Open Inventor 2024.1.3
- Core
- Doc
- Package
- Readers
- Viewer
- VolumeViz
#OIV-5383 Triangle shapes specified by an SoBufferedShape are not correctly rendered after the field vertexOrdering or the field creaseAngle from SoShapeHint is changed.
#OIV-5191 The API documentation of the methods SoVolumeDetail::getFirstNonTransparentValue is not clear.
#OIV-5214 An important limitation regarding the SoWriteAction on the classes MoMesh and MoMeshBaseRepresentation is missing – CAS-67611
#OIV-5309 The DXF reader does not take into account correctly the "New VP freeze" layer's property. – CAS-67715
#OIV-5336 The class SoVolumeRender crashes depending on the following constraint on the tile size: the Z tile size specified in the custom SoLDMReader linked to the used SoVolumeData, is lower than the Z value of SoLDMResourceParameters::tileDimension
#OIV-5346 When the volume reader is updated or when a new filename is specified in the SoVolumeData, the following rendering of an SoOrthoSlice (that uses this reader or this SoVolumeData) displays only low resolution tiles.
#OIV-5403 Voxels with an alpha value of 0 are transparent when rendering any slice using the SoSlice::ALPHA_OPAQUE mode. They should be opaque in this mode. This bug affects only RGBA volume data (where SoVolumeData::DataRGBA is true) and only applies to slice rendering (including any class inherited from SoSlice such as SoOrthoSlice)
Open Inventor 2024.1.2
- Core
- Doc
- OpenGL
- Readers
- RemoteViz
- Shadow
- Viewer
- VolumeViz
#OIV-5283 The mode CLEAR_ZBUFFER specified by SoSeparator::fastEditing does not clear the depth buffer – CAS-67815-W7S1
#OIV-5291 Dragger rendering is not updated during interaction.
#OIV-5310 SoOverlayGroup triggers infinite redraws with multiple viewers
#OIV-5256 An unused and nonfunctional class SoMFImage class appears in the C++ doc. The file SoMFImage.h is kept for compatibility but empty. – CAS-67755
#OIV-5205 When using a PoBaseView and when reducing the window's width, the rendering is vertically cropped according to the window's width. – CAS-67558
#OIV-5142 Clipping issue when using SoVolumeGroup and SoVolumeClippingGroup nodes in an opaque scene.
#OIV-5252 The SoVolumeGroup does not work with an SoMultiDataSeparator and a custom shader
#OIV-5265 The editing of an SoVolumeData is not possible in Java because the method saveEditing() is not available in the Java API
#OIV-5307 The rendering of a float dataset containing undefined values is incorrect: the undefined zones are visible dispite they should not.
Open Inventor 2024.1.1
- .NET
- Core
- Doc
- RemoteViz
- Text3
- Transparency
- Viewer
- VolumeViz
#OIV-5123 The time to first render a scene graph that contains a large number of SoTransformSeparator was very long. It is now reduced, for instance the time to first render a scene of 40000 SoText2 under 40000 SoTransformSeparator is divided by 25. – CAS-45100
#OIV-5144 The FPS was sometimes very low with Visual Studio in debug mode. Significant improvements are now possible with Visual Studio 2022.
#OIV-5147 Some shapes may be invisible when a specific number of shapes is added to the scene graph. – CAS-67447
#OIV-5182 Lazy CPU memory deallocation when parts of the scene graph become unused. Even if the memory is deallocated late, that looks similar to a memory leak on very large scene graphs. Now the memory is deallocated immediately
#OIV-5195 When rendering using RemoteViz, long messages sent by the client are not received by the server.
#OIV-5003 Incorrect display when rendering a scene graph containing semi-transparent Open Inventor shapes mixed with OpenGL custom nodes. – CAS-45218
#OIV-5199 The rendering of RGBA SoVolumeData objets are different from legacy Open Inventor 9.