OIV.Inventor.Elements Namespace |
The element classes are used internally for storing information in Open Inventor's traversal state list.
Class | Description | |
SoAccumulatedElement | Abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set. | |
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement | Stores the current character orientation flag of an OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoAnnoText3Property node. | |
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement | Stores the current font size hint of an OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoAnnoText3Property node. | |
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement | Stores the current render print type of an OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoAnnoText3Property node. | |
SoBBoxCacheElement | ||
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement | Stores the current model matrix for use with the OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoGetBoundingBoxAction. | |
SoBBoxTypeElement | Stores the current BBox type. | |
SoBevelPropertyElement | Stores various beveling attributes. | |
SoBlendElement | Stores the current blending mode and parameters. | |
SoCacheElement | Stores the most recently opened cache. | |
SoClipPlaneElement | Stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes. | |
SoColorMapElement | Stores the current color map. | |
SoComplexityElement | Stores the current shape complexity. | |
SoComplexityTypeElement | Stores the current complexity type. | |
SoCoordinateElement | Stores the current coordinates. | |
SoCreaseAngleElement | Stores the current crease angle. | |
SoDecimationPercentageElement | Stores the current shape decimation percentage. | |
SoDecimationTypeElement | Stores the current decimation type. | |
SoDepthBufferElement | Stores the current depth buffer parameters. | |
SoDepthOffsetElement | Manage OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoDepthOffset nodes accumulation in state. | |
SoDrawBufferElement | Stores the current draw buffer parameters. | |
SoDrawStyleElement | Stores the current draw style. | |
SoEdgeFlagElement | Stores the edge flag values. | |
SoElement | Abstract base class for all state elements. | |
SoEnvironmentElement | Stores the current environment. | |
SoFloatElement | Element's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value. | |
SoFocalDistanceElement | Stores the current focal distance of the camera. | |
SoFontNameElement | Stores the current font name. | |
SoFontRenderStyleElement | Stores the current font render style. | |
SoFontSizeElement | Stores the current font size. | |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement | Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state. | |
SoGeoOriginElement | Stores the current geoOrigin. | |
SoGeoRenderElement | Stores the current render projection. | |
SoGLLazyElement | Manages the GL state for the OIV.Inventor.Elements.SoLazyElement. | |
SoInt32Element | Stores a single int32_t, int, or enum value. | |
SoInt32ListElement | Stores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values. | |
SoInteractionElement | Stores the current interaction state. | |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement | Stores the current interactive complexity. | |
SoInteractiveSwitchElement | Stores the current interactive switch index. | |
SoLazyElement | Obsolete. Manages several properties that need to be lazily tracked for OpenGL. | |
SoLightAttenuationElement | Stores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment. | |
SoLightElement | Stores information on lights. | |
SoLightModelElement | Stores the current lighting model. | |
SoLinePatternElement | Stores the current line stipple pattern. | |
SoLineWidthElement | Stores the current line width. | |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement | Stores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoGetBoundingBoxAction. | |
SoLogicalViewportElement | Stores the logical viewport region. | |
SoLogicOperationElement | Stores the current logical pixel operation for rendering. | |
SoMaterialBindingElement | Stores the current material binding. | |
SoMaterialElement | Store in the state the material properties set by some property nodes. | |
SoModelMatrixElement | Stores the current model matrix. | |
SoModelScaleElement | Stores the current model scale. | |
SoModifyLogicalViewportElement | Stores a logical viewport region subset. | |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement | Stores a view volume subset. | |
SoMultipleInstanceElement | Stores current MultiInstance info. | |
SoMultiSwitchElement | Stores the current multi-switch indices. | |
SoNeighborToleranceElement | Stores the current neighbor tolerance factor. | |
SoNodeIdList | ||
SoNormalBindingElement | Stores current normal binding. | |
SoNormalElement | Allows read-only access to the top element in the state. | |
SoNurbsPropertyElement | Stores current NURBS properties. | |
SoOverrideElement | Stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden. | |
SoPatternElement | Stores current pattern value. | |
SoPickMethodElement | Stores the current pick method. | |
SoPickRayElement | Stores the current ray to use for picking. | |
SoPickStyleElement | Stores the current pick style. | |
SoPointSizeElement | Stores the current point size. | |
SoPolygonOffsetElement | Stores current polygon offset state. | |
SoProfileCoordinateElement | Stores the current profile coordinates. | |
SoProfileElement | Stores 2D profiles for NURBS and 3D text. | |
SoProjectionElement | Store current projection node. | |
SoProjectionMatrixElement | Stores the current projection matrix. | |
SoReplacedElement | Abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set. | |
SoReplacedTextureElement | Abstract base class for each texture state element. | |
SoShaderProgramElement | Stores the current shader program. | |
SoShapeHintsElement | Stores the current shape hints. | |
SoShapeStyleElement | Stores some information used by shapes. | |
SoStereoElement | Stores the current stereo attributes. | |
SoSwitchElement | Stores the current switch index. | |
SoTangentBindingElement | Stores current tangent binding. | |
SoTangentElement | Allows read-only access to the top element in the state. | |
SoTextAliasingFactorElement | Stores the current textured text anti-aliasing factor. | |
SoTextAlignmentHElement | Stores the current horizontal text alignment. | |
