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SoCameraInteractorViewAxis Method

Moves and rotates the camera to be aligned with the given direction vector while keeping the up direction of the camera parallel to the specified up vector.

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public void ViewAxis(
	SbVec3f direction,
	SbVec3f up


Type: OIV.InventorSbVec3f

The new view direction vector: this is the vector from the camera's position to the target point. Any future call to the method OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.SoCameraInteractor.GetDirectionVector() will return the same vector.

Type: OIV.InventorSbVec3f

The new up direction vector


The camera position and orientation are changed to look at the point of interest, but the focalDistance is not changed.

See Also