIsForceSending
Calls IsForceSending(System.Int32(0)).
Public methodIsForceSending(Int32)
Public methodPop

Pops element.

(Inherited from SoElement.)
Public methodPush

Overrides OIV.Inventor.Elements.SoTextureCoordinate3Element.Push(OIV.Inventor.Misc.SoState) method to copy values from next instance in the stack.

(Overrides SoReplacedTextureElementPush(SoState).)
Public methodStatic memberSet3(SoState, SoNode, SbVec3f)
Calls Set3(state, node, coords, false).
Public methodStatic memberSet3(SoState, SoNode, SbVec3f, Boolean)

Public methodStatic memberSet4(SoState, SoNode, SbVec4f)
Calls Set4(state, node, coords, false).
Public methodStatic memberSet4(SoState, SoNode, SbVec4f, Boolean)

Public methodStatic memberSetDefault

Sets the current texture coordinates, in any of several ways: EXPLICIT, no coordinates (shapes will generate):

Public methodStatic memberSetFunction(SoState, SoNode, SoTextureCoordinate3ElementFunctionCB)
Calls SetFunction(state, node, func, false).
Public methodStatic memberSetFunction(SoState, SoNode, SoTextureCoordinate3ElementFunctionCB, Boolean)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

This element stores the current 3D texture coordinates.

See Also