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RenderArea Class

Defines the rendering area for Open Inventor rendering.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering
Assembly: OIV.RemoteViz (in OIV.RemoteViz.dll) Version: 2024.1.3.0 (2024.1.3)
public sealed class RenderArea : SoNetBase

The RenderArea type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddListener

Adds a OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderAreaListener to manage the renderArea.

Public methodCloseConnectionsAndDispose

Closes all connections of the renderArea and disposes it.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetConnection(String)

Gets an existing OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Connection to the renderArea.

Public methodGetConnection(UInt32)

Gets an existing OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Connection to the renderArea.

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveAllListeners

Removes all RenderAreaListeners.

Public methodRemoveListener
Public methodResize

Resizes the renderArea at a specific size.

Public methodSendMessage(IListByte)
Calls SendMessage(buffer, {}).
Public methodSendMessage(String)
Calls SendMessage(message, {}).
Public methodSendMessage(IListByte, IListConnection)

Sends a binary message to the renderArea connections.

Public methodSendMessage(String, IListConnection)

Sends a text message to the renderArea connections.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyFrameMessage

Sets the message which will be associate with the next rendered frames.

Public propertyGLContext

Gets the OpenGL context associated with the renderArea.

Public propertyGpu

Gets the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) used to render images.

Public propertyHeight

Gets the renderArea height.

Public propertyId

Gets the renderArea id.

Public propertyIsDisposed

Gets the state of the OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea: alive or disposed.

Public propertyNumConnections

Gets the number of connections (see OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Connection) that exist for this renderArea.

Public propertyNumListeners
Public propertySceneManager

Gets the Open Inventor scene manager associated with the renderArea.

Public propertyTouchManager

Gets the Open Inventor touch manager associated with the renderArea.

Public propertyWidth

Gets the renderArea width.


Implement the class OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderAreaListener to receive OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea events.

When using OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ServiceSettings.RunModes.INVENTOR_SERVICE or OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ServiceSettings.RunModes.INVENTOR_APPLICATION service mode, this class provides access to the scene manager and the touch manager to modify the rendering.

A OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea object may be created automatically by RemoteViz or created explicitly by the application. When a client requests a connection (see RemoteVizRenderArea.connectTo()), it specifies a render area id. If a render area with that id does not exist, RemoteViz will create one and OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ServiceListener.OnPendingCreateRenderArea(System.String, System.UInt32@, System.UInt32@, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderAreaHardware, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Client, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ConnectionParameters) will be called. If a render area with the requested id exists, RemoteViz will use that one and OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ServiceListener.OnPendingShareRenderArea(OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Client, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.ConnectionParameters) will be called. An application might want to explicitly create a render area, for example, to preload a default scene graph.

A OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea may have zero, one or multiple connections.

A OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea allows the application to send text or binary messages to the associated client. A JavaScript client will receive the message using a listener (see RemoteVizRenderArea.addServiceListener). Messages from a client are received using one of the OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderAreaListener.OnReceivedMessage(OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea, OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Connection, System.String) methods.

See Also