Uses of Class
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.engines
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.engines declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. a
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoComposeRotation. angle
Angle of rotation.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. b
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. c
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. d
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoTimeCounter. duty
Duty cycle values.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. e
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. f
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. g
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoCalculator. h
Floating point input.SoMFFloat
SoInterpolateFloat. input0
The engine linearly interpolates from input0 to input1.SoMFFloat
SoInterpolateFloat. input1
The engine linearly interpolates from input0 to input1.SoMFFloat
SoTrackFollower. radius
Radius of the turn at a control point.SoMFFloat
SoTrackFollower. rollAngle
Roll angle during the turn at a control point.SoMFFloat
SoTrackFollower. rollSpeed
Speed at which the roll angle is reached during a turn.SoMFFloat
SoTrackFollower. timeStamps
Time stamps associated with the control points.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec4f. w
The w component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec2f. x
The x component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec3f. x
The x component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec4f. x
The x component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec2f. y
The y component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec3f. y
The y component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec4f. y
The y component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec3f. z
The z component.SoMFFloat
SoComposeVec4f. z
The z component. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.geo
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.geo declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoGeoElevationGrid. height
array containsxDimension
floating point values that represent elevation above the ellipsoid or the geoid, as appropriate. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.nodes declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoColorMap. colorMap
Array of floats in range [0,1].SoMFFloat
SoProjection. floatParameters
Float parameters stored for projections.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsCurve. knotVector
The knot vector.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsProfile. knotVector
The knot vector for the NURBS curve.SoMFFloat
SoIndexedMarkerSet. markerScale
Specifies the scale factor applied to each marker.SoMFFloat
SoMarkerSet. markerScale
Specifies the scale factor applied to each marker.SoMFFloat
SoLevelOfSimplification. percentages
Percentage decimation for each child.SoMFFloat
SoLOD. range
World-space distances to use as switching criteria.SoMFFloat
SoLevelOfDetail. screenArea
Areas to use for comparison.SoMFFloat
SoMaterial. shininess
Shininess coefficient of the surface.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsSurface. sKnotVector
The knot vectors in the S direction.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsSurface. tKnotVector
The knot vectors in the T direction.SoMFFloat
SoMaterial. transparency
Transparency value(s) of the surface.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsSurface. uKnotVector
The knot vectors in the U direction.SoMFFloat
SoShaderParameterArray1f. value
Specifies the parameter's value.SoMFFloat
SoVertexShaderParameter1f. value
Specifies the parameter's values.SoMFFloat
SoNurbsSurface. vKnotVector
The knot vectors in the V direction.SoMFFloat
SoAsciiText. width
Defines the width of each text string. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.ldm.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.ldm.nodes declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoTransferFunction. actualColorMap
This field contains the actual color map used.SoMFFloat
SoTransferFunction. colorMap
Array of floats in the range [0,1] defining a color map. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.ldm.writers
Fields in com.openinventor.ldm.writers declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoVRLdmFileWriter. coordinatesX
Rectilinear coordinates along X.SoMFFloat
SoVRLdmFileWriter. coordinatesY
Rectilinear coordinates along Y.SoMFFloat
SoVRLdmFileWriter. coordinatesZ
Rectilinear coordinates along Z. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.meshviz.graph
Fields in com.openinventor.meshviz.graph declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
PoErrorPointField. errorX
List of abscissas errors.SoMFFloat
PoErrorPointField. errorY
List of ordinates errors.SoMFFloat
PoBiErrorPointField. highX
List of abscissas high errors.SoMFFloat
PoBiErrorPointField. highY
List of ordinates high errors.SoMFFloat
PoErrorCurve. highY
List of the high ordinates for the high curve.SoMFFloat
PoItemLegend. lineSize
List of sizes for lines.SoMFFloat
PoBiErrorPointField. lowX
List of abscissas low errors.SoMFFloat
PoBiErrorPointField. lowY
List of ordinates low errors.SoMFFloat
PoErrorCurve. lowY
List of the low ordinates for the low curve.SoMFFloat
PoItemLegend. markerSize
List of sizes for markers.SoMFFloat
PoCurve. markerXList
A list of points (of the computed curve points) is selected by their abscises.SoMFFloat
PoCurve. raiseXList
A list of points (of the computed curve points) is selected by their abscises.SoMFFloat
PoValuedMarkerField. size
List of sizes used to calculate the marker sizes.SoMFFloat
PoPieChartRep. sliceToTranslateRadius
Translation values along the bisectors of the slices.SoMFFloat
PoPieChart. sliceToTranslateValue
Translation values along the bisectors of the slices.SoMFFloat
PoPieChart. sliceValue
Value associated to each slice of the pie chart.SoMFFloat
PoLabelField. value
List of values to display.SoMFFloat
PoMultipleHistogram. value
Matrix of values.SoMFFloat
PoPointsFieldBars. value
Values for each point.SoMFFloat
PoSingleHistogram. value
Values of each bars of the histogram.SoMFFloat
PoValuedMarkerField. value
List of values used to color the markers.SoMFFloat
PoHighLowClose. valuesClose
List of close values.SoMFFloat
PoHighLowClose. valuesHigh
List of high values.SoMFFloat
PoHighLowClose. valuesLow
List of low values.SoMFFloat
PoHighLowClose. valuesX
List of abscissas. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
PoCoordinateListFilter. coord
Defines the list of coordinates used to filter the mesh 1D geometry.SoMFFloat
PoIsovaluesList. isovaluesList
Defines the list of isovalues.SoMFFloat
PoNonLinearDataMapping2. transparency
Defines the list of transparencies for the data mapping.SoMFFloat
PoNonLinearDataMapping2. value
Defines the list of values for the data mapping. -
Uses of SoMFFloat in com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes declared as SoMFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoMFFloat
SoVolumeDataDrawStyle. isovalues
Values of isosurfaces to display.SoMFFloat
SoVolumeIsosurface. isovalues
Specifies the list of isovalues to display.