static boolean |
SoTextureUnitElement.activateTextureUnit(SoState state,
int unit) |
Activates the current texture if it exists.
static void |
SoClipPlaneElement.add(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbPlane plane) |
Adds a clip plane to the current set in the state.
static void |
SoLightElement.add(SoState state,
SoLight light,
SbMatrix WCToVRCMatrix) |
Add to the current light list and to the current matrix list.
static void |
SoProfileElement.add(SoState state,
SoProfile profile) |
Add to the current profile list.
static void |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement.add(SoState state,
SoShaderParameter param) |
Adds a shader parameter.
static void |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement.add(SoState state,
SoShaderParameter param,
SoMFNode shaderObjects) |
static void |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement.add(SoState state,
SoVertexShaderParameter vertexAttrib) |
Add to the current vertex attribs list.
static boolean |
SoCacheElement.anyOpen(SoState state) |
Returns true if any cache is currently open in the state.
static void |
SoCacheElement.closeAnyOpen(SoState state) |
Closes any open cache.
static boolean |
SoTextureImage3Element.containsTransparency(SoState state) |
Calls containsTransparency(state, (int)0).
static boolean |
SoTextureImage3Element.containsTransparency(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns true if the texture contains transparency info.
static boolean |
SoTextureImageElement.containsTransparency(SoState state) |
Calls containsTransparency(state, (int)0).
static boolean |
SoTextureImageElement.containsTransparency(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns true if the texture contains transparency info.
static void |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.disableForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit,
boolean disable) |
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static void |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.disableForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit,
boolean disable) |
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static void |
SoTextureEnabledElement.disableForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit,
boolean disable) |
Specify that a texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static boolean |
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current value from the state.
static SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement.FontSizeHints |
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current value from the state.
static SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement.RenderPrintTypes |
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current value from the state.
static SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes |
SoBBoxCacheElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns cache mode.
static SoBBoxTypeElement.Types |
SoBBoxTypeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current BBox type from the state.
static SoBlendElement.BlendElementParameters |
SoBlendElement.get(SoState state) |
Retrieves the current blending parameters.
static SoColorMap |
SoColorMapElement.get(SoState state) |
Gets the current color map in the state.
static float |
SoComplexityElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current complexity from the state.
static SoComplexityTypeElement.Types |
SoComplexityTypeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current complexity type from the state.
static float |
SoCreaseAngleElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current crease angle from the state.
static float |
SoDecimationPercentageElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current decimation percentage from the state.
static SoDecimationTypeElement.Types |
SoDecimationTypeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current decimation type from the state.
static float |
SoDepthOffsetElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current accumulated offset from the state.
static SoDrawBufferElement.SoDrawBufferTypes |
SoDrawBufferElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current depth buffer parameters.
static SoDrawStyleElement.Styles |
SoDrawStyleElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static SoEnvironmentElement.EnvironmentParameters |
SoEnvironmentElement.get(SoState state) |
Gets the current environment in the state.
static float |
SoFocalDistanceElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current focal distance from the state.
static java.lang.String |
SoFontNameElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current font name from the state.
static SoFontRenderStyleElement.RenderStyles |
SoFontRenderStyleElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current render style from the state.
static float |
SoFontSizeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current font size from the state.
static SbProj4Projection.Projections |
SoGeoRenderElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current render mode in the state.
static int |
SoInteractiveSwitchElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current switch index from the state.
static SbVec3f |
SoLightAttenuationElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current light attenuation from the state.
static SoLightModelElement.Models |
SoLightModelElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current lighting model from the state.
static float |
SoLineWidthElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current line width from the state.
static SbMatrix |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current matrix from the state.
static SbViewportRegion |
SoLogicalViewportElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current viewport region from the state.
static SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings |
SoMaterialBindingElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current material binding from the state.
static SbMatrix |
SoModelMatrixElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current model matrix from the state.
static SbVec4f |
SoModifyLogicalViewportElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current portion from the state.
static SbVec4f |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current portion of the view volume from the state.
static SoMultipleInstance |
SoMultipleInstanceElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current element in the state.
static float |
SoNeighborToleranceElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current tolerance factor from the state.
static SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings |
SoNormalBindingElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current normal binding from the state.
static SoPickMethodElement.Methods |
SoPickMethodElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current pick method from the state.
static SbViewVolume |
SoPickRayElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current picking ray view volume from the state.
static SoPickStyleElement.Styles |
SoPickStyleElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current pick style from the state.
static float |
SoPointSizeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current point size from the state.
static java.util.Vector<SoNode> |
SoProfileElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current list of profile nodes from the state.
static SoProjection |
SoProjectionElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current projection node from the state.
static SbMatrix |
SoProjectionMatrixElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current matrix from the state.
static SoShaderProgram |
SoShaderProgramElement.get(SoState state) |
Gets the current shader program in the state.
static SoShapeHintsElement.WindingTypes |
SoShapeHintsElement.get(SoState state) |
Return current shape winding type from the state.
static SoShapeStyleElement |
SoShapeStyleElement.get(SoState state) |
Get a readable instance.
static int |
SoSwitchElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current switch index from the state.
static SoTangentBindingElement.Bindings |
SoTangentBindingElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current tangent binding from the state.
static float |
SoTextAliasingFactorElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static SoTextAlignmentHElement.AlignmentHs |
SoTextAlignmentHElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static SoTextAlignmentVElement.AlignmentVs |
SoTextAlignmentVElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static float |
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static boolean |
SoTextKerningElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current element value.
static float |
SoTextMarginElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current margin from the state.
static SoTextOrientationElement.Orientations |
SoTextOrientationElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current draw style from the state.
static boolean |
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current element value.
static SoTextStyleElement.Styles |
SoTextStyleElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current style from the state.
static SbVec2i32 |
SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement.get(SoState state) |
Gets the current range in the state.
static boolean |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static boolean |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Used by shapes to figure out if they need to send texture coordinates.
static SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.Bindings |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.Bindings |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns current texture binding from the state.
static boolean |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static boolean |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Used by shapes to figure out if they need to send texture coordinates.
static boolean |
SoTextureEnabledElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static boolean |
SoTextureEnabledElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Used by shapes to figure out if they need to send texture coordinates.
static SbMatrix |
SoTextureMatrixElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static SbMatrix |
SoTextureMatrixElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns current matrix from the state.
static java.lang.String |
SoTextureNameElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current texture name from the state.
static float |
SoTextureQualityElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current texture quality from the state.
static boolean |
SoTextureSendingEnabledElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current element value.
static SoTexture2Transform |
SoTextureTransformElement.get(SoState state) |
Calls get(state, (int)0).
static SoTexture2Transform |
SoTextureTransformElement.get(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns the current texture name from the state.
static SoUnitsElement.Units |
SoUnitsElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current units from the state.
static SbVec2f[] |
SoUpdateAreaElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current update area from the state.
static SbMatrix |
SoViewingMatrixElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current matrix from the state.
static SbViewportRegion |
SoViewportRegionElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns current viewport region from the state.
static SbViewVolume |
SoViewVolumeElement.get(SoState state) |
Returns the current view volume from the state.
static SoGLRenderAction |
SoWindowElement.getAction(SoState state) |
Returns the current glRenderAction.
static int |
SoTextureUnitElement.getActiveTextureUnit(SoState state) |
Returns the current active texture unit (the last texture unit set).
static SbColor |
SoLazyElement.getAmbient(SoState name_14044) |
static SbColor |
SoMaterialElement.getAmbient(SoState name_15034) |
static SbColor |
SoEnvironmentElement.getAmbientColor(SoState state) |
Gets the ambient color.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getAmbientColorOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoAmbientColorElement is overridden.
static float |
SoEnvironmentElement.getAmbientIntensity(SoState state) |
Gets the ambient intensity.
static boolean |
SoEnvironmentElement.getAmbientOcclusion(SoState state) |
Gets the ambient occlusion state (true : activated, otherwise deactivated)
static float |
SoStereoElement.getBalanceAdjustment(SoState state) |
Returns the stereo balance adjustment.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getBBoxTypeOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoComplexityType.bboxType is overridden.
static boolean |
SoLazyElement.getBlending(SoState name_14049) |
static boolean |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.getBooleanFieldValue(SoState state,
SoSFBool field) |
static SbBox3f |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.getBox(SoState state) |
Returns the current portion of the view volume from the state.
static int |
SoLazyElement.getColorIndex(SoState name_14042,
int num) |
static int |
SoMaterialElement.getColorIndex(SoState name_15032,
int num) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getColorIndexOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoColorIndexElement is overridden.
static int[] |
SoLazyElement.getColorIndices(SoState state) |
static int[] |
SoMaterialElement.getColorIndices(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoLazyElement.getColorMaterial(SoState name_14048) |
static boolean |
SoMaterialElement.getColorMaterial(SoState name_15038) |
static SbMatrix |
SoModelMatrixElement.getCombinedCullMatrix(SoState state) |
This method gets the model*cullMatrix combined matrix (which is cached by this element).
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getComplexityOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getComplexityTypeOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getCreaseAngleOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getDepthBufferFunctionOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getDepthBufferRangeOverride(SoState state) |
static SbColor |
SoLazyElement.getDiffuse(SoState state,
int index) |
get() methods get value from Inventor state.
static SbColor |
SoMaterialElement.getDiffuse(SoState state,
int index) |
get() methods get value from Inventor state.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getDiffuseColorOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoDiffuseColorElement is overridden.
static java.nio.IntBuffer |
SoLazyElement.getDirectColorIndices(SoState state) |
static java.nio.IntBuffer |
SoMaterialElement.getDirectColorIndices(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getDrawStyleOverride(SoState state) |
static int |
SoInteractionElement.getElapsedFrames(SoState state) |
Return number of frames since last interaction flag change.
static double |
SoInteractionElement.getElapsedSeconds(SoState state) |
Return number of seconds since last interaction flag change.
static SbColor |
SoLazyElement.getEmissive(SoState name_14045) |
static SbColor |
SoMaterialElement.getEmissive(SoState name_15035) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getEmissiveColorOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoEmissiveColorElement is overridden.
static int |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.getEnumFieldValue(SoState state,
SoSFEnum<?> field) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getEnvironmentOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getFontNameOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getFontRenderStyleOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getFontSizeOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getFullSceneAntialiasingOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoTextureOverrideElement.getImageOverride(SoState state) |
static int |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.getInfo(SoState state) |
Gets an integer info.
static SoBevelPropertyElement |
SoBevelPropertyElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoClipPlaneElement |
SoClipPlaneElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoCoordinateElement |
SoCoordinateElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoEdgeFlagElement |
SoEdgeFlagElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoGLLazyElement |
SoGLLazyElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state Note it does NOT cause cache dependency! It also casts away the const.
static SoLazyElement |
SoLazyElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state Note that the cache dependencies associated with this element are managed differently from other elements: this replaces the SoElement.getConstElement that is used by standard elements, but which causes cache dependency.
static SoNormalElement |
SoNormalElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoProfileCoordinateElement |
SoProfileCoordinateElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoTangentElement |
SoTangentElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoTextureCoordinate3Element |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoTextureCoordinateElement |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoUniformShaderParameterElement |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static SoVertexFlagElement |
SoVertexFlagElement.getInstance(SoState state) |
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
static float |
SoStereoElement.getInterEyeDistance(SoState state) |
Returns the inter-eye distance (immersive MP only).
static SbProjection |
SoProjectionElement.getInternalProjection(SoState state) |
Returns the projection routine associated with current SoProjection node.
static SbVec3f |
SoEnvironmentElement.getLightAttenuation(SoState state) |
Gets the light attenuation.
static int |
SoLazyElement.getLightModel(SoState name_14051) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getLightModelOverride(SoState state) |
static java.util.Vector<SoNode> |
SoLightElement.getLights(SoState state) |
Returns the current list of light nodes from the state.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getLinePatternOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getLineWidthOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getMaterialBindingOverride(SoState state) |
static SbMatrix |
SoLightElement.getMatrix(SoState state,
int index) |
Returns the matrix transform (WC to VRC) for the light i for an SoCallbackAction .
static float |
SoDepthOffsetElement.getMaxOffset(SoState state) |
Returns current accumulated offset from the state.
static int |
SoTextureUnitElement.getMaxTextureUnit(SoState state) |
Returns the maximum texture units.
static float |
SoMaterialElement.getMetallic(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getMetallicOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getNeighborToleranceOverride(SoState state) |
static int |
SoMultipleInstanceElement.getNumBatches(SoState state) |
Return the number of batches.
static long |
SoMaterialElement.getNumColorIndices(SoState state) |
Method to inquire about current colors.
static long |
SoMaterialElement.getNumDiffuse(SoState state) |
Return number of diffuse colors.
static int |
SoMultipleInstanceElement.getNumInstances(SoState state) |
Returns the number of shape instance requests in the state.
static int |
SoMaterialElement.getNumTransparencies(SoState state) |
Method to inquire about current colors.
static int[] |
SoLazyElement.getPackedColors(SoState state) |
static SoCpuBufferObject |
SoMaterialElement.getPackedColors(SoState state) |
Return packed colors if any.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getPatternOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getPickStyleOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getPointSizeOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getPolygonOffsetOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoTextureOverrideElement.getQualityOverride(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoStereoElement.getReversedView(SoState state) |
Returns the inverted view flag.
static float |
SoMaterialElement.getRoughness(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getRoughnessOverride(SoState state) |
static double |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.getScalarFieldValue(SoState state,
SoSField field) |
Return value of scalar field as a double.
static SbVec3f |
SoModelScaleElement.getScaleFactor(SoState state) |
Returns current model scale - if the overall SoModelMatrix is diagonazible Not all the SoModelMatrix are diagonalizable because a SoMatrixTransform or a direct set of the SoModelMatrix with a not diagonalizable matrix, so the getScaleFactor can return a vector containing one or more NaN or zeros.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getShapeHintsOverride(SoState state) |
static float |
SoLazyElement.getShininess(SoState name_14047) |
static float |
SoMaterialElement.getShininess(SoState name_15037) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getShininessOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoShininessElement is overridden.
static boolean |
SoLazyElement.getSmoothing(SoState name_14050) |
static SbColor |
SoLazyElement.getSpecular(SoState name_14046) |
static SbColor |
SoMaterialElement.getSpecular(SoState name_15036) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getSpecularColorOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoSpecularColorElement is overridden.
static float |
SoMaterialElement.getSpecularFactor(SoState state) |
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getSpecularFactorOverride(SoState state) |
static float |
SoStereoElement.getStereoAdjustment(SoState state) |
Returns the stereo offset adjustment.
static SoCamera.StereoModes |
SoStereoElement.getStereoMode(SoState state) |
Returns the stereoMode.
static float |
SoLazyElement.getTransparency(SoState name_14038,
int index) |
get() methods get value from Inventor state.
static float |
SoMaterialElement.getTransparency(SoState name_15028,
int index) |
get() methods get value from Inventor state.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getTransparencyOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoTransparencyElement is overridden.
static boolean |
SoOverrideElement.getTransparencyTypeOverride(SoState state) |
Returns true if SoTransparencyTypeElement is overridden.
static SoMultiSwitch.TraversalModes |
SoMultiSwitchElement.getTraversalMode(SoState state) |
static SoTextureCoordinate3Element.CoordTypes |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.getType(SoState state) |
Calls getType(state, (int)0).
static SoTextureCoordinate3Element.CoordTypes |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.getType(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns code indicating what has been set in state/element.
static SoTextureCoordinateElement.CoordTypes |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.getType(SoState state) |
Calls getType(state, (int)0).
static SoTextureCoordinateElement.CoordTypes |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.getType(SoState state,
int unit) |
Returns code indicating what has been set in state/element.
static java.util.Vector<SoNode> |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement.getVertexAttribs(SoState state) |
Returns the current list of vertex attribs nodes from the state.
static SbVec3f[] |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.getWallCoordinates(SoState state) |
Returns the current coordinates of the virtual window in the real world.
static void |
SoCacheElement.invalidate(SoState state) |
Invalidate any open caches.
static boolean |
SoStereoElement.isBalanceAdjustmentNearFrac(SoState state) |
Returns true when the stereo balance adjustement is defined as a fraction of the camera near distance.
static boolean |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.isDisabledForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit) |
Return if that texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static boolean |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.isDisabledForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit) |
Return if that texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static boolean |
SoTextureEnabledElement.isDisabledForShapeCache(SoState state,
int unit) |
Return if that texture unit is not used by any shape, so we don't have to invalidate cache when this texture is enable/disable/modified.
static boolean |
SoInteractionElement.isInteracting(SoState state) |
Returns true if a user interaction with the viewer is in progress.
static boolean |
SoViewVolumeElement.isSet(SoState state) |
Returns true if the view volume has been set in the state.
static boolean |
SoTextureQualityElement.isSetInState(SoState state) |
Returns true if element has been set in set.
static boolean |
SoStereoElement.isStereoAbsoluteAdjustments(SoState state) |
Returns true if stereo adjustments are absolute.
static boolean |
SoMaterialElement.isTransparent(SoState state) |
Method to inquire about current colors.
static boolean |
SoShapeHintsElement.isVBOUsed(SoState state) |
Indicates if VBO is used from the state.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.makeIdentity(SoState state) |
Sets the local matrix to the identity matrix.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.makeIdentity(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the model matrix to the identity matrix.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.makeIdentity(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the texture matrix to the identity matrix.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.mult(SoState state,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Multiplies the given matrix into the local matrix.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.mult(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Multiplies the given matrix into the model matrix.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.mult(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Multiplies the given matrix into the texture matrix.
void |
SoBBoxCacheElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
void |
SoBlendElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Override pop() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoCacheElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides this method to unref cache.
void |
SoClipPlaneElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method to free up planes that were added.
void |
SoDepthBufferElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Override pop() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.pop(SoState name_10830,
SoElement name_10831) |
Pop the element from the state.
void |
SoElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pops element.
void |
SoGLLazyElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method to maintain GL state.
void |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.pop(SoState name_13769,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pop method.
void |
SoLightElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pops element.
void |
SoLogicOperationElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Override pop() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoMaterialElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Unref buffer object of the popped element.
void |
SoShaderProgramElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method so side effects can occur in GL.
void |
SoShapeStyleElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pops element.
void |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method so side effects can occur in GL.
void |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method so side effects can occur in GL.
void |
SoTextureEnabledElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Overrides pop() method so side effects can occur in GL.
void |
SoTextureUnitElement.pop(SoState name_23239,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pop method.
void |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement.pop(SoState state,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pops element.
void |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement.pop(SoState name_24663,
SoElement prevTopElement) |
Pop method.
static void |
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement.popMatrix(SoState state,
SbMatrix matrix,
SbMatrix localmatrix) |
See description for pushMatrix().
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.popMatrix(SoState state,
SbMatrix m) |
This method is used by the TransformSeparator node.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.popMatrix(SoState state,
SbMatrix m) |
This method is used by the TransformSeparator node.
void |
SoAccumulatedElement.push(SoState name_7945) |
Pushes element.
void |
SoBBoxCacheElement.push(SoState state) |
Override push() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoBlendElement.push(SoState state) |
Override push() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoCacheElement.push(SoState state) |
push to save dependencies list
void |
SoClipPlaneElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoDepthBufferElement.push(SoState state) |
Override push() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.push(SoState name_10829) |
Push the element into the state.
void |
SoElement.push(SoState state) |
Pushes element.
void |
SoEnvironmentElement.push(SoState state) |
Pushes element.
void |
SoFontSizeElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement.push(SoState state) |
Push copies the values from the previous element.
void |
SoGLLazyElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to maintain GL state.
void |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoLazyElement.push(SoState state) |
push (for non-GL elements)
void |
SoLightElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoLogicOperationElement.push(SoState state) |
Override push() method to keep GL up to date.
void |
SoMaterialElement.push(SoState state) |
Copy current material into the pushed element.
void |
SoModelMatrixElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoOverrideElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack, and set up cache dependencies correctly.
void |
SoPatternElement.push(SoState state) |
Push copies the values from the previous element.
void |
SoPolygonOffsetElement.push(SoState state) |
Push copies the values from the previous element.
void |
SoProfileElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoReplacedTextureElement.push(SoState state) |
Pushes the element, copying values from previous element in state.
void |
SoShaderProgramElement.push(SoState name_20932) |
Overrides push() method so side effects can occur in GL.
void |
SoShapeHintsElement.push(SoState state) |
Push copies the values from the previous element, so set doesn't have to set them if they are set AS_IS.
void |
SoShapeStyleElement.push(SoState state) |
Pushes element.
void |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() so we can remember previous elements value and avoid making GL calls if this element has the same value.
void |
SoTextureCombinerElement.push(SoState state) |
Push copies the values from the previous element, so set doesn't have to set them if they are set AS_IS.
void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.push(SoState name_22795) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.push(SoState name_22813) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.push(SoState name_22886) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() so we can remember previous elements value and avoid making GL calls if this element has the same value.
void |
SoTextureEnabledElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() so we can remember previous element's value and avoid making GL calls if this element has the same value.
void |
SoTextureImageElementBase.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureOverrideElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack, and set up cache dependencies correctly.
void |
SoTextureTransformElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoTextureUnitElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoUpdateAreaElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement.push(SoState state) |
Overrides push() method to copy values from next instance in the stack.
void |
SoWindowElement.push(SoState state) |
static SbMatrix |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.pushMatrix(SoState state) |
This method is used by the TransformSeparator node.
static SbMatrix |
SoModelMatrixElement.pushMatrix(SoState state) |
This method is used by the TransformSeparator node.
static void |
SoVertexFlagElement.reInit(SoState name_24589,
SoNode name_24590) |
static void |
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement.reset(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Allows the SoGetBoundingBoxAction to reset the current model matrix to identity and all currently-open local matrices to identity.
void |
SoGLLazyElement.reset(SoState state,
int bitmask) |
Destroys knowledge of GL state.
static void |
SoWindowElement.reset(SoState state) |
Reset the element to default values.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.resetAll(SoState state) |
Resets all current instances in the state to identity.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.rotateBy(SoState state,
SbRotation rotation) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the local matrix.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.rotateBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbRotation rotation) |
This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.rotateBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbRotation rotation) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the texture matrix.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.scaleBy(SoState state,
SbVec3f scaleFactor) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the local matrix.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.scaleBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f scaleFactor) |
This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.scaleBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f scaleFactor) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the texture matrix.
static void |
SoGLLazyElement.sendAllMaterial(SoState state) |
Static send, always send top-of-stack.
static void |
SoGLLazyElement.sendNoMaterial(SoState state) |
Static send, always send top-of-stack.
static void |
SoGLLazyElement.sendOnlyDiffuseColor(SoState state) |
Static send, always send top-of-stack.
static void |
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement.set(SoState state,
boolean isOriented) |
Sets the value in the state.
static void |
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement.set(SoState state,
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement.FontSizeHints hint) |
Sets the value in the state.
static void |
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement.set(SoState state,
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement.RenderPrintTypes type) |
Sets the value in the state.
static void |
SoBBoxCacheElement.set(SoState state,
SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes cacheMode) |
Sets the boundingBox cache mode.
static void |
SoBBoxTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoBBoxTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current BBox type in the state.
static void |
SoBBoxTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_8871,
SoBBoxTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current BBox type in the state.
static void |
SoBlendElement.set(SoState state,
SoBlendElement.BlendElementParameters parameters) |
Sets the blending parameters.
static void |
SoCacheElement.set(SoState state,
SoCache cache) |
Sets cache in element accessed from state.
static void |
SoColorMapElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoColorMap colorMapNode) |
Sets the current color map in the state.
static void |
SoComplexityElement.set(SoState state,
float comp) |
Sets the current complexity in the state.
static void |
SoComplexityElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_9469,
float comp) |
Sets the current complexity in the state.
static void |
SoComplexityTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoComplexityTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current complexity type in the state.
static void |
SoComplexityTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_9477,
SoComplexityTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current complexity type in the state.
static void |
SoCreaseAngleElement.set(SoState state,
float angle) |
Sets the current crease angle in the state.
static void |
SoCreaseAngleElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_10167,
float angle) |
Sets the current crease angle in the state.
static void |
SoDecimationPercentageElement.set(SoState state,
float comp) |
Sets the current decimation in the state.
static void |
SoDecimationPercentageElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_10707,
float comp) |
Sets the current decimation in the state.
static void |
SoDecimationTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoDecimationTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current decimation type in the state.
static void |
SoDecimationTypeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_10715,
SoDecimationTypeElement.Types type) |
Sets the current decimation type in the state.
static void |
SoDepthBufferElement.set(SoState state,
boolean test,
boolean write,
SoDepthBufferElement.DepthWriteFunctions function,
SbVec2f range) |
Sets the depth buffer parameters.
static void |
SoDepthBufferElement.set(SoState state,
SoDepthBuffer depthBuffer,
boolean test,
boolean write,
SoDepthBufferElement.DepthWriteFunctions function,
SbVec2f range) |
Sets the depth buffer parameters.
static void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.set(SoState state,
float offset) |
Sets the current offset in the state.
static void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.set(SoState state,
float name_10809,
float name_10810,
float name_10811) |
Sets the current offset in the state.
static void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_10806,
float offset) |
Sets the current offset in the state.
static void |
SoDrawBufferElement.set(SoState state,
SoDrawBufferElement.SoDrawBufferTypes type) |
Sets the depth buffer parameters.
static void |
SoDrawStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoDrawStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current draw style in the state.
static void |
SoDrawStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_11091,
SoDrawStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current draw style in the state.
static void |
SoEnvironmentElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoEnvironmentElement.EnvironmentParameters envParams) |
Sets the current environment in the state.
static void |
SoFocalDistanceElement.set(SoState state,
float distance) |
Sets the current focal distance in the state.
static void |
SoFocalDistanceElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_11866,
float distance) |
Sets the current focal distance in the state.
static void |
SoFontNameElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
java.lang.String fontName) |
Sets the current font name.
static void |
SoFontRenderStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoFontRenderStyleElement.RenderStyles style) |
Sets the current render style in the state.
static void |
SoFontRenderStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_11902,
SoFontRenderStyleElement.RenderStyles style) |
Sets the current render style in the state.
static void |
SoFontSizeElement.set(SoState state,
float size) |
Sets the current font size.
static void |
SoFontSizeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_11911,
float size) |
Sets the current font size.
static void |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement.set(SoState state,
boolean on,
boolean currOn,
int filter) |
Sets the current Full-Scene Antialising attributes in the state.
static void |
SoGeoOriginElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
boolean rotateYUp,
SbVec3f geoOrigin) |
Sets the current attributes.
static void |
SoGeoRenderElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_12077,
SbProj4Projection.Projections renderProjection) |
Sets the current render mode in the state.
static void |
SoGeoRenderElement.set(SoState state,
SbProj4Projection.Projections renderProjection) |
Sets the current render mode in the state.
static void |
SoInteractionElement.set(SoState state,
boolean moving) |
Sets the current interaction in the state.
static void |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement.set(SoState state,
SoInteractiveComplexity node) |
static void |
SoInteractiveSwitchElement.set(SoState state,
int index) |
Sets the current switch index in the state.
static void |
SoInteractiveSwitchElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_13778,
int index) |
Sets the current switch index in the state.
static void |
SoLightAttenuationElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f attenuation) |
Sets the current light attenuation(s).
static void |
SoLightModelElement.set(SoState state,
SoLightModelElement.Models model) |
Sets the current lighting model in the state.
static void |
SoLightModelElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_14211,
SoLightModelElement.Models model) |
Sets the current lighting model in the state.
static void |
SoLinePatternElement.set(SoState state,
short pattern) |
Calls set(state, pattern, (int)1).
static void |
SoLinePatternElement.set(SoState state,
short pattern,
int factor) |
Sets the current line pattern in the state.
static void |
SoLinePatternElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_14259,
short pattern) |
Calls set(state, name_14259, pattern, (int)1).
static void |
SoLinePatternElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_14259,
short pattern,
int factor) |
Sets the current line pattern in the state.
static void |
SoLineWidthElement.set(SoState state,
float width) |
Sets the current line width in the state.
static void |
SoLineWidthElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_14303,
float width) |
Sets the current line width in the state.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Sets the local matrix to the given matrix.
static void |
SoLogicalViewportElement.set(SoState state,
SbViewportRegion vp) |
Sets the viewport region.
static void |
SoLogicOperationElement.set(SoState state,
boolean enable,
SoLogicOperationElement.LogicOperations operation) |
set the current logic operation
static void |
SoMaterialBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current material binding in the state.
static void |
SoMaterialBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_14970,
SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current material binding in the state.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Calls set(state, node, matrix, true).
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix,
boolean sendToGL) |
Sets the model matrix to the given matrix.
static void |
SoModifyLogicalViewportElement.set(SoState state,
SbVec4f portion) |
Sets the portion of the viewport.
static void |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.set(SoState state,
SbBox3f portion) |
Sets the current portion in the state to the given portion (left, bottom, right, top).
static void |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.set(SoState state,
SbVec4f portion) |
Sets the current portion in the state to the given portion (left, bottom, right, top).
static void |
SoMultipleInstanceElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoMultipleInstance instanceproperty) |
Sets the current multiple instance node.
static void |
SoNeighborToleranceElement.set(SoState state,
float tolerance) |
Sets the current tolerance factor in the state.
static void |
SoNormalBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current normal binding in the state.
static void |
SoNormalBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_17726,
SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current normal binding in the state.
static void |
SoNormalElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] normals) |
Sets the current normals.
static void |
SoNurbsPropertyElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoNurbsPropertyElement.DrawStyles drawStyleMask,
int numSamplePoints,
SbColor color,
short isoParamCurvesPattern,
SoNurbsProperty.TessellationTypes tessType,
float tessDistance,
float tessAngle) |
Sets the current NURBS properties attributes in the state.
static void |
SoPatternElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
java.lang.String category,
java.lang.String name) |
Sets the current pattern attributes in the state.
static void |
SoPickMethodElement.set(SoState state,
SoPickMethodElement.Methods method) |
Sets the current pick method in the state.
static void |
SoPickMethodElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_18566,
SoPickMethodElement.Methods method) |
Sets the current pick method in the state.
static void |
SoPickRayElement.set(SoState state,
SbViewVolume volume) |
Sets the picking ray.
static void |
SoPickStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoPickStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current pick style in the state.
static void |
SoPickStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_18588,
SoPickStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current pick style in the state.
static void |
SoPointSizeElement.set(SoState state,
float size) |
Sets the current point size in the state.
static void |
SoPointSizeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_18684,
float size) |
Sets the current point size in the state.
static void |
SoPolygonOffsetElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float factor,
float units,
SoPolygonOffsetElement.Styles styles,
boolean on) |
Sets the current polygon offset attributes in the state.
static void |
SoProjectionElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_18923,
SoProjection prj) |
Sets the current projection node in the state.
static void |
SoProjectionElement.set(SoState state,
SoProjection prj) |
Sets the current projection node in the state.
static void |
SoProjectionMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Sets the projection matrix to the given matrix.
static void |
SoShaderProgramElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the current shader program in the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
boolean useVBO) |
Sets the current shape hints in the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoShapeHintsElement.VertexOrderings vertexOrdering,
SoShapeHintsElement.ShapeTypes shapeType,
SoShapeHintsElement.FaceTypes faceType) |
Sets the current shape hints in the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoShapeHintsElement.VertexOrderings vertexOrdering,
SoShapeHintsElement.ShapeTypes shapeType,
SoShapeHintsElement.FaceTypes faceType,
SoShapeHintsElement.WindingTypes windingType,
boolean useVBO) |
Set shape hints by defining all options.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoShapeHintsElement.WindingTypes windingType) |
Sets the current shape hints in the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_21067,
boolean useVBO) |
Indicates if VBO is used from the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_21059,
SoShapeHintsElement.VertexOrderings vertexOrdering,
SoShapeHintsElement.ShapeTypes shapeType,
SoShapeHintsElement.FaceTypes faceType) |
Sets the current shape hints in the state.
static void |
SoShapeHintsElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_21064,
SoShapeHintsElement.WindingTypes windingType) |
static void |
SoStereoElement.set(SoState state,
SoCamera.StereoModes mode) |
Sets the stereo mode, LEFT_VIEW, RIGHT_VIEW, or MONOSCOPIC.
static void |
SoSwitchElement.set(SoState state,
int index) |
Sets the current switch index in the state.
static void |
SoSwitchElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_21559,
int index) |
Sets the current switch index in the state.
static void |
SoTangentBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoTangentBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current tangent binding in the state.
static void |
SoTangentBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_22519,
SoTangentBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current tangent binding in the state.
static void |
SoTangentElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] tangents) |
Sets the current tangents.
static void |
SoTextAliasingFactorElement.set(SoState state,
float factor) |
Sets the current horizontal text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextAliasingFactorElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23244,
float style) |
Sets the current horizontal text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextAlignmentHElement.set(SoState state,
SoTextAlignmentHElement.AlignmentHs style) |
Sets the current horizontal text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextAlignmentHElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23253,
SoTextAlignmentHElement.AlignmentHs style) |
Sets the current horizontal text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextAlignmentVElement.set(SoState state,
SoTextAlignmentVElement.AlignmentVs style) |
Sets the current vertical text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextAlignmentVElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23262,
SoTextAlignmentVElement.AlignmentVs style) |
Sets the current vertical text alignment in the state.
static void |
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement.set(SoState state,
float width) |
Sets the current horizontal text backFrame width in the state.
static void |
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23271,
float width) |
Sets the current horizontal text backFrame width in the state.
static void |
SoTextKerningElement.set(SoState state,
boolean isKernedText) |
Sets element in state.
static void |
SoTextMarginElement.set(SoState state,
float margin) |
Sets the current horizontal text margin in the state.
static void |
SoTextMarginElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23290,
float margin) |
Sets the current horizontal text margin in the state.
static void |
SoTextOrientationElement.set(SoState state,
SoTextOrientationElement.Orientations style) |
Sets the current font orientation in the state.
static void |
SoTextOrientationElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23299,
SoTextOrientationElement.Orientations style) |
Sets the current font orientation in the state.
static void |
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean isOutlineText) |
Set the current element value.
static void |
SoTextStyleColorsElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColorRGBA[] colors) |
Sets the current range in the state.
static void |
SoTextStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoTextStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current style type in the state.
static void |
SoTextStyleElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23331,
SoTextStyleElement.Styles style) |
Sets the current style type in the state.
static void |
SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec2i32 range) |
Sets the current range in the state.
static void |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls set(state, value, (com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode)null).
static void |
SoTexture3EnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value,
SoNode node) |
Used by Texture3ImageElement, set to true when a non-null image is set, set to false when there is no 3D texture image (the default).
static void |
SoTextureCombinerElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int _combineRGB,
int _combineAlpha,
int _source0RGB,
int _source1RGB,
int _source2RGB,
int _source0Alpha,
int _source1Alpha,
int _source2Alpha,
int _operand0RGB,
int _operand1RGB,
int _operand2RGB,
int _operand0Alpha,
int _operand1Alpha,
int _operand2Alpha,
float _scaleRGB,
float _scaleAlpha,
SbVec4f constantColor) |
Sets the current texture combiner parameters in the state.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current texture binding in the state.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_22807,
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.Bindings binding) |
Sets the current texture binding in the state.
static void |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls set(state, value, (com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode)null).
static void |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value,
SoNode node) |
Used by GLTextureImageElement, set to true when a non-null image is set, set to false when there is no texture image (the default).
static void |
SoTextureEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls set(state, value, (com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoNode)null).
static void |
SoTextureEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean value,
SoNode node) |
Used by GLTextureImageElement, set to true when a non-null image is set, set to false when there is no texture image (the default).
static void |
SoTextureImage3Element.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3s subSize,
int xoffset,
int yoffset,
int zoffset,
byte[] bytes,
int texname) |
Pass texname = -1 to deactivate subtexturing.
static void |
SoTextureImageElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec2i32 subSize,
int xoffset,
int yoffset,
java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
int texname) |
Pass texname = -1 to deactivate subtexturing.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Sets the texture transform matrix to the given matrix.
static void |
SoTextureNameElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
java.lang.String textureName) |
Sets the current texture name.
static void |
SoTextureQualityElement.set(SoState state,
float qual) |
Sets the current texture quality in the state.
static void |
SoTextureSendingEnabledElement.set(SoState state,
boolean flag) |
Sets the current element value.
static void |
SoTextureTransformElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the current texture name.
static void |
SoTextureUnitElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int unit) |
Sets the current texture unit.
static void |
SoUnitsElement.set(SoState state,
SoUnitsElement.Units units) |
Sets the current units in the state.
static void |
SoUnitsElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode name_23983,
SoUnitsElement.Units units) |
Sets the current units in the state.
static void |
SoUpdateAreaElement.set(SoState state,
SbVec2f origin,
SbVec2f size) |
Sets the current update area in the state.
static void |
SoViewingMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Calls set(state, node, matrix, true).
static void |
SoViewingMatrixElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix,
boolean sendToGL) |
Sets the view matrix to the given matrix.
static void |
SoViewportRegionElement.set(SoState state,
SbViewportRegion vpReg) |
Calls set(state, vpReg, true).
static void |
SoViewportRegionElement.set(SoState state,
SbViewportRegion vpReg,
boolean sendToGL) |
Sets the viewport region.
static void |
SoViewVolumeElement.set(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbViewVolume viewVolume) |
Sets the view volume in the state.
static void |
SoProfileCoordinateElement.set2(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec2f[] coords) |
Sets the current 2D profile coordinates.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.set2(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec2f[] coords) |
Calls set2(state, node, coords, false).
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.set2(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec2f[] coords,
boolean frcSend) |
static void |
SoCoordinateElement.set3(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] coords) |
Sets the current coordinates in the state as 3-vectors.
static void |
SoProfileCoordinateElement.set3(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] coords) |
Sets the current 3D profile coordinates.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.set3(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] coords) |
Calls set3(state, node, coords, false).
static void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.set3(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f[] coords,
boolean frcSend) |
static void |
SoCoordinateElement.set4(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec4f[] coords) |
Sets the current coordinates in the state as 4-vectors.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.set4(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec4f[] coords) |
Calls set4(state, node, coords, false).
static void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.set4(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec4f[] coords,
boolean frcSend) |
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.set4(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec4f[] coords) |
Calls set4(state, node, coords, false).
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.set4(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec4f[] coords,
boolean frcSend) |
static void |
SoBevelPropertyElement.setAbsoluteRadius(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float name_8648) |
Sets the bevel radius as an absolute value.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setAmbient(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setAmbient(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setAmbientColorOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18188,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoAmbientColorElement.
static void |
SoBevelPropertyElement.setAngle(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float name_8642) |
Sets the bevel angle: if 2 adjacent faces make a greater angle, then their common edge is beveled.
static void |
SoStereoElement.setBalanceAdjustment(SoState state,
float stbalance) |
Calls setBalanceAdjustment(state, stbalance, (boolean)false).
static void |
SoStereoElement.setBalanceAdjustment(SoState state,
float stbalance,
boolean stNearFrac) |
Sets the stereo balance adjustment.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setBBoxTypeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18284,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoBlendElement.setBlending(SoState state,
boolean enabled) |
Enable or disable blending.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setBlending(SoState state,
boolean value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setColorIndexOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18191,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoColorIndexElement.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setColorIndices(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int[] indices) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setColorIndices(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int[] indices) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setColorMaterial(SoState state,
SoNode node,
boolean value) |
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setColorMaterial(SoState state,
SoNode node,
boolean value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setComplexityOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18194,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setComplexityType(SoState state,
int value) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setComplexityTypeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18197,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setCreaseAngleOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18200,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.setCullMatrix(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbMatrix matrix) |
Sets the transformation that defines the volume that view-volume culling should be tested against.
static void |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.setDefault(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the current texture coordinates, in any of several ways: EXPLICIT, no coordinates (shapes will generate):
static void |
SoTextureCoordinateElement.setDefault(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Sets the current texture coordinates, in any of several ways: EXPLICIT, no coordinates (shapes will generate).
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setDepthBufferFunctionOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18281,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setDepthBufferRangeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18278,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoLazyElement.setDiffuse(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor[] colors,
SoColorPacker cPacker) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setDiffuse(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor[] colors) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setDiffuseColorOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18206,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoDiffuseColorElement.
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setDrawStyle(SoState state,
int value) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setDrawStyleOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18209,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoLazyElement.setEmissive(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setEmissive(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setEmissiveColorOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18212,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoEmissiveColorElement.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setEnvironmentOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18266,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setFontNameOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18215,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setFontRenderStyleOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18221,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setFontSizeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18218,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setFullSceneAntialiasingOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18275,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoBlendElement.setFunction(SoState state,
SoBlendElement.BlendFactors source,
SoBlendElement.BlendFactors destination) |
Sets the blending function.
static void |
SoTextureOverrideElement.setImageOverride(SoState state,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.setInfo(SoState state,
int info) |
Sets an integer info.
static void |
SoStereoElement.setInterEyeDistance(SoState state,
float ied) |
Sets the inter-eye distance (immersive MP only).
static void |
SoLazyElement.setLightModel(SoState state,
int model) |
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setLightModel(SoState state,
int value) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setLightModelOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18224,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setLinePatternOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18227,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setLineWidthOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18230,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoEdgeFlagElement.setMarked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int numFlags,
int[] flags) |
Sets the current flags in the state as marked.
static void |
SoVertexFlagElement.setMarked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int numFlags,
int[] flags) |
Sets the current flags in the state as marked.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setMaterialBindingOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18233,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoDepthOffsetElement.setMaxOffset(SoState state,
float offset) |
Sets the current offset in the state.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setMetallic(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setMetallicOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18254,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setNeighborToleranceOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18203,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setOverrides(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Set value is true if either diffuse, transparency, or materialbinding are overridden; otherwise false.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setPacked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoColorPacker cPacker,
int[] colors) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setPacked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int[] colors) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setPatternOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18272,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setPickStyleOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18236,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setPointSizeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18239,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setPolygonOffsetOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18269,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoTextureOverrideElement.setQualityOverride(SoState state,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoBevelPropertyElement.setRadius(SoState state,
SoNode node) |
Calls setRadius(state, node, com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty.DEFAULT_RADIUS).
static void |
SoBevelPropertyElement.setRadius(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float name_8645) |
Sets the bevel radius as a percentage [0.0, 1.0] of the greater value of the length of each edge.
static void |
SoStereoElement.setReversedView(SoState state,
boolean strev) |
Sets the stereo inverted view flag.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setRoughness(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setRoughnessOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18251,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setShapeHintsOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18242,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoLazyElement.setShininess(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float value) |
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setShininess(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setShininessOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18245,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoShininessElement.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setSmoothing(SoState state,
boolean value) |
static void |
SoLazyElement.setSpecular(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setSpecular(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbColor color) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setSpecularColorOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18257,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoSpecularColorElement.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setSpecularFactor(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float value) |
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setSpecularFactorOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18248,
boolean override) |
static void |
SoStereoElement.setStereoAbsoluteAdjustments(SoState state,
boolean absolute) |
Indicates if the stereo offset and and balance setting should be interpreted as factors or as absolute parameters.
static void |
SoStereoElement.setStereoAdjustment(SoState state,
float stoffset) |
Sets the stereo offset adjustment.
static void |
SoBevelPropertyElement.setTests(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int name_8651) |
Allows the user to switch on/off the tests applied before the bevel (can increase speed when the tests are not needed).
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTexture3Enabled(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls setTexture3Enabled(state, value, (int)0).
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTexture3Enabled(SoState state,
boolean value,
int unit) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTextureEnabled(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls setTextureEnabled(state, value, (int)0).
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTextureEnabled(SoState state,
boolean value,
int unit) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTextureFunction(SoState state,
boolean value) |
Calls setTextureFunction(state, value, (int)0).
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTextureFunction(SoState state,
boolean value,
int unit) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoLazyElement.setTransparency(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float[] transp,
SoColorPacker cPacker) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoMaterialElement.setTransparency(SoState state,
SoNode node,
float[] transp) |
Static set method.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setTransparencyOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18260,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoTransparencyElement.
static void |
SoShapeStyleElement.setTransparencyType(SoState state,
int value) |
API used by other elements.
static void |
SoOverrideElement.setTransparencyTypeOverride(SoState state,
SoNode name_18263,
boolean override) |
Set override flag for SoTransparencyTypeElement.
static void |
SoEdgeFlagElement.setUnmarked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int numFlags,
int[] flags) |
Sets the current flags in the state as unmarked.
static void |
SoVertexFlagElement.setUnmarked(SoState state,
SoNode node,
int numFlags,
int[] flags) |
Sets the current flags in the state as unmarked.
static void |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.setWallCoordinates(SoState state,
SbVec3f lowerLeft,
SbVec3f lowerRight,
SbVec3f upperLeft) |
Sets the current coordinates of the virtual window in the real world.
static void |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement.translateBy(SoState state,
SbVec3f translation) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the local matrix.
static void |
SoModelMatrixElement.translateBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f translation) |
This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.
static void |
SoTextureMatrixElement.translateBy(SoState state,
SoNode node,
SbVec3f translation) |
Multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the texture matrix.
static boolean |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement.useWallCoordinates(SoState state) |
Returns a boolean telling the Camera to compute a view volume using the wall coordinates.