SoTextAlignmentVElement | Stores the current vertical text alignment. | |
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement | Stores the current text backFrame line width. | |
SoTextKerningElement | Stores the current kerning value. | |
SoTextMarginElement | Stores the current text margin. | |
SoTextOrientationElement | Stores the current text orientation attributes. | |
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement | Stores the current 3D text outline flag. | |
SoTextStyleColorsElement | Stores the current textured text quality range. | |
SoTextStyleElement | Stores the current text effect settings. | |
SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement | Stores the current textured text quality range. | |
SoTexture3EnabledElement | Enables/disables 3D textures. | |
SoTextureCombinerElement | Stores the current texture combiner parameters. | |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element | Stores the current 3D texture coordinates. | |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement | Stores the current 3D texture coordinates. | |
SoTextureCoordinateElement | Stores the current texture coordinates. | |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement | Enables/disables textureCubeMap. | |
SoTextureEnabledElement | Enables/disables textures. | |
SoTextureImage3Element | Stores the current 3D texture image. | |
SoTextureImageElement | Stores the current texture image. | |
SoTextureImageElementBase | Stores the current texture image. | |
SoTextureMatrixElement | Stores the current texture matrix. | |
SoTextureNameElement | Stores the current texture name. | |
SoTextureOverrideElement | Stores the current texture override. | |
SoTextureQualityElement | Stores the current texture quality. | |
SoTextureSendingEnabledElement | Stores the information that indicates if texture calls must be sent. | |
SoTextureTransformElement | Stores the current texture transform. | |
SoTextureUnitElement | Stores the current texture unit identifier. | |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement | Stores the current uniform shader parameter. | |
SoUnitsElement | Stores the current units type. | |
SoUpdateAreaElement | Stores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering. | |
SoVertexFlagElement | Stores the current vertex flag. | |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement | Stores OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoVertexShaderParameter nodes encountered during traversal. | |
SoViewingMatrixElement | Stores the current viewing matrix. | |
SoViewportRegionElement | Stores the current viewport region. | |
SoViewVolumeElement | Stores the current view volume. | |
SoWindowElement | Stores the current window attributes. |
Structure | Description | |
SoBlendElementBlendElementParameters | OIV.Inventor.Elements.SoBlendElement.BlendElementParameters packages all the different blending parameters. | |
SoEnvironmentElementEnvironmentParameters | OIV.Inventor.Elements.SoEnvironmentElement.EnvironmentParameters packages all the different environment parameters. |
Delegate | Description | |
SoTextureCoordinate3ElementFunctionCB | Function that TextureCoordinateFunction nodes register to compute texture coordinates. | |
SoTextureCoordinateElementFunctionCB | Function that TextureCoordinateFunction nodes register to compute texture coordinates. |
Enumeration | Description | |
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElementFontSizeHints | Font size hint. | |
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElementRenderPrintTypes | Render print type. | |
SoBBoxCacheElementCacheModes | ||
SoBBoxTypeElementTypes | Available BBox types: | |
SoBlendElementBlendEquations | Blend Equation as defined by OpenGL's glBlendEquation. | |
SoBlendElementBlendFactors | BlendFactor as defined by OpenGL's glBlendFunc. | |
SoComplexityTypeElementTypes | These are the available complexity types: | |
SoDecimationTypeElementTypes | These are the available decimation types. | |
SoDepthBufferElementDepthWriteFunctions | Depth function mode as defined by OpenGL. | |
SoDrawBufferElementSoDrawBufferTypes | Depth function mode as defined by OpenGL. | |
SoDrawStyleElementStyles | These are the available draw styles. | |
SoEnvironmentElementFogTypes | Fog type. | |
SoFontRenderStyleElementRenderStyles | These are the available render styles. | |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElementFilters | Filter. | |
SoLazyElementcases | Following masks and cases define the components of the lazy element. | |
SoLazyElementmasks | Masks. | |
SoLightModelElementModels | These are the available lighting models. | |
SoLogicOperationElementLogicOperations | Logic Operation as defined by OpenGL's logicOp enum. | |
SoMaterialBindingElementBindings | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files. | |
SoMaterialElementmasks | Masks. | |
SoNormalBindingElementBindings | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files: | |
SoNurbsPropertyElementDrawStyles | Draw style. | |
SoPickMethodElementMethods | These are the available pick methods. | |
SoPickStyleElementStyles | These are the available pick styles. | |
SoPolygonOffsetElementStyles | PolygonOffset style. | |
SoProfileElementProfileType | Profile. | |
SoShapeHintsElementFaceTypes | Hints about faces of shape. | |
SoShapeHintsElementShapeTypes | Hints about entire shape. | |
SoShapeHintsElementVertexOrderings | Hints about ordering of face vertices. | |
SoShapeHintsElementWindingTypes | Hints about winding type. | |
SoShapeStyleElementflags | flags | |
SoTangentBindingElementBindings | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files: | |
SoTextAlignmentHElementAlignmentHs | AlignmentH. | |
SoTextAlignmentVElementAlignmentVs | AlignmentV. | |
SoTextOrientationElementOrientations | Orientation. | |
SoTextStyleElementStyles | Available styles (may be combined): | |
SoTextureCoordinate3ElementCoordTypes | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files. | |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElementBindings | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files. | |
SoTextureCoordinateElementCoordTypes | The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files. | |
SoTextureImageElementBaseTargets | Target. | |
SoUnitsElementUnits | These are the available types of units. |
They are of potential interest only to programmers who are extending Open Inventor. For further information on this topic, see "The Inventor Toolmaker".