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SoVolumeData Properties

The SoVolumeData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyallocateResourceOnRender

Indicates if resource allocation is done only on first render traversal or as soon as the node is created.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertydata

Specifies the volume data, including dimensions, data type and number of significant bits.

Public propertydataRGBA

Contains true if the volume contains RGBA values rather than scalar values.

Public propertydataSetId

When using multiple OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet nodes, the OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet.dataSetId field uniquely identifies each data set used in the compositing.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertydataTransform

If set to an appropriate OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoLDMDataTransform object, the object's transformFunction method is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyextent

The real size (extent) of the volume in modeling coordinates.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyfileName

Indicates the file location containing the data set.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyLDMDataTransformCallback Obsolete.

If set, the user-defined function is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyldmResourceParameters

Contains an OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters object which allows you to set LDM resource parameters.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyReader

Returns the current data set reader object.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertytexturePrecision

For scalar (non-RGBA) data, specifies the size of voxel values on the GPU in bits.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyundefinedValue

Data with this value won't be rendered.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyuseCompressedTexture

Controls use of OpenGL lossy texture compression for RGBA data (if available).

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
Public propertyuseExtendedData

If true, VolumeViz stores an additional copy of each loaded tile.

Public propertyusePalettedTexture

For a volume containing scalar data values, controls whether scalar values (true) or RGBA values (false) are loaded on the GPU (the name is historical).

Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyuseSharedPalettedTexture

Note: On graphics boards that support programmable shaders, this field is ignored (virtually all graphics boards support programmable shaders).

Public propertyvalueInterpretation

Specifies if this dataset corresponds or does not correspond to a segmented image.

(Inherited from SoDataSet.)
See Also