Open Inventor 2023.2.3
- Core
- Doc
- Examples
- Licensing
- Medical
- Multithreading
- OpenGL
- Shader
- Shadow
- Text2
- Transparency
- Viewer
- VolumeViz
#OIV-4957 Text3 TEXTURE missing letter
#OIV-4929 Incorrect rendering when there's a depth offset – CAS-45078
#OIV-5004 Perf regression with MultiInstance of AlgebraicSphere
#OIV-5046 Using a binded texture in a SoGLCallback with SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality
#OIV-5048 LightModel::model incorrect default value in the reference manual
#OIV-5055 Misplaced elements when importing DXF file
#OIV-4457 Erroneous info in the file format section of the SoShaderParameterBufferObject Class of reference manual – CAS-42766
#OIV-4641 Erroneous description of OIV_NUM_SORTED_LAYERS_PASSES and SoGLRenderAction::setSortedLayersNumPasses in the reference manual
#OIV-4796 Sb___ method descriptions are missing in .NET Reference Manual
#OIV-4909 Missing description of SoErrorCB in the reference manual
#OIV-4984 Several methods erroneously displayed in the deprecated section of SoWin, SoXt and SoQt reference manual.
#OIV-4985 SoWinTimerManager and SoWinEventHandler must not be visible in the SoWin C++ reference manual
#OIV-5042 The RemoteViz getting started guide inside the refman is drastically truncated
#OIV-4936 LDMAsyncCache example does not display the volume correctly. – CAS-45358
#OIV-4983 The demo simpleVolumeMaskEditing doesn't display the volume data 3DHead
#OIV-4866 SoLicensesInfo::getLicensingVersionNumber() return value does not match documentation – CAS-44925
#OIV-5007 Shader converter must handle 'gl_FrontLightModelProduct'
#OIV-5034 Custom shader and Sorted Pixel issue
#OIV-4925 AlphaPolicy:POLICY_OPAQUE discards not fully transparent pixels
#OIV-4948 The SoQT viewer event cb function is called several times on every mouse wheel action – CAS-45102
#OIV-4922 Use of multiple SceneViews introduce artifacts in volume rendered with clipping group – CAS-45071-G4J5
#OIV-5019 Crash when replacing a VolumeShape used in multiple viewers
#OIV-4672 Changing the tile size with an active SoROI leads to memcpy error messages and very slow res
Open Inventor 2023.2.2
- Font
- Readers
- Viewer
Open Inventor 2023.2.1
- MeshViz
- Cache
- Core
- OpenGL
- Selection
- Viewer
- VolumeViz Readers
#OIV-4881 Start and finish callback not called on triangle when doing a selection on a extrusion
#OIV-4798 Qt Viewers - SoEvent::wasButton1Down() incorrectly returns FALSE
#OIV-4814 Crash in SoWinExaminerViewer::processEvent handling keyboard input – CAS-44673