1.1.2. VolumeViz Features

This section is a quick tour of all the features in VolumeViz. It can also be used as a “quick reference” that links the various features to the related nodes, fields and methods.

Use the SoVolumeData( C++ | Java | .NET ) node to access volume data. The data volume can be given by:

  • A file name (VolumeViz supports DICOM, SEGY, LDM and other formats directly)

  • A volume reader (application provided plugin to handle a specific file format)

  • A block of memory

  • Conversion to LDM format

See Section 1.2, “Data” for more information.

See Section 1.2, “Data” for more information.

See Section 1.3, “Appearance”, Section 1.4, “Slice Rendering”, Section 1.5, “Volume Rendering” for more information.

  • Custom shaders

    Custom transfer functions, custom rendering effects and custom blending are just a few of the many possibilities that can be implemented using an SoVolumeShader( C++ | Java | .NET ) node and GLSL shader functions. (GLSL is the standard OpenGL shader language.) Shader functions can be loaded from disk or precompiled in the application. VolumeViz provides a framework of prebuilt shader functions for commonly used calculations and effects. This allows applications to extend or replace stages in the rendering pipeline while still taking advantage of other VolumeViz features. VolumeViz also provides an advanced “virtual texture” mechanism on the GPU that allows shader programs to access any data in the volume without worrying about tile boundaries.

    See Section 1.8, “Shaders” for more information.

  • Clipping

    Volume visualizations can be clipped in multiple ways:

    • By clipping planes using an SoClipPlane( C++ | Java | .NET ) node, like any Open Inventor geometry.

    • By a box in voxel coordinates using an SoROI node. An optional exclusion box allows cut-away views like the “chair cut” in seismic visualization.

    • By any closed shape defined by polygonal geometry using an SoVolumeClippingGroup( C++ | Java | .NET ) node.

    • By a "height field" surface (for example a seismic horizon) using an SoUniformGridClipping( C++ | Java | .NET ) node.

    • By an arbitrary voxel region using an SoVolumeMask( C++ | Java | .NET ) node.

    • Multiple clipping techniques may be combined to “sculpt” volume regions.

    See Section 1.7, “Clipping” for more information.

  • Interactivity

    VolumeViz allows the creation of highly interactive volume rendering applications:

  • Transforming data

    Volume data can transformed "on the fly" at several stages in the pipeline:

    • The SoLDMDataTransform( C++ | Java | .NET ) class (see the dataTransform field of SoDataSet( C++ | Java | .NET )) applies a computation to each LDM data tile requested from the volume reader before the tile is stored in system memory. This can be used to apply “static” filters to the data, for example to scale and offset data values.

    • The SoVolumeTransform( C++ | Java | .NET ) node applies a computation to the LDM data tiles just before they are sent to the GPU. This can also be used to apply dynamic filters to the data, for example computing seismic attribute values.

    • Both transform mechanisms can be used to create multiple data sets from a single data set.

    • Custom shaders (SoVolumeShader( C++ | Java | .NET )) can also be used to do computation during rendering.

    See Section 1.9, “Transforming and Combining Volumes” for more information.

  • Multiple data sets

    • Multiple SoVolumeData( C++ | Java | .NET ) nodes can be inserted in the same scene graph.

    • If the volumes are independent and rendered separately, use an SoVolumeGroup( C++ | Java | .NET ) node to manage and correctly render intersecting regions.

    • Multiple volumes can be combined into a single data set or single rendering using data compositing or render compositing. Use an SoMultiDataSeparator( C++ | Java | .NET ) as the parent of the nodes that will be composited.

    • Data compositing combines multiple volumes (see SoDataCompositor( C++ | Java | .NET )) on the CPU at data loading time. Data compositing can be used, for example, to visualize the difference between two data sets.

    • Render compositing combines multiple volumes on the GPU at render time using a fragment shader (see SoVolumeShader( C++ | Java | .NET )). Render compositing can be used, for example, to implement “co-blending” of multiple volumes or to implement multi-channel color combining.

    See Section 1.9, “Transforming and Combining Volumes” for more information.

  • Data Access

    LDM is a powerful data manager for large volume data and VolumeViz provides a Data Access API that allows applications to take advantage of this for applying algorithms to their volume data.

    • SoLDMTopoOctree( C++ | Java | .NET ) allows the application to query the structure of the tile hierarchy.

    • SoLDMDataAccess( C++ | Java | .NET ) provides the methods to extract data from a volume. The data is accessible whether the SoVolumeData( C++ | Java | .NET ) is part of a scene graph or not.

    • Data access methods can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously to allow simultaneous loading and computation.

    • The application can request data at any resolution level, independent of the resolution level currently being used for rendering

    • VolumeViz supports a variety of data requests including:

      • Subvolume: The set of voxels inside a specified subvolume.

      • Plane: The set of voxels intersecting an arbitrary plane.

      • Line: The set of voxels intersecting an arbitrary line.

      • Trace: A column of axis aligned voxels (e.g. a seismic trace).

      • Polyline: The set of voxels intersecting an arbitrary polyline.

      • Tile: Direct access to the tile containing a specified voxel.

    • Extracted, modified or synthesized data can be written to an LDM format file by subvolume or tile using the SoLDMWriter( C++ | Java | .NET ) class.

    See Section 1.10, “Data Access and Computing” for more information.

  • Computation

    Volume computations can take advantage of the Open Inventor computing framework to manage data, devices and algorithms on the CPU and GPU (using CUDA or OpenCL).

    • The SoDevice class abstracts computing and rendering devices. Device specific classes, for example SoCpuDevice( C++ | Java | .NET ), allow querying the number of available devices, available memory, etc.

    • The SoBufferObject( C++ | Java | .NET ) class abstracts data management. Device specific data objects, for example SoCpuBufferObject( C++ | Java | .NET ) allows the application to control where memory is actually allocated. It also allows algorithms to be implemented on CPU or GPU (or both) using SoBufferObject( C++ | Java | .NET ) without knowing where the memory is allocated (Open Inventor will transfer when necessary).

    • The algorithm classes provide optimized versions of some useful computations for each class of computing device (CPU, GPU). See SoArithmetic( C++ | Java | .NET ), SoConvolution( C++ | Java | .NET ), SoSeismic( C++ | Java | .NET ), etc.

    • The computing framework classes are integrated with the data transform, compositing and data access classes mentioned previously.

    See Section 1.9, “Transforming and Combining Volumes” for more information.