Class SoSeparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    SceneInteractor, SoAnnotation, SoBillboard, SoLocateHighlight, SoMultiDataSeparator, SoRenderToTarget, SoSelection, SoVertexAttribFeedback, SoVolumeGroup

    public class SoSeparator
    extends SoGroup
    Group node that saves and restores traversal state. This group node performs a push (save) of the traversal state before traversing its children and a pop (restore) after traversing them. This isolates the separator's children from the rest of the scene graph. A separator can include lights, cameras, coordinates, normals, bindings, and all other properties. Separators are relatively inexpensive (the push/pop operation is highly optimized), so they can be used freely within scenes.


    The SoSeparator node provides caching of state during bounding box computation. This feature can be explicitly enabled or disabled by setting the boundingBoxCaching field. By default, this field is set to AUTO, which means that Open Inventor decides whether to build a cache based on internal heuristics.


    Separators can also perform culling during rendering and picking. Culling skips over traversal of the separator's children if they are not going to be rendered or picked, based on the comparison of the separator's bounding box with the current view volume. Culling is controlled by the renderCulling and pickCulling fields. These are also set to AUTO by default; however, render culling can be expensive (and can interfere with render caching), so the AUTO heuristics leave it disabled unless specified otherwise. Note that if renderCulling is ON, the SoSeparator will prohibit auto-caching, so that no SoSeparator (or other render caching node) above this node in the scene graph will automatically create a render cache.

    Fast edit:

    The fast editing feature allows you to modify parts of a scene without redrawing the entire scene. For example, you could use it to interactively move a small object in a large scene that takes a long time to redraw. Fast editing must be enabled using SoGLRenderAction.setFastEditSavePolicy.

    The fastEditing field enables fast editing for the sub-graph under the SoSeparator. Possible values are DISABLE, KEEP_ZBUFFER, and CLEAR_ZBUFFER. Using KEEP_ZBUFFER means that the fast edit geometry is depth buffered against the other objects in the scene, and using CLEAR_ZBUFFER means that the fast edit geometry will be drawn on top of the other objects of the scene. If several SoSeparators have the CLEAR_ZBUFFER flag set, they are drawn in the order in which they appear in the scene. The last separator in the scene will be topmost on the screen.

    Fast edit performance:

    • This feature is most efficient when the parts of a scene graph to be fast edited contain a relatively small number of triangles.
    • The topmost SoSeparator of your scene graph should not enable the fast editing feature. Otherwise, performance will be very poor.
    • Currently, the entire viewport is saved and restored during fast editing. Therefore, fast editing performance is linked to the size of the viewport: the larger the viewport, the longer it will take to save and restore it.

    Fast edit limitations:

    • Hardware: Fast editing performance depends on your graphics hardware and driver. To use the fast editing feature, the ARB_bufferRegion OpenGL extension is required.
    • Clip planes: When a fast edit object is moved outside the clip planes limit, fast editing is temporarily disabled and the entire scene is redrawn.
    • All fast editing sub-graphs are rendered even if only one fast editing sub-graph has changed.
    • Transparency: If the scene contains partially transparent objects, there is a possibility of visual artifacts regardless of what transparency algorithm is used. The fast edit shapes are necessarily rendered on top of the rest of the scene, which may not be the order required for correct transparency.
    • Stereo rendering: Fast edit is not compatible with stereo rendering. Fast edit is disabled when switching to stereo rendering.

    File format/default:

    Separator {

      boundingBoxCaching AUTO
      renderCulling AUTO
      pickCulling AUTO
      fastEditing DISABLE
      renderUnitID -1

    Action behavior:

    SoGLRenderAction, SoCallbackAction, SoGetBoundingBoxAction, SoGetMatrixAction, SoHandleEventAction, SoRayPickAction, SoSearchAction
    Saves the current traversal state, traverses all children, and restores the previous traversal state. Sets: SoCacheElement

    See Also:
    SoSelection, SoTransformSeparator
    • Field Detail

      • renderCaching

        public final SoSFEnum<SoSeparator.Cachings> renderCaching
        As of Open Inventor This field is ignored. Render caching is set internally to ensure best performance.
        Whether to cache during rendering traversal. . Default is AUTO.

        Warning Deprecated since Open Inventor 10300. This field is ignored. Render caching is set internally to ensure best performance.

      • boundingBoxCaching

        public final SoSFEnum<SoSeparator.Cachings> boundingBoxCaching
        Whether to cache during bounding box traversal. . Default is AUTO.
      • renderUnitId

        public final SoSFInt32 renderUnitId
        Used during the ScaleViz depth compositing process, this field specifies which render unit (OIRU) will render the sub scene graph below this separator.
        • 0, the sub scene graph is rendered on the local machine.
        • > 0, the sub scene graph is rendered by the OIRU with the specified ID. If the specified renderUnitId is larger than the number of available render units, the sub scene graph is distributed to the specified render unit ID modulo the number of render units actually available. That is:

          RenderUnitUsed = ((renderUnitId-1)%(ActualNumberOfRenderUnits))+1
        • -1 (SO_RENDERUNITID_NONE), this separator is not assigned to any OIRU.

          NOTE: This is the default value, which means that by default the sub scene graph is *not* distributed to any node. In order to use depth compositing, you must modify renderUnitId from the default, otherwise nothing will be rendered.
        • -2 (SO_RENDERUNITID_INHERIT), this separator inherits its value from parent SoSeparator.
        • -3 (SO_RENDERUNITID_ALL), the sub scene graph is rendered by all OIRUs.

        Open Inventor 6.1

  • Constructor Detail

    • SoSeparator

      public SoSeparator()
      Creates a separator node with default settings.
    • SoSeparator

      public SoSeparator​(int nChildren)
      Constructor that takes approximate number of children.