Class SoInteractionKit

    • Field Detail

      • renderCaching

        public final SoSFEnum<SoInteractionKit.Cachings> renderCaching
        As of Open Inventor This field is ignored. Render caching is set internally to ensure best performance.
        Set render caching mode. . Default is AUTO.

        Warning Deprecated since Open Inventor 10300. This field is ignored. Render caching is set internally to ensure best performance.

      • boundingBoxCaching

        public final SoSFEnum<SoInteractionKit.Cachings> boundingBoxCaching
        Set bounding box caching mode. . Default is ON. Setting this value to AUTO is equivalent to ON - automatic culling is not implemented.
      • renderCulling

        public final SoSFEnum<SoInteractionKit.Cachings> renderCulling
        Set render culling mode. . Default is OFF. Setting this value to AUTO is equivalent to ON - automatic culling is not implemented.
    • Method Detail

      • setPartAsPath

        public boolean setPartAsPath​(java.lang.String partName,
                                     SoPath surrogatePath)
        Sets any public part in the interaction kit as a "surrogate" path instead. The object at the end of the path serves as a stand-in when a pick occurs, and can thus initiate interaction.

        Instead of the usual setPart(), which replaces partName with a new node, this will remove the node being used for partName from the scene and remember the surrogatePath you give it. Later, any pick on surrogatePath will be regarded as a pick on partName.

        For example, set the XRotator part of an SoTrackballDragger to be the path to an object in the scene. The rest of the trackball will look the same, but the XRotator stripe will disappear. However, click the mouse on the object at the end of surrogatePath and the ball will start to drag in rotation around its X axis.

        Note that this is different from setting the part to be the node at the end of the path. When you set the part as a node, a second instance will be drawn in the local space of the interaction kit. When you set it as a path, the object itself is used, not a copy.

        The partName may be any part name that follows the nodekit syntax for parts, such as childList[0].shape or rotator.rotatorActive. (See the getPart() method in the SoBaseKit reference page for a complete description.)

        NOTE: No information about the surrogatePath is written to a file.