SoAlgebraicCone |
Algebraic cone shape node.
SoAlgebraicCylinder |
Algebraic cylinder shape node.
SoAlgebraicShape |
Abstract base class for algebraic shapes.
SoAlgebraicSphere |
Algebraic sphere shape node.
SoAlphaPolicy |
Alpha (transparency) policy node.
SoAnnotation |
Annotation group node.
SoAnnoText3 |
Annotation text node.
SoAnnoText3Property |
Annotation text property node.
SoAntiSquish |
Transformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales.
SoArray |
Group node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children.
SoAsciiText |
Simple 3D text shape node.
SoBackground |
Abstract base class for background nodes.
SoBaseColor |
Node that defines an object's base color.
SoBaseExtrusion |
Abstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes.
SoBBox |
Bounding box node.
SoBevelProperty |
Node to define beveling properties.
SoBillboard |
Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer.
SoBlinker |
Animated cycling switch node.
SoBufferedShape |
SoCallback |
Provides custom behavior during actions.
SoCamera |
Abstract base class for camera nodes.
SoCircularExtrusion |
Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine.
SoClipPlane |
Clipping plane node.
SoColorIndex |
Surface color index node.
SoColorMap |
Class for indexed texture color map.
SoColorMask |
Enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components.
SoComplexity |
Shape complexity node.
SoComputeShader |
Node that defines a compute shader.
SoComputeShaderScheduler |
Compute shader scheduler node.
SoCone |
Cone shape node.
SoCoordinate3 |
Coordinate point node.
SoCoordinate4 |
Rational coordinate point node.
SoCSGShape |
Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs.
SoCube |
Cube shape node.
SoCylinder |
Cylinder shape node.
SoDepthBuffer |
Depth buffer parameters node.
SoDepthOffset |
Property node that applies a depth offset.
SoDirectionalLight |
Node representing a directional light source.
SoDrawStyle |
Node that defines the style to use when rendering.
SoEdgeFlag |
Class to mark/unmark edges for beveling.
SoEnvironment |
Global environment node.
SoEventCallback |
Node which invokes callbacks for events.
SoExtrusion |
Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine.
SoExtSelection |
Selection node that supports lasso selection.
SoExtSelection.PreFilterEventArg |
Structure given to callback when an event is raised.
SoExtTexture2 |
Extended texture mapping node.
SoExtTexture2.ImageSize |
SoFaceSet |
Polygonal face shape node.
SoFile |
Node that reads children from a named file.
SoFont |
Node that defines font name, size, and type for text.
SoFontStyle |
Defines font family and style for text.
SoFragmentShader |
Node that defines a fragment shader.
SoFullSceneAntialiasing |
Node that controls full-scene antialiasing.
SoGeometryShader |
Node that defines a geometry shader.
SoGeoProjection |
Geospatial projection node.
SoGLCallback |
Provides custom OpenGL behavior during rendering actions.
SoGradientBackground |
Gradient background node.
SoGroup |
Base class for all group nodes.
SoImage |
Displays an image that always faces the camera.
SoImageBackground |
Image background node.
SoIndexedFaceSet |
Indexed polygonal face shape node.
SoIndexedLineSet |
Indexed polyline shape node.
SoIndexedMarkerSet |
Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location.
SoIndexedNurbsCurve |
Indexed NURBS curve shape node.
SoIndexedNurbsSurface |
Indexed NURBS surface shape node.
SoIndexedPointSet |
Indexed point set shape node.
SoIndexedQuadMesh |
Indexed quadrilateral mesh shape node.
SoIndexedShape |
Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes.
SoIndexedTexture2 |
Class for 2D indexed texture.
SoIndexedTriangleFanSet |
Indexed triangle fan set shape node.
SoIndexedTriangleSet |
Indexed triangle shape node.
SoIndexedTriangleStripSet |
Indexed triangle strip set shape node.
SoInfo |
Node containing information text string.
SoInstanceParameter |
Per-instance parameter node storing a buffer object.
SoInteractiveComplexity |
Field interactive complexity node.
SoInteractiveSwitch |
Group node that traverses one chosen child depending on scene interaction.
SoLabel |
Node containing label text string.
SoLevelOfDetail |
Level-of-detail switching group node.
SoLevelOfSimplification |
Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape.
SoLight |
Abstract base class for all light source nodes.
SoLightModel |
Node that defines the lighting model to use when rendering.
SoLinearProfile |
Piecewise-linear profile curve.
SoLineSet |
Polyline shape node.
SoLocateHighlight |
Special separator that performs locate highlighting.
Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node.
SoMarker |
SoMarkerSet |
Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location.
SoMaterial |
Surface material definition node.
SoMaterialBinding |
Node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes.
SoMatrixTransform |
Node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix.
SoMultiPathSwitch |
Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path.
SoMultipleCopy |
Group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices.
SoMultipleInstance |
Group node that renders multiple instances of its children.
SoMultipleInstanceBase |
Abstract group node that traverses its children multiple times.
SoMultiSwitch |
Group node that traverses a set of chosen children.
SoNode |
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
SoNonIndexedShape |
Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes.
SoNormal |
Node that defines surface normals for shapes.
SoNormalBinding |
Node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes.
SoNurbsBoundary |
Node that defines a boundary shared by several NURBS profile.
SoNurbsCurve |
NURBS curve shape node.
SoNurbsGroup |
Group that encapsulates NURBS surfaces to be joined.
SoNurbsProfile |
NURBS profile curve.
SoNurbsProperty |
Node that defines additional properties for rendering a NURBS surface.
SoNurbsSurface |
NURBS surface shape node.
SoOrthographicCamera |
Orthographic camera node.
SoOverlayGroup |
Group node dedicated to render multiple co-planar shapes.
SoPackedColor |
Node that defines base colors using packed representation.
SoPathSwitch |
Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path.
SoPattern |
SoPendulum |
Animated oscillating rotation node.
SoPerspectiveCamera |
Perspective camera node.
SoPhysicalMaterial |
Physically based surface material definition node.
SoPickStyle |
Picking style node.
SoPointLight |
Node representing a point light source.
SoPointSet |
Point set shape node.
SoPolygonOffset |
Property node that sets the polygon offset.
SoProfile |
Abstract base class for all profile nodes.
SoProfileCoordinate2 |
Profile coordinate node.
SoProfileCoordinate3 |
Rational profile coordinate node.
SoProjection |
Coordinate projection node.
SoQuadMesh |
Quadrilateral mesh shape node.
SoRenderToTarget |
Group node that renders its children to one or more "targets".
SoRenderToTextureProperty |
Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph.
SoResetTransform |
Node that resets the current transformation to identity.
SoRotation |
Node representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis.
SoRotationXYZ |
Node representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis.
SoRotor |
Animated rotation node.
SoScale |
Node representing a 3D geometric scaling.
SoSelection |
Manages a list of selected objects.
SoSeparator |
Group node that saves and restores traversal state.
SoShaderObject |
Abstract node class which defines a shader object.
SoShaderParameter |
Abstract base class for all shader parameter nodes.
SoShaderParameter1f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a float value.
SoShaderParameter1i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an integer.
SoShaderParameter2f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector.
SoShaderParameter2i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (integer) vector.
SoShaderParameter3f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector.
SoShaderParameter3i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (integer) vector.
SoShaderParameter4f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector.
SoShaderParameter4i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector.
SoShaderParameterArray1f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of float values.
SoShaderParameterArray1i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of integers.
SoShaderParameterArray2f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (float) vectors.
SoShaderParameterArray2i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (integer) vectors.
SoShaderParameterArray3f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (float) vectors.
SoShaderParameterArray3i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (integer) vectors.
SoShaderParameterArray4f |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (float) vectors.
SoShaderParameterArray4i |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (integer) vectors.
SoShaderParameterBufferObject |
Shader parameter node storing a buffer object.
SoShaderParameterImage |
Shader parameter node storing a texture image.
SoShaderParameterMatrix |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a 4x4 matrix.
SoShaderParameterMatrix3 |
Uniform shader parameter node storing a 3x3 matrix.
SoShaderParameterMatrixArray |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of 4x4 matrices.
SoShaderProgram |
Shader program property node.
SoShaderStateMatrixParameter |
Uniform shader parameter node storing an OpenGL state matrix.
SoShadowGroup |
Shadow casting group node.
SoShadowStyle |
Shadow style property node.
SoShape |
Abstract base class for all shape nodes.
SoShapeHints |
Node that provides hints about shapes.
SoShuttle |
Animated oscillating translation node.
SoSphere |
Sphere shape node.
SoSpotLight |
Node representing a spotlight source.
SoStereoCamera |
Stereo camera node.
SoSurroundScale |
Transformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects.
SoSwitch |
Group node that traverses one chosen child.
SoTessellationControlShader |
Node that defines a tessellation control shader.
SoTessellationEvaluationShader |
Node that defines a tessellation evaluation shader.
SoText2 |
Screen-aligned 2D text shape node.
SoText3 |
3D text shape node.
SoTextProperty |
Text property node.
SoTexture |
Abstract base class for texture mapping nodes.
SoTexture2 |
2D texture mapping node.
SoTexture2Transform |
2D texture transformation node.
SoTexture3 |
3D texture mapping node.
SoTexture3Transform |
3D texture transformation node.
SoTextureCombiner |
Texture combiner node.
SoTextureCoordinate2 |
2D texture coordinate node.
SoTextureCoordinate3 |
3D texture coordinate node.
SoTextureCoordinateBinding |
Node that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes.
SoTextureCoordinateDefault |
Node that removes texture coordinates from state.
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment |
Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from an environment.
SoTextureCoordinateFunction |
Abstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes.
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap |
Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's transformed eye-space normal.
SoTextureCoordinateObject |
Node that specifies texture coordinates which are a linear combination of the object coordinates of the vertex.
SoTextureCoordinatePlane |
Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane.
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap |
Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector.
SoTextureCubeMap |
Cube texture mapping node.
SoTextureMatrix |
Texture matrix node.
SoTextureUnit |
Node that specifies the current texture unit and the associated mapping method.
SoTransform |
General 3D geometric transformation node.
SoTransformation |
Abstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes.
SoTransformProjection |
Scale/recenter projection node.
SoTransformSeparator |
Group node that saves and restores transformation state.
SoTranslation |
Node representing a 3D translation.
SoTriangleSet |
Set of triangles shape node.
SoTriangleStripSet |
Triangle strip set shape node.
SoUniformShaderParameter |
Abstract base class for all uniform shader parameter nodes.
SoUnits |
Node that scales to convert units of length.
SoVertexAttribFeedback |
Node to record vertex attributes from shaders into buffer objects.
SoVertexFlag |
Class to mark/unmark vertices for beveling.
SoVertexProperty |
Vertex property node.
SoVertexShader |
Node that defines a vertex shader.
SoVertexShaderParameter |
Abstract base class for all vertex shader parameter nodes.
SoVertexShaderParameter1f |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a float value.
SoVertexShaderParameter1s |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a short integer value.
SoVertexShaderParameter2f |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter2s |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (short integers) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter3f |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter3s |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (short integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4b |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (8-bit integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4f |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4i |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4s |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (short integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4ub |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned 8-bit integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4ui |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameter4us |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned short integer) vector.
SoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a buffer object.
SoVertexShaderParameterMatrix |
Vertex shader parameter node storing a matrix.
SoVertexShape |
Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes.
SoViewport |
Viewport parameters node.
SoViewportClipping |
Viewport clipping node.
SoWWWAnchor |
Separator group node with a URL hyperlink.
SoWWWInline |
Node that refers to children through a URL.