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OIV.Inventor.Nodes Namespace
Public classSoAlgebraicCone

Algebraic cone shape node.

Public classSoAlgebraicCylinder

Algebraic cylinder shape node.

Public classSoAlgebraicShape

Abstract base class for algebraic shapes.

Public classSoAlgebraicSphere

Algebraic sphere shape node.

Public classSoAlphaPolicy

Alpha (transparency) policy node.

Public classSoAnnotation

Annotation group node.

Public classSoAnnoText3

Annotation text node.

Public classSoAnnoText3Property

Annotation text property node.

Public classSoAntiSquish

Transformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales.

Public classSoArray

Group node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children.

Public classSoAsciiText

Simple 3D text shape node.

Public classSoBackground

Abstract base class for background nodes.

Public classSoBaseColor

Node that defines an object's base color.

Public classSoBaseExtrusion

Abstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes.

Public classSoBBox

Bounding box node.

Public classSoBevelProperty

Node to define beveling properties.

Public classSoBillboard

Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer.

Public classSoBlinker

Animated cycling switch node.

Public classSoBufferedShape

Node to render geometry stored in OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject objects.

Public classSoCallback

Provides custom behavior during actions.

Public classSoCamera

Abstract base class for camera nodes.

Public classSoCircularExtrusion

Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine.

Public classSoClipPlane

Clipping plane node.

Public classSoColorIndex

Surface color index node.

Public classSoColorMap

Class for indexed texture color map.

Public classSoColorMask

Enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components.

Public classSoComplexity

Shape complexity node.

Public classSoComputeShader

Node that defines a compute shader.

Public classSoComputeShaderScheduler

Compute shader scheduler node.

Public classSoCone

Cone shape node.

Public classSoCoordinate3

Coordinate point node.

Public classSoCoordinate4

Rational coordinate point node.

Public classSoCSGShape

Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs.

Public classSoCube

Cube shape node.

Public classSoCylinder

Cylinder shape node.

Public classSoDepthBuffer

Depth buffer parameters node.

Public classSoDepthOffset

Property node that applies a depth offset.

Public classSoDirectionalLight

Node representing a directional light source.

Public classSoDrawStyle

Node that defines the style to use when rendering.

Public classSoEdgeFlag

Class to mark/unmark edges for beveling.

Public classSoEnvironment

Global environment node.

Public classSoEventCallback

Node which invokes callbacks for events.

Public classSoExtrusion

Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine.

Public classSoExtSelection

Selection node that supports lasso selection.

Public classSoExtTexture2

Extended texture mapping node.

Public classSoFaceSet

Polygonal face shape node.

Public classSoFile

Node that reads children from a named file.

Public classSoFont

Node that defines font name, size, and type for text.

Public classSoFontStyle

Defines font family and style for text.

Public classSoFragmentShader

Node that defines a fragment shader.

Public classSoFullSceneAntialiasing

Node that controls full-scene antialiasing.

Public classSoGeometryShader

Node that defines a geometry shader.

Public classSoGeoProjection

Geospatial projection node.

Public classSoGLCallback

Provides custom OpenGL behavior during rendering actions.

Public classSoGradientBackground

Gradient background node.

Public classSoGroup

Base class for all group nodes.

Public classSoImage

Displays an image that always faces the camera.

Public classSoImageBackground

Image background node.

Public classSoIndexedFaceSet

Indexed polygonal face shape node.

Public classSoIndexedLineSet

Indexed polyline shape node.

Public classSoIndexedMarkerSet

Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location.

Public classSoIndexedNurbsCurve

Indexed NURBS curve shape node.

Public classSoIndexedNurbsSurface

Indexed NURBS surface shape node.

Public classSoIndexedPointSet

Indexed point set shape node.

Public classSoIndexedQuadMesh

Indexed quadrilateral mesh shape node.

Public classSoIndexedShape

Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes.

Public classSoIndexedTexture2

Class for 2D indexed texture.

Public classSoIndexedTriangleFanSet

Indexed triangle fan set shape node.

Public classSoIndexedTriangleSet

Indexed triangle shape node.

Public classSoIndexedTriangleStripSet

Indexed triangle strip set shape node.

Public classSoInfo

Node containing information text string.

Public classSoInstanceParameter

Per-instance parameter node storing a buffer object.

Public classSoInteractiveComplexity

Field interactive complexity node.

Public classSoInteractiveSwitch

Group node that traverses one chosen child depending on scene interaction.

Public classSoLabel

Node containing label text string.

Public classSoLevelOfDetail

Level-of-detail switching group node.

Public classSoLevelOfSimplification

Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape.

Public classSoLight

Abstract base class for all light source nodes.

Public classSoLightModel

Node that defines the lighting model to use when rendering.

Public classSoLinearProfile

Piecewise-linear profile curve.

Public classSoLineSet

Polyline shape node.

Public classSoLocateHighlight

Special separator that performs locate highlighting.

Public classSoLOD

Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node.

Public classSoMarker
Public classSoMarkerSet

Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location.

Public classSoMaterial

Surface material definition node.

Public classSoMaterialBinding

Node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes.

Public classSoMatrixTransform

Node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix.

Public classSoMultiPathSwitch

Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path.

Public classSoMultipleCopy

Group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices.

Public classSoMultipleInstance

Group node that renders multiple instances of its children.

Public classSoMultipleInstanceBase

Abstract group node that traverses its children multiple times.

Public classSoMultiSwitch

Group node that traverses a set of chosen children.

Public classSoNode

Abstract base class for all database nodes.

Public classSoNonIndexedShape

Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes.

Public classSoNormal

Node that defines surface normals for shapes.

Public classSoNormalBinding

Node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes.

Public classSoNurbsBoundary

Node that defines a boundary shared by several NURBS profile.

Public classSoNurbsCurve

NURBS curve shape node.

Public classSoNurbsGroup

Group that encapsulates NURBS surfaces to be joined.

Public classSoNurbsProfile

NURBS profile curve.

Public classSoNurbsProperty

Node that defines additional properties for rendering a NURBS surface.

Public classSoNurbsSurface

NURBS surface shape node.

Public classSoOrthographicCamera

Orthographic camera node.

Public classSoOverlayGroup

Group node dedicated to render multiple co-planar shapes.

Public classSoPackedColor

Node that defines base colors using packed representation.

Public classSoPathSwitch

Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path.

Public classSoPattern
Public classSoPendulum

Animated oscillating rotation node.

Public classSoPerspectiveCamera

Perspective camera node.

Public classSoPhysicalMaterial

Physically based surface material definition node.

Public classSoPickStyle

Picking style node.

Public classSoPointLight

Node representing a point light source.

Public classSoPointSet

Point set shape node.

Public classSoPolygonOffset

Property node that sets the polygon offset.

Public classSoProfile

Abstract base class for all profile nodes.

Public classSoProfileCoordinate2

Profile coordinate node.

Public classSoProfileCoordinate3

Rational profile coordinate node.

Public classSoProjection

Coordinate projection node.

Public classSoQuadMesh

Quadrilateral mesh shape node.

Public classSoRenderToTarget

Group node that renders its children to one or more "targets".

Public classSoRenderToTextureProperty

Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph.

Public classSoResetTransform

Node that resets the current transformation to identity.

Public classSoRotation

Node representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis.

Public classSoRotationXYZ

Node representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis.

Public classSoRotor

Animated rotation node.

Public classSoScale

Node representing a 3D geometric scaling.

Public classSoSelection

Manages a list of selected objects.

Public classSoSeparator

Group node that saves and restores traversal state.

Public classSoSeparatorRenderUnitIds
renderUnitId possible values.
Public classSoShaderObject

Abstract node class which defines a shader object.

Public classSoShaderParameter

Abstract base class for all shader parameter nodes.

Public classSoShaderParameter1f

Uniform shader parameter node storing a float value.

Public classSoShaderParameter1i

Uniform shader parameter node storing an integer.

Public classSoShaderParameter2f

Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameter2i

Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (integer) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameter3f

Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameter3i

Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (integer) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameter4f

Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameter4i

Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray1f

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of float values.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray1i

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of integers.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray2f

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (float) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray2i

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (integer) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray3f

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (float) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray3i

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (integer) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray4f

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (float) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterArray4i

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (integer) vectors.

Public classSoShaderParameterBufferObject

Shader parameter node storing a buffer object.

Public classSoShaderParameterImage

Shader parameter node storing a texture image.

Public classSoShaderParameterMatrix

Uniform shader parameter node storing a 4x4 matrix.

Public classSoShaderParameterMatrix3

Uniform shader parameter node storing a 3x3 matrix.

Public classSoShaderParameterMatrixArray

Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of 4x4 matrices.

Public classSoShaderProgram
Public classSoShaderStateMatrixParameter

Uniform shader parameter node storing an OpenGL state matrix.

Public classSoShadowGroup

Shadow casting group node.

Public classSoShadowStyle

Shadow style property node.

Public classSoShape

Abstract base class for all shape nodes.

Public classSoShapeHints

Node that provides hints about shapes.

Public classSoShuttle

Animated oscillating translation node.

Public classSoSphere

Sphere shape node.

Public classSoSpotLight

Node representing a spotlight source.

Public classSoStereoCamera

Stereo camera node.

Public classSoSurroundScale

Transformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects.

Public classSoSwitch

Group node that traverses one chosen child.

Public classSoSwitchWhichChild
Switch modes.
Public classSoTessellationControlShader

Node that defines a tessellation control shader.

Public classSoTessellationEvaluationShader

Node that defines a tessellation evaluation shader.

Public classSoText2

Screen-aligned 2D text shape node.

Public classSoText3

3D text shape node.

Public classSoTextProperty

Text property node.

Public classSoTexture

Abstract base class for texture mapping nodes.

Public classSoTexture2

2D texture mapping node.

Public classSoTexture2Transform

2D texture transformation node.

Public classSoTexture3

3D texture mapping node.

Public classSoTexture3Transform

3D texture transformation node.

Public classSoTextureCombiner

Texture combiner node.

Public classSoTextureCoordinate2

2D texture coordinate node.

Public classSoTextureCoordinate3

3D texture coordinate node.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateBinding

Node that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateDefault

Node that removes texture coordinates from state.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateEnvironment

Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from an environment.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateFunction

Abstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateNormalMap

Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's transformed eye-space normal.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateObject

Node that specifies texture coordinates which are a linear combination of the object coordinates of the vertex.

Public classSoTextureCoordinatePlane

Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane.

Public classSoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap

Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector.

Public classSoTextureCubeMap

Cube texture mapping node.

Public classSoTextureMatrix

Texture matrix node.

Public classSoTextureUnit

Node that specifies the current texture unit and the associated mapping method.

Public classSoTransform

General 3D geometric transformation node.

Public classSoTransformation

Abstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes.

Public classSoTransformProjection

Scale/recenter projection node.

Public classSoTransformSeparator

Group node that saves and restores transformation state.

Public classSoTranslation

Node representing a 3D translation.

Public classSoTriangleSet

Set of triangles shape node.

Public classSoTriangleStripSet

Triangle strip set shape node.

Public classSoUniformShaderParameter

Abstract base class for all uniform shader parameter nodes.

Public classSoUnits

Node that scales to convert units of length.

Public classSoVertexAttribFeedback

Node to record vertex attributes from shaders into buffer objects.

Public classSoVertexFlag

Class to mark/unmark vertices for beveling.

Public classSoVertexProperty

Vertex property node.

Public classSoVertexShader

Node that defines a vertex shader.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter

Abstract base class for all vertex shader parameter nodes.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter1f

Vertex shader parameter node storing a float value.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter1s

Vertex shader parameter node storing a short integer value.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter2f

Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter2s

Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (short integers) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter3f

Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter3s

Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (short integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4b

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (8-bit integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4f

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4i

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4s

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (short integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4ub

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned 8-bit integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4ui

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameter4us

Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned short integer) vector.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject

Vertex shader parameter node storing a buffer object.

Public classSoVertexShaderParameterMatrix

Vertex shader parameter node storing a matrix.

Public classSoVertexShape

Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes.

Public classSoViewport

Viewport parameters node.

Public classSoViewportClipping

Viewport clipping node.

Public classSoWWWAnchor

Separator group node with a URL hyperlink.

Public classSoWWWInline

Node that refers to children through a URL.

Public structureSoExtSelectionPreFilterEventArg

Structure given to callback when an event is raised.

Public delegateSoCallbackCallbackCB

Callback functions registered with this node should be of this type.

Public delegateSoEventCallbackEventCB
Public delegateSoExtSelectionLineSegmentCB

Public delegateSoExtSelectionPointCB

Public delegateSoExtSelectionSelectionEventCallback

This is the declaration to use for selection event callback functions.

Public delegateSoExtSelectionTriangleCB

Public delegateSoExtTexture2PrequalifyFileCB
Public delegateSoExtTexture2Texture2CB

Public delegateSoSelectionClassCB
Public delegateSoSelectionPathCB
Public delegateSoSelectionPickCB
Public delegateSoTexture2LoadingCallback

Public delegateSoTexture2PrequalifyFileCB
Public delegateSoWWWAnchorURLCallback

This is the format for callbacks during anchor activation (left mouse click) and highlight (move over the anchor).

Public delegateSoWWWInlineFetchURLCallback

This is the format for callbacks that will get URL data for us.

Public enumerationSoAlgebraicShapeASClippingPolicies

Specifies how the algebraic shape should be clipped by a clipping plane.

Public enumerationSoAlgebraicShapeASShaderSlots

Specifies the available slots for shader programs.

Public enumerationSoAlgebraicShapeASWorkSpaces

Specifies which reference frame to use inside the ray intersection shader function.

Public enumerationSoAlphaPolicyPolicies

Policy to use.

Public enumerationSoAnnoText3Justifications

Justification types.

Public enumerationSoAnnoText3PropertyFontSizeHints

Font size hint.

Public enumerationSoAnnoText3PropertyRenderPrintTypes

Render print type.

Public enumerationSoAntiSquishSizings


Public enumerationSoArrayOrigins

Array origin.

Public enumerationSoAsciiTextJustifications
Public enumerationSoBaseExtrusionExtrusionModes
Public enumerationSoBaseExtrusionScaleModes
Public enumerationSoBBoxModes

This enum specifies how the node interacts with OpenInventor during a traversal.

Public enumerationSoBevelPropertyTests


Public enumerationSoBufferedShapeTypes

Type of shape that will be rendered.

Public enumerationSoBufferedShapeUsages

This enum is used to set the OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoBufferedShape.shapeUsage field.

Public enumerationSoCameraStereoModes
Public enumerationSoCameraViewportMappings

Viewport mapping.

Public enumerationSoCircularExtrusionSpineSimplificationModes
Public enumerationSoColorMapColorMapFormats

Color map format.

Public enumerationSoColorMapInterpolations

The colormap interpolation type.

Public enumerationSoColorMapPredefinedColorMaps

Predefined color map.

Public enumerationSoComplexityBboxTypes

Bounding box type.

Public enumerationSoComplexityTypes


Public enumerationSoComputeShaderSchedulerPolicies

Scheduling Policies.

Public enumerationSoConePartType

Cone parts.

Public enumerationSoCSGShapeCsgOperationTypes

CSG operation to be used.

Public enumerationSoCSGShapeCsgStatus

Status of CSG operation.

Public enumerationSoCylinderPartType

Cylinder parts.

Public enumerationSoDepthBufferDepthWriteFunctions

Depth function mode as defined by OpenGL.

Public enumerationSoDrawStyleStyles

Draw styles.

Public enumerationSoEnvironmentFogTypes

Type of fog.

Public enumerationSoExtSelectionLassoModes

Lasso mode.

Public enumerationSoExtSelectionLassoPolicies

Lasso policy.

Public enumerationSoExtSelectionLassoTypes

Lasso type.

Public enumerationSoExtSelectionReturnTypes

Return type.

Public enumerationSoExtTexture2Loadings

Loading mode.

Public enumerationSoExtTexture2Syncs

Synchrone/asynchrone loading mode.

Public enumerationSoFontRenderStyles

Render style.

Public enumerationSoFontStyleFamilies

Font style family.

Public enumerationSoFontStyleStyles
Public enumerationSoFullSceneAntialiasingFilters

Defines the types of rendering shapes.

Public enumerationSoImageFileTypes

File type.

Public enumerationSoImageHorAlignments

Horizontal alignment.

Public enumerationSoImageVertAlignments

Vertical alignment.

Public enumerationSoImageBackgroundStyles

Image background style.

Public enumerationSoIndexedMarkerSetMarkerTypes

Marker type.

Public enumerationSoInstanceParameterPredefinedParameters

List of predefined per-instance attribute names.

Public enumerationSoInteractiveComplexityInteractiveModes

Interactive mode.

Public enumerationSoLightModelModels

Lighting model.

Public enumerationSoLocateHighlightModes

Possible values for the mode.

Public enumerationSoLocateHighlightStyles

Possible values for draw style.

Public enumerationSoMarkerMarkerTypes

Marker type.

Public enumerationSoMarkerSetMarkerTypes

Marker type.

Public enumerationSoMaterialBindingBindings
Public enumerationSoMultiSwitchInheritModes

Inheritance Mode enumerated values.

Public enumerationSoMultiSwitchTraversalModes

Traversal Mode enumerated values.

Public enumerationSoNodeRenderModes

Defines the list of supported render mode for a custom node.

Public enumerationSoNormalBindingBindings


Public enumerationSoNurbsPropertyDrawStyles

Draw style.

Public enumerationSoNurbsPropertyTessellationTypes

Tesselation type.

Public enumerationSoPatternFilterTypes

Possible value of the filterType used by the method loadPatterns.

Public enumerationSoPickStyleMethods

Picking method.

Public enumerationSoPickStyleStyles

Picking style.

Public enumerationSoPolygonOffsetStyleType

Offset style.

Public enumerationSoProfileProfiles


Public enumerationSoRenderToTargetAttachments


Public enumerationSoRenderToTargetModeType

This enum defines modifiers for the auto detection mechanism.

Public enumerationSoRenderToTexturePropertyComponents

Rendering component enumeration values.

Public enumerationSoRenderToTexturePropertyUpdatePolicies

Update Policy enumeration values.

Public enumerationSoResetTransformResetTypes

Reset Type enumeration values; defines which things get reset.

Public enumerationSoRotationXYZAxisType

Rotation axis enumeration values.

Public enumerationSoSelectionPolicies
Public enumerationSoSeparatorCachings

Possible values for caching.

Public enumerationSoSeparatorFastEditings

Fast editing policy enumeration values.

Public enumerationSoShaderObjectShaderTypes

Type of the shader.

Public enumerationSoShaderObjectSourceTypes

Shader Object source type possible values.

Public enumerationSoShaderParameterBufferObjectBufferTypes

List of buffer object types supported as shader parameter.

Public enumerationSoShaderParameterImageAccessModes

Image access modes.

Public enumerationSoShaderProgramGeometryInputTypes

Geometry input type.

Public enumerationSoShaderProgramGeometryOutputTypes

Geometry ouput type.

Public enumerationSoShaderStateMatrixParameterMatrixTransforms

Matrix transformation possible values.

Public enumerationSoShaderStateMatrixParameterMatrixTypes

Matrix type possible values.

Public enumerationSoShadowGroupShadowingMethods

Shadowing techniques.

Public enumerationSoShadowGroupVisibilityFlags
Public enumerationSoShadowStyleShadowStyles

Shadow style type.

Public enumerationSoShapeShapeTypes

Basic type for antialiased rendering for this shape (Do not consider the OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoDrawStyle property currently in the state).

Public enumerationSoShapeTriangleShapes

This type is used by the triangle shape generation methods (beginShape, etc.)

Public enumerationSoShapeHintsFaceTypes

Hints about faces of shape: if all faces are known to be convex or not.

Public enumerationSoShapeHintsShapeTypes

Hints about entire shape: if shape is known to be a solid object, as opposed to a surface.

Public enumerationSoShapeHintsVertexOrderings

Hints about ordering of face vertices: if ordering of all vertices of all faces is known to be consistent when viewed from "outside" shape or not.

Public enumerationSoShapeHintsWindingTypes

Winding type possible values.

Public enumerationSoText2Justifications

Justification types.

Public enumerationSoText3Justifications

Justification types.

Public enumerationSoText3PartType

Text3 part values.

Public enumerationSoTextPropertyAlignmentHs

Possible horizontal alignment values.

Public enumerationSoTextPropertyAlignmentVs

Possible vertical alignment values.

Public enumerationSoTextPropertyOrientations

Possible text orientation values.

Public enumerationSoTextPropertyStyleColorType

Index values for setting colors in the OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoTextProperty.styleColors field.

Public enumerationSoTextPropertyStyles

TextProperty style values.

Public enumerationSoTextureFileTypes

File Type possible values.

Public enumerationSoTextureFilters

Specifies the OpenGL filtering method for minification and magnification.

Public enumerationSoTextureHW_Features
Public enumerationSoTextureInternalFormats

Texture internal storage format.

Public enumerationSoTextureModels

Texture Combiner Functions.

Public enumerationSoTextureWrapType

Texture wrap type.

Public enumerationSoTexture2Loadings

Loading mode.

Public enumerationSoTexture3Layouts

Texture layout.

Public enumerationSoTextureCombinerCombineFunctions

Texture Combiner Functions.

Public enumerationSoTextureCombinerOperandRGBAs

Specifies the input mapping for the RGB and alpha portions of operand n.

Public enumerationSoTextureCombinerSourceParameters

Source Parameter enumeration values.

Public enumerationSoTextureCoordinateBindingBindings

Binding value.

Public enumerationSoUnitsUnitsType


Public enumerationSoVertexAttribFeedbackBufferModes

This enum is used by the field buffersMode to describe the data packing format in the buffer objects.

Public enumerationSoVertexAttribFeedbackPrimitiveTypes

This enum is used to setup the expected recorded primitive type from the shaders.

Public enumerationSoVertexPropertyBindings


Public enumerationSoWWWAnchorMappings


Public enumerationSoWWWInlineBboxVisibilities

