Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CDicomInfo VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Text node to display DICOM information on sceen
 CExtEventQCustomEvent no longer exists in full Qt4 so we have to subclass QEvent to provide our own custom event
 CGnomon VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node to display a medical gnomon (compass) on the screen
 CInventorMedical VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Initializes the Open Inventor Medical classes
 CIvtCommand VSG extension Abstract class for IvTune commands
 CIvtEditor VSG extension Base class for implementing IvTune editors
 CIvtExtension VSG extension Base class to implement IvTune extensions
 CIvtExtensionInfoStructure describing the common information of an extension
 CIvtPlugin VSG extension Base class for implementing IvTune plug-ins
 CIvtPluginInfoStructure describing the common information of a plug-in
 CIvtPluginsManager VSG extension Class that manages the loading of IvTune plug-ins
 CIvtProfile VSG extension Configuration profile
 CIvtProfileSetting VSG extension IvTune extension preferences
 CIvtServices VSG extension Class to access services provided by IvTune
 CIvtShell VSG extension Class to register Extension GUI in IvTune
 CMagnifier VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node to display a magnified view of a region of the screen
 CMbVec3 MeshViz Class defining a vector or a point of 3 coordinates
 CMedicalHelper VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Utility class for medical applications
 CMeWGeometryI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured mesh geometry
 CMeWLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured line mesh topology
 CMeWSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured surface mesh topology
 CMeWVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured volume mesh topology
 CMeXCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted mesh
 CMeXDataSet MeshViz Generic extracted data set interface
 CMeXDataSet< std::string >
 CMeXDataSetI MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted unstructured meshes
 CMeXDataSetIj MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted structured surface meshes
 CMeXDataSetIjk MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted structured volume meshes
 CMeXGeometry MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes
 CMeXGeometryExplicit MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes with explicit coordinates
 CMeXGeometryI MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted unstructured meshes
 CMeXGeometryIj MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted structured surface meshes
 CMeXGeometryRegular MeshViz Extracted generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry
 CMeXLineCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted line mesh
 CMeXLineMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear line mesh abstract interface
 CMeXLineMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured line mesh abstract interface
 CMeXLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted line cells interface
 CMeXMeshIj MeshViz Extracted IJ surface mesh abstract interface
 CMeXMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured mesh abstract interface
 CMeXPointMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear point mesh abstract interface
 CMeXSurfaceCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted surface mesh
 CMeXSurfaceGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic extracted rectilinear surface geometry
 CMeXSurfaceMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface
 CMeXSurfaceMeshRectilinear MeshViz Extracted rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface
 CMeXSurfaceMeshRegular MeshViz Extracted regular surface mesh abstract interface
 CMeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured surface mesh abstract interface
 CMeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted surface cells interface
 CMeXTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted cells interface
 CMeXTopologyI MeshViz List of extracted cells interface
 CMeXTopologyIj MeshViz List of extracted structured surface cells interface
 CMeXVolumeCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted volume mesh
 CMeXVolumeMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured volume mesh abstract interface
 CMeXVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted volume cells interface
 CMiAbstractMethodError MeshViz Exception handler for MeshViz XLM
 CMiBaseExtractor MeshViz Abstract base class for all extractor interfaces
 CMiCancellationException MeshViz Exception handler for MeshViz XLM
 CMiCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a mesh
 CMiCellExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Cell extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes
 CMiCellExtractIj MeshViz Cell extractor for structured surface meshes
 CMiCellExtractIjk MeshViz Cell extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiCellExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cell extractor for unstructured meshes
 CMiCellFilter MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter
 CMiCellFilterI MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for unstructured meshes
 CMiCellFilterIj MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for structured surface meshes
 CMiCellFilterIjk MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for structured volume meshes
 CMiClipLineExtractIj MeshViz Clip line extractor for structured surface meshes
 CMiClipLineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Clip line extractor for unstructured surface meshes
 CMiClipPointExtract MeshViz Clip point extractor for all line meshes
 CMiColorMapping MeshViz Interface class defining a color mapping function
 CMiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
 CMiCylinderSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
 CMiDataSet MeshViz Generic data set interface
 CMiDataSetI MeshViz Generic data set interface for unstructured meshes
 CMiDataSetIj MeshViz Generic data set interface for structured surface meshes
 CMiDataSetIjk MeshViz Generic data set interface for structured volume meshes
 CMiEdgeErrorMetric MeshViz Edge error metric interface used by the tessellator
 CMiExtractorCallback MeshViz Abstract base class for extraction callback interfaces
 CMiFenceSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes
 CMiFenceSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Fence slice extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiFenceSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Fence slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
 CMiGeometry MeshViz Generic geometry interface
 CMiGeometryHexahedronIjk MeshViz Generic geometry interface for hexahedron mesh Ijk
 CMiGeometryI MeshViz Generic geometry interface for unstructured meshes
 CMiGeometryIj MeshViz Generic geometry interface for structured surface meshes
 CMiGeometryIjk MeshViz Generic geometry interface for structured volume meshes
 CMiGeometryRegular MeshViz Generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry
 CMiGridPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on hexahedron IJK volume meshes
 CMiGridPlaneSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on structured volume meshes
 CMiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured volume meshes
 CMiHexahedronTopologyExplicitIjk MeshViz List of volume cells interface
 CMiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtract MeshViz Interpolated logical slice extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Interpolated logical slice extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes
 CMiIsolineExtractIj MeshViz Isoline extractor for structured surface meshes
 CMiIsolineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Isoline extractor for unstructured surface meshes
 CMiIsosurfExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Isosurface extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes
 CMiIsosurfExtractIjk MeshViz Isosurface extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiIsosurfExtractUnstructured MeshViz Isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes
 CMiLineCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a line mesh
 CMiLineCellExtractI MeshViz Cell extractor for line meshes
 CMiLineCellExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cell extractor for unstructured line meshes
 CMiLineExtract MeshViz line mesh extractor for unstructured line mesh
 CMiLineMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear Line mesh abstract interface
 CMiLineMeshRegular MeshViz Regular line mesh abstract interface
 CMiLineMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured Line mesh abstract interface
 CMiLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of line cells interface
 CMiLogicalSliceExtractCurvilinear MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a curvilinear volume mesh
 CMiLogicalSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Logical slice extractor for an hexahedron IJK volume mesh
 CMiLogicalSliceExtractRectilinear MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a rectilinear volume mesh
 CMiLogicalSliceExtractRegular MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a regular volume mesh
 CMiMesh MeshViz Abstract mesh interface
 CMiMeshIj MeshViz IJ surface mesh abstract interface
 CMiMeshIjk MeshViz IJK volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiMeshRegular MeshViz Regular mesh abstract interface
 CMiMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured mesh abstract interface
 CMiMeshUnstructuredI MeshViz I Unstructured mesh abstract interface
 CMiMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module
 CMiNonOverlappedCellsExtractUnstructured MeshViz Remove overlapped cells from a given unstructured surface mesh or a list of meshes
 CMiOutlineExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Extract the outline of an hexahedron IJK mesh
 CMiOutlineExtractIj MeshViz Outline extractor for a structured surface mesh
 CMiOutlineExtractIjk MeshViz Outline extractor for a structured volume mesh
 CMiOutlineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Outline extractor for an unstructured mesh
 CMiPerCellToPerNodeExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured hexahedron mesh
 CMiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIj MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured surface mesh
 CMiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIjk MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured volume mesh
 CMiPerCellToPerNodeExtractUnstructured MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given unstructured mesh
 CMiPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Plane slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
 CMiPlaneSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Plane slice extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Plane slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
 CMiPointMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear point mesh abstract interface
 CMiPointProbeHexahedronIjk MeshViz Probe at a given location in an hexahedron IJK volume mesh
 CMiPointProbeIj MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured surface mesh
 CMiPointProbeIjk MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured volume mesh
 CMiPointProbeUnstructured MeshViz Probe at a given location in an unstructured mesh
 CMiPolyhedralToMixVolumeExtract MeshViz Convert polyhedral 3D mesh to mixed volume mesh
 CMiResampledSurfaceExtractCurvilinear(Preview feature)
 CMiSkinExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Extract the skin of an hexahedron IJK mesh
 CMiSkinExtractIjk MeshViz Skin extractor for a structured volume mesh
 CMiSkinExtractUnstructured MeshViz Skin extractor for an unstructured volume mesh
 CMiSphereSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
 CMiSphereSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiSphereSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
 CMiStreamlineExtractBase MeshViz Base class for all streamline extractors
 CMiStreamlineExtractHexahedronIjk MeshViz Streamline extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
 CMiStreamlineExtractIjk MeshViz Streamline extractor for structured volume meshes
 CMiStreamlineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Streamline extractor for unstructured volume meshes
 CMiSurfaceCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured surface mesh
 CMiSurfaceExtractIj MeshViz Surface mesh extractor for structured surface mesh
 CMiSurfaceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Surface mesh extractor for unstructured surface mesh
 CMiSurfaceGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic rectilinear surface geometry
 CMiSurfaceMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface
 CMiSurfaceMeshRectilinear MeshViz Rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface
 CMiSurfaceMeshRegular MeshViz Regular surface mesh abstract interface
 CMiSurfaceMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured surface mesh abstract interface
 CMiSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of surface cells interface
 CMiTessellatedLineExtract MeshViz Tessellated line mesh extractor for unstructured non linear 1D mesh
 CMiTessellatedSurfaceExtract MeshViz Tessellated surface mesh extractor for unstructured and non linear 2D mesh
 CMiTessellator MeshViz Abstract tessellator interface
 CMiTopology MeshViz List of cells interface
 CMiTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of generic cells interface
 CMiTopologyI MeshViz List of cells interface
 CMiTopologyIj MeshViz List of structured surface cells interface
 CMiTopologyIjk MeshViz List of volume cells interface
 CMiTypedDataSet MeshViz Generic typed data set interface
 CMiVolumeCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured volume mesh
 CMiVolumeGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic rectilinear volume geometry
 CMiVolumeMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiVolumeMeshHexahedronIjk MeshViz IJK Hexahedron volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiVolumeMeshRectilinear MeshViz Rectilinear volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiVolumeMeshRegular MeshViz Regular volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiVolumeMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured volume mesh abstract interface
 CMiVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk MeshViz Non Indexed Hexahedron mesh IJK abstract interface
 CMiVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of volume cells interface
 CMoActionNode MeshViz Utility class that provides default action handling for MeshViz nodes
 CMoCellFilter MeshViz Property node that defines a cell filter
 CMoCellFilterElement MeshViz Stores the current cell filter
 CMoColorMapping MeshViz Abstract base class for color mapping nodes
 CMoColorMappingElement MeshViz Stores the current color mapping
 CMoCombineColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a combine color mapping
 CMoCombineColorMappingElement MeshViz Stores the current combine color mapping
 CMoCustomColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a custom color mapping
 CMoDataBinding MeshViz Property node that defines the data binding
 CMoDataBindingElement MeshViz Stores the current data binding
 CMoDrawStyle MeshViz Property node that defines the draw style of representations
 CMoDrawStyleElement MeshViz Stores the current draw style
 CMoFaceDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces
 CMoFaceDetailIStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes
 CMoFaceDetailIjStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured surface mesh
 CMoFaceDetailIjkStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured volume mesh
 CMoLegend MeshViz Rendering node that displays a legend
 CMoLevelColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a color mapping with constant color in each interval
 CMoLinearColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a color mapping with interpolated color in each interval
 CMoLineDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments
 CMoLineDetailIStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes
 CMoLineDetailIjStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured surface meshes
 CMoLineDetailIjkStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured volume meshes
 CMoLineMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a line
 CMoMaterial MeshViz Property node that defines the material of surface representations
 CMoMaterialElement MeshViz Stores the current material
 CMoMesh MeshViz Property node that defines a mesh
 CMoMeshAnnotatedIsoline MeshViz Rendering node that displays annotated isolines
 CMoMeshBaseRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes
 CMoMeshCellShape MeshViz Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh
 CMoMeshClipLine MeshViz Rendering node that displays a clip line of a surface mesh
 CMoMeshClipPoint MeshViz Rendering node that displays clip points of a line mesh
 CMoMeshCylinderSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a cylinder slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh
 CMoMeshElement MeshViz Stores the current mesh
 CMoMeshElevatedPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays an elevated plane slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshFenceSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a fence slice within a volume mesh
 CMoMeshGridPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a grid plane slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshInterpolatedLogicalSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays an interpolated logical slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshIsoline MeshViz Rendering node that displays isolines on a surface mesh
 CMoMeshIsosurface MeshViz Rendering node that displays an isosurface of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshLine MeshViz Rendering node that displays a line mesh
 CMoMeshLineRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM line representation nodes containing an extractor
 CMoMeshLogicalSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a logical slice of a structured volume mesh
 CMoMeshOutline MeshViz Rendering node that displays the outline of a mesh
 CMoMeshPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a plane slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshPointProbe MeshViz Action node that probes cells of a mesh
 CMoMeshRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes containing an extractor
 CMoMeshRepresentationDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation
 CMoMeshSkin MeshViz Rendering node that displays the skin of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshSlab MeshViz Rendering node that displays a slab of a structured volume mesh
 CMoMeshSphereSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a sphere slice of a volume mesh
 CMoMeshStreamline MeshViz Rendering node that displays streamlines of a vector field on a volume mesh
 CMoMeshSurface MeshViz Rendering node that displays a surface mesh
 CMoMeshSurfaceRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM surface representation nodes containing an extractor
 CMoMeshVector MeshViz Rendering node that displays a vector data set
 CMoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize all MeshViz XLM nodes
 CMoPredefinedColorMapping MeshViz Property node that selects a predefined color mapping
 CMoScalarSet MeshViz Property node that stores any kind of scalar data set
 CMoScalarSetElement MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets
 CMoScalarSetElementI MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for unstructured meshes
 CMoScalarSetElementIj MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for structured surface meshes
 CMoScalarSetElementIjk MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for structured volume meshes
 CMoScalarSetI MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for an unstructured mesh
 CMoScalarSetIj MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured surface mesh
 CMoScalarSetIjk MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured volume mesh
 CMoStringSet MeshViz Property node that stores any kind of string set
 CMoStringSetElement MeshViz Stores a list of string sets
 CMoSurfaceMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a surface
 CMoTessellator MeshViz Property node that defines a tessellator
 CMoTessellatorElement MeshViz Stores the current tessellator
 CMoVec3SetElementI MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for unstructured meshes
 CMoVec3SetElementIj MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured surface meshes
 CMoVec3SetElementIjk MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured volume meshes
 CMoVec3SetI MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for an unstructured mesh
 CMoVec3SetIj MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured surface mesh
 CMoVec3SetIjk MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured volume mesh
 CMxEdgeErrorMetricGeometry MeshViz Geometrical edge error metric
 CMxHexahedron20CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes
 CMxHexahedron27CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 27 nodes
 CMxHexahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for hexahedron cells
 CMxLineCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for line cells
 CMxPolygonCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polygon cells
 CMxPolyhedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polyhedron cells
 CMxPyramidCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for pyramid cells
 CMxQuadrangle8CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 8 nodes
 CMxQuadrangle9CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 9 nodes
 CMxQuadrangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadrangle cells
 CMxTetrahedron10CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic tetrahedron cells with 10 nodes
 CMxTetrahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for tetrahedron cells
 CMxTimeStamp MeshViz Manages an identifier that can be used as a time stamp
 CMxTriangle6CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic triangle cells with 6 nodes
 CMxTriangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for triangle cells
 CMxWedge18CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic wedge cells with 18 nodes
 CMxWedgeCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for wedge cells
 CObliqueSliceBorder VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Oblique slice shape node with border
 COivASPointStructure containing information about the the raycast intersection point
 COivASRayStructure for parameters of the ray
 COrthoSliceBorder VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Ortho slice shape node with border
 CPbArrayOfIntDTEXT Dynamic array of int
 CPbArrayOfLongDTEXT Dynamic array of int32_t
 CPbBase MeshViz Abstract class for all basic objects
 CPbCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a cartesian grid surface mesh
 CPbCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a cartesian grid volume mesh
 CPbCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a mesh
 CPbDataMapping MeshViz Abstract class for data mapping
 CPbDateFormatMapping MeshViz Defines the date format and mapping
 CPbDefinedValue MeshViz Class used to manage "defined" and "undefined" values
 CPbDomain MeshViz Class to define a domain
 CPbGrid2D MeshViz Defines an abstract grid surface mesh
 CPbGrid3D MeshViz Defines an abstract grid volume mesh
 CPbHexahedronCell MeshViz Defines an hexahedron cell of a volume mesh
 CPbHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Defines a mesh of hexahedrons
 CPbIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of polygons
 CPbIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Defines a volume mesh of polyhedrons
 CPbIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Defines a irregular mono-dimensional mesh
 CPbIsovaluesList MeshViz Class to define a list of isovalues
 CPbLinearDataMapping MeshViz Class to define linear data mapping
 CPbMesh MeshViz Defines an abstract mesh
 CPbMesh1D MeshViz Defines an abstract mono-dimensional mesh
 CPbMesh2D MeshViz Defines an abstract surface mesh
 CPbMesh3D MeshViz Defines an abstract volume mesh
 CPbMiscTextAttr MeshViz Class to define a numeric display format
 CPbNonLinearDataMapping MeshViz Class to define non linear data mapping
 CPbNonLinearDataMapping2 MeshViz Class to define non linear data mapping
 CPbNumericDisplayFormat MeshViz Class to define a numeric display format
 CPbParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh
 CPbParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid volume mesh
 CPbPixelCell MeshViz Defines a pixel cell of a surface mesh
 CPbPolarGrid2D MeshViz Defines a polar grid surface mesh
 CPbPyramidCell MeshViz Defines a pyramid cell of a volume mesh
 CPbQuadrangleCell MeshViz Defines a quadrangle cell of a surface mesh
 CPbQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of quadrangles
 CPbRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a regular cartesian grid surface mesh
 CPbRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a regular cartesian grid volume mesh
 CPbRegularMesh1D MeshViz Defines a regular mono-dimensional mesh
 CPbTetrahedronCell MeshViz Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh
 CPbTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Defines a mesh of tetrahedrons
 CPbTriangleCell MeshViz Defines a triangle cell of a surface mesh
 CPbTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of triangles
 CPbVoxelCell MeshViz Defines a voxel cell of a volume mesh
 CPbWedgeCell MeshViz Defines a wedge cell of a volume mesh
 CPlaneBoxIntersection VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node that draws the intersection of a plane and a box
 CPlaneGeometryIntersection VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Class for computing the intersection of geometry with a plane
 CPo3DdataMaster MeshViz Base class for all 3DdataMaster objects
 CPoAngularAxis MeshViz Class to build an angular axis
 CPoArrow MeshViz Class to build a 2D arrow
 CPoArrow3 MeshViz Class to build a 3D arrow
 CPoAutoCubeAxis MeshViz Class to build a set of axes on a parallelepiped relating to the view
 CPoAutoValueLegend MeshViz Abstract class for automatic value legend
 CPoAxis MeshViz Abstract class for axis representations
 CPoBar MeshViz Abstract base class for bar representations
 CPoBase MeshViz Abstract base class for all Graph Master & 3D Data Master classes
 CPoBaseAxis MeshViz Base class for all axis objects
 CPoBaseStreamLine MeshViz Base class of all streamline representations on a mesh
 CPoBaseView VSG extension Abstract base class for views
 CPoBevelEdge MeshViz Node to define the beveled edge values
 CPoBiErrorPointField MeshViz Builds a bi-error point field
 CPoCartesianAxis MeshViz Abstract class for cartesian axes
 CPoCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D
 CPoCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D
 CPoCellEdges MeshViz Builds egdes of a cell of a mesh
 CPoCellFacets MeshViz Builds facets of a cell of a mesh
 CPoCellFilter MeshViz Interface class defining a filter of cells
 CPoCellIndices MeshViz Builds text indices of a cell of a mesh
 CPoCellShape MeshViz Abstract representation of a cell of a mesh
 CPoChart MeshViz Abstract base class for all charting representations
 CPoCircle MeshViz Abstract class for 2D circle representation
 CPoCircle3 MeshViz Abstract class for 3D circle representation
 CPoCircle3CenterRadius MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle
 CPoCircle3ThreePoints MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle
 CPoCircleArc MeshViz Abstract class for 2D circle arc representation
 CPoCircleArc3 MeshViz Abstract class for 3D circle arc representation
 CPoCircleArc3CtrPtAngle MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
 CPoCircleArc3CtrTwoPts MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
 CPoCircleArc3ThreePts MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
 CPoCircleArcCtrPtAngle MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
 CPoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
 CPoCircleArcCtrTwoPts MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
 CPoCircleArcThreePts MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
 CPoCircleCenterRadius MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle
 CPoCircleThreePoints MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle
 CPoCircularProfile MeshViz Node that defines a circular profile
 CPoConicBar MeshViz Class to build conic bars
 CPoCoordinateListFilter MeshViz Node to define a coordinate list filter
 CPoCoordinateSystemAxis MeshViz Class for a 3D axes system
 CPoCurve MeshViz Builds a 2D curve
 CPoCurve3 MeshViz Builds a 3D curve
 CPoCurveFilling MeshViz Class to build 3D filled curve
 CPoCurveLine MeshViz Class to build a 2D line curve
 CPoCylindricalBar MeshViz Class to build cylindrical bars
 CPoDataMapping MeshViz Abstract base class for all data mapping nodes
 CPoDateFormatMapping MeshViz Node to define date format and mapping
 CPoDomain MeshViz Node to define a domain
 CPoEllipticProfile MeshViz Node that defines an elliptic profile
 CPoErrorCurve MeshViz Class to build an error curve represention
 CPoErrorPointField MeshViz Builds points field with X and Y margin error
 CPoGenAxis MeshViz Class to build a generalized axis
 CPoGeneralizedBar MeshViz Class to build generalized bars
 CPoGeneralizedScatter MeshViz Class to build a 2D generalized scatter
 CPoGraphMaster MeshViz Abstract base class for all Graph Master classes
 CPoGroup2Axis MeshViz Class to build a group of two axes
 CPoGroup3Axis3 MeshViz Class to build a group of three axes
 CPoGroup4Axis MeshViz Class to build a group of four axes
 CPoGroup6Axis3 MeshViz Class to build a group of six axes
 CPoHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D
 CPoHighLowClose MeshViz Class to build a high low close representation
 CPoHistogram MeshViz Abstract class for histogram representations
 CPoIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D
 CPoIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D
 CPoIndexListFilter MeshViz Node to define a index list filter
 CPoIntervalCellFilter MeshViz Node class to define a filter of cells
 CPoIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D
 CPoIsovaluesList MeshViz Node to define a list of isovalues
 CPoItemLegend MeshViz Class to build an items legend
 CPoLabel MeshViz Class to build a label field
 CPoLabelField MeshViz Class to build a label field
 CPoLabelHints MeshViz Node to define common label hints
 CPoLegend MeshViz Abstract class for legend representations
 CPoLinearAxis MeshViz Class to build a linear axis
 CPoLinearBar MeshViz Class to build line bars
 CPoLinearDataMapping MeshViz Node class to define a linear data mapping
 CPoLinearValueLegend MeshViz Class to build a linear auto value legend
 CPoLogAxis MeshViz Class to build a logarithmic axis
 CPoMesh MeshViz Base class for all mesh representations
 CPoMesh1DFilter MeshViz Abstract base class for all filter nodes
 CPoMesh1DHints MeshViz Node that provides hints about the mesh 1D
 CPoMesh2D MeshViz Base class for all surface mesh representations
 CPoMesh2DVec MeshViz Representation of vectors data of a surface mesh
 CPoMesh3D MeshViz Base class for all volume mesh representations
 CPoMesh3DVec MeshViz Representation of vectors data of a volume mesh
 CPoMesh3DVecCrossSection MeshViz Representation of vectors on a cross section
 CPoMesh3DVecGridCrossSection MeshViz Representation of vectors on a grid of a cross section
 CPoMeshContouring MeshViz Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh
 CPoMeshCrossContour MeshViz Representation of cross-contour of a volume mesh
 CPoMeshCrossSection MeshViz Representation of cross section of a volume mesh
 CPoMeshFilled MeshViz Filled representation of surface mesh
 CPoMeshLevelSurf MeshViz Representation of level surface of volume mesh
 CPoMeshLimit MeshViz Representation of the limits of a surface mesh
 CPoMeshLines MeshViz Representation of the edges of surface mesh
 CPoMeshProbePoint MeshViz Probing in a mesh
 CPoMeshProperty MeshViz Abstract Inventor node defining a mesh
 CPoMeshSides MeshViz Class to build the sides of the current surface mesh
 CPoMeshSkeleton MeshViz Representation of the skeleton of a volume mesh
 CPoMeshSkin MeshViz Representation of the mesh skin
 CPoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize MeshViz
 CPoMiscTextAttr MeshViz Node to define miscellaneous text attributes (font name, line length,...)
 CPoMultipleHistogram MeshViz Class to build a multiple histogram
 CPoNode MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz nodes
 CPoNonLinearDataMapping MeshViz Node class to define a non linear data mapping
 CPoNonLinearDataMapping2 MeshViz Node class to define a non linear data mapping
 CPoNonLinearValueLegend1 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (first representation)
 CPoNonLinearValueLegend2 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (second representation)
 CPoNonLinearValueLegend3 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (third representation)
 CPoNumericDisplayFormat MeshViz Node to define the numeric display format
 CPoParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D
 CPoParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D
 CPoParallelogram MeshViz Class for a 2D parallelogram
 CPoParallelogram3 MeshViz Class for a 3D parallelogram
 CPoPeriodFilter MeshViz Node to define a period filter
 CPoPeriodIndexFilter MeshViz Node to define a period index filter
 CPoPieChart MeshViz Abstract class for pie chart representation
 CPoPieChart2D MeshViz Class for 2D pie chart representation
 CPoPieChart3D MeshViz Class for 3D pie chart representation
 CPoPieChartRep MeshViz Class to build a 3D pie chart
 CPoPointsFieldBars MeshViz Class to build a points field bars
 CPoPolarAxis MeshViz Abstract class for polar axis
 CPoPolarGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D
 CPoPolarLinAxis MeshViz Class to build a polar linear axis
 CPoPolarLogAxis MeshViz Class to build a logarithmic polar axis
 CPoProfile MeshViz Abstract base class for all profile nodes
 CPoProfileBar MeshViz Class to build profile bars
 CPoProfileCoordinate2 MeshViz Node that defines a 2D polygon profile
 CPoQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D
 CPoRectangle MeshViz Class for a 2D rectangle
 CPoRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D
 CPoRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D
 CPoRegularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D
 CPoRibbon MeshViz Class to build a 2D ribbon curve
 CPoScatter MeshViz Class to build a 2D scatter
 CPoSceneView VSG extension Class to define a view which contains a scene
 CPoSFCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D
 CPoSFCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D
 CPoSFHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D
 CPoSFIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D
 CPoSFIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D
 CPoSFIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D
 CPoSFMesh MeshViz Abstract Inventor field defining a mesh
 CPoSFParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D
 CPoSFParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D
 CPoSFPolarGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D
 CPoSFQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D
 CPoSFRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D
 CPoSFRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D
 CPoSFRegularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D
 CPoSFTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D
 CPoSFTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D
 CPoSingleHistogram MeshViz Class to build a single histogram
 CPoSquareProfile MeshViz Node that defines a square profile
 CPoStreamLine MeshViz Representation of streamlines on a mesh
 CPoStreamLineMotion MeshViz Representation of streamlines with motion of colors
 CPoStreamParticleMotion MeshViz Animation of particles along streamlines on a mesh
 CPoStreamPointMotion MeshViz Animation of point particles along streamline
 CPoStreamSphereMotion MeshViz Animation of sphere particles along streamline
 CPoStreamSurface MeshViz Representation of a surface connecting several streamlines
 CPoStreamTadpoleMotion MeshViz Animation of tadpole particles along streamline
 CPoTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D
 CPoTimeAxis MeshViz Class to build a time axis
 CPoTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D
 CPoTube MeshViz Class to build a 2D tube curve
 CPoValuedMarkerField MeshViz Class for a valued markers field
 CPoValueLegend MeshViz Abstract class for values legend
 CPoView VSG extension Class to define a view
 CQtHelper VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management
 CRemoteVizClient RemoteViz Initializes the RemoteVizClient module database
 CRemoteVizRenderArea RemoteViz HTML5 client API Documentation
 CRenderAreaClass to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window
 CRenderAreaExaminerClass to render an OpenInventor scene graph in a Qt OpenGL window
 CRenderAreaInteractiveClass to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window
 CRenderAreaOrbiter(Preview feature) Class to render an OpenInventor scene graph in a Qt OpenGL window
 CRuler VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Interactive distance measuring tool for SoOrthoSlice
 CSbBox2d VSG extension 2D box class
 CSbBox2f2D box class
 CSbBox2i322D box class
 CSbBox2s2D box class
 CSbBox3d VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox3f3D box class
 CSbBox3i32 VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox3s VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox4i32 VSG extension 4D box class
 CSbColorColor vector class
 CSbColorRGBAColorRGBA vector class
 CSbCylinderClass for representing a cylinder
 CSbCylinderPlaneProjectorCylinder-plane projector
 CSbCylinderProjectorCylinder projector
 CSbCylinderSectionProjectorCylinder-section projector
 CSbCylinderSheetProjectorCylinder-sheet projector
 CSbCylindricalProjectionCylindrical coordinate projection
 CSbDataTypeClass encoding a data type
 CSbElapsedTime VSG extension Class for measuring elapsed time with high resolution
 CSbEventArgBase class for all event arguments
 CSbEventHandlerClass representing an event
 CSbExtrusionGeneratorFactory that generates an extruded mesh from a polyline
 CSbFileHelper VSG extension Utilities class for file management
 CSbGLShareContextClass encapsulating information about an OpenGL context: a handle on an OpenGL context and its id
 CSbGPUCapabilitiesList of common graphics capabilities of the device used by a SoGLContext
 CSbGraphicsCapabilitiesList of common graphics capabilities set by Open Inventor
 CSbLineDirected line in 3D
 CSbLinedDirected line in 3D (double precision)
 CSbLineProjectorLine projector
 CSbMatrix4x4 matrix class
 CSbMatrix33x3 matrix class
 CSbMatrixd VSG extension 4x4 matrix class (double precision)
 CSbNameCharacter string stored in a hash table
 CSbPlaneOriented plane in 3D
 CSbPlaneProjectorPlane projector
 CSbPListList of generic (void *) pointers
 CSbProj4ProjectionCartographic (PROJ4) projection class
 CSbProjectionBase class for coordinate projection classes
 CSbProjectionCoordinatesCache projected coordinates
 CSbProjectorBase class for representing projectors
 CSbQtHelper VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management
 CSbRasterImage VSG extension Class encapsulating a raster image and its attributes
 CSbRenderEngineMode VSG extension Render engine mode
 CSbRotationClass for representing a rotation
 CSbRotationd VSG extension Class for representing a rotation (double precision)
 CSbSphereClass for representing a sphere
 CSbSpherePlaneProjectorSphere-plane projector
 CSbSphereProjectorSphere projector
 CSbSphereSectionProjectorSphere-section projector
 CSbSphereSheetProjectorSphere-sheet projector
 CSbSphericalProjectionSpherical coordinate projection
 CSbStringClass for smart character strings
 CSbStringListMaintains a list of pointers to SbString instances
 CSbThread VSG extension Portable thread class
 CSbThreadAutoLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a mutex
 CSbThreadAutoReadLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a read-only mutex
 CSbThreadAutoSpinlock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a spinlock
 CSbThreadAutoWriteLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a write-only mutex
 CSbThreadBarrier VSG extension Portable "barrier" class for synchronizing threads
 CSbThreadLocalStorage VSG extension Thread Local Storage (TLS) class
 CSbThreadMutex VSG extension Portable mutex class
 CSbThreadRWMutex VSG extension Portable readers/writer lock class
 CSbThreadSemaphoreSemaphore management
 CSbThreadSignal VSG extension Portable signal class
 CSbThreadSpinlock VSG extension Portable spinlock class
 CSbThreadStorage VSG extension Template class for per instance thread Local Storage
 CSbThreadStorage< bool > VSG extension Template class specialization for bool type instance thread Local Storage
 CSbTimeClass for representation of a time
 CSbTrackerInfo VSG extension Class for representing 3D tracker information
 CSbTransformProjection VSG extension Scale/recenter projection class
 CSbVec2d VSG extension 2D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec2f2D vector class
 CSbVec2i322D vector class
 CSbVec2s2D vector class
 CSbVec2String2D SbString vector class
 CSbVec3d VSG extension 3D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec3f3D vector class
 CSbVec3i323D vector class
 CSbVec3s VSG extension 3D vector class
 CSbVec4b VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4d VSG extension 4D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec4f4D vector class
 CSbVec4i324D vector class
 CSbVec4s VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4ub VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4ui32 VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4us VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVertexAttributeBindingClass encoding a binding type
 CSbViewportRegionClass for representing a viewport
 CSbViewVolume3D viewing volume class
 CSbXfBox3d VSG extension 3D box with an associated transformation matrix
 CSbXfBox3f3D box with an associated transformation matrix
 CSbXmlTag Large Data Management XML tag from LDM filer
 CSceneExaminerTool class for building a basic interactive OpenInventor application with scene "examiner" viewing behavior
 CSceneInteractorBase class for building a basic OpenInventor application without using the classic viewer classes
 CSceneOrbiter(Preview feature) Tool class for building a basic interactive OpenInventor application with mode-less scene "orbiter" viewing behavior
 CSceneView VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Defines a view for use with ViewManager
 CSiAntialiasingEventListener VSG extension Antialiasing change event listener interface
 CSiDicomDataSet VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomElement VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomSequence VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomValue VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiInteractionModeListenerThis interface provides the list of interaction methods that subclasses must define
 CSiRenderArea VSG extension RenderArea interface
 CSiRenderAreaAntialiasing VSG extension RenderArea antialiasing interface
 CSiRenderAreaInteractive VSG extension RenderArea interactive interface
 CSiRenderAreaStereo VSG extension RenderArea stereo interface
 CSiRenderAreaStillSuperSampling VSG extension RenderArea still supersampling interface
 CSiRenderAreaTransparency VSG extension RenderArea transparency interface
 CSliceAxisSlice axis enum used to define the logical slice
 CSliceOrientationMarkers VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node to display slice orientation markers in window coordinates
 CSliceScaleBar VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node to display a dynamic scale bar in window coordinates
 CSoAccumulatedElementAbstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set
 CSoAccumulationAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the accumulation buffer algorithm
 CSoActionAbstract base class for all actions
 CSoAlarmSensorTriggers a delegate once sometime in the future
 CSoAlgebraicCone VSG extension Algebraic cone shape node
 CSoAlgebraicCylinder VSG extension Algebraic cylinder shape node
 CSoAlgebraicShape VSG extension Abstract base class for algebraic shapes
 CSoAlgebraicSphere VSG extension Algebraic sphere shape node
 CSoAlgorithms VSG extension Utility functions for loading algorithm modules
 CSoAlphaPolicy VSG extension Alpha (transparency) policy node
 CSoAmbientColorElementStores ambient color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoAnaglyphStereo VSG extension Class for anaglyph stereo support
 CSoAnnotationAnnotation group node
 CSoAnnoText3 VSG extension Annotation text node
 CSoAnnoText3CharOrientElement VSG extension Stores the current character orientation flag of an SoAnnoText3Property node
 CSoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement VSG extension Stores the current font size hint of an SoAnnoText3Property node
 CSoAnnoText3Property VSG extension Annotation text property node
 CSoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement VSG extension Stores the current render print type of an SoAnnoText3Property node
 CSoAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters interface base class
 CSoAntiSquishTransformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales
 CSoAppearanceKitAppearance nodekit class
 CSoArithmetic VSG extension Arithmetic functions for buffers
 CSoArrayGroup node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children
 CSoAsciiText VSG extension Simple 3D text shape node
 CSoAuditor VSG extension Base class for all auditors
 CSoAutoMap VSG extension buffer object mapping helper class
 CSoAutoRefImplements smart pointers to SoRefCounter objects
 CSoBackgroundAbstract base class for background nodes
 CSoBaseBase class for all nodes, paths, and engines
 CSoBaseColorNode that defines an object's base color
 CSoBaseContextObject VSG extension Context dependent object management class
 CSoBaseExtrusionAbstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes
 CSoBaseKitBase class for all node kits
 CSoBaseLDMConverter Large Data Management Base class for converting data sets into the LDM format
 CSoBaseListMaintains a list of pointers to instances of the SoBase classes
 CSoBaseStereo VSG extension Class for stereo management
 CSoBBox VSG extension Bounding box node
 CSoBBoxModelMatrixElementStores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction
 CSoBBoxTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current BBox type
 CSoBevelAction VSG extension Creates a scene graph containing beveled shapes
 CSoBevelProperty VSG extension Node to define beveling properties
 CSoBevelPropertyElement VSG extension Stores various beveling attributes
 CSoBillboard VSG extension Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer
 CSoBlendElement VSG extension Stores the current blending mode and parameters
 CSoBlinkerAnimated cycling switch node
 CSoBMPImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a BMP raster image
 CSoBoolOperationPerforms Boolean operations
 CSoBoxHighlightRenderActionA box highlight style
 CSoBufferAsyncInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoBufferAsyncNotifierInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoBufferedShape VSG extension Node to render geometry stored in SoBufferObject objects
 CSoBufferObject VSG extension Abstract base class for buffer object management
 CSoBufferPropertiesInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoButtonEventBase class for all button events
 CSoByteStreamConverts scene graph objects to character byte streams
 CSoCacheElementStores the most recently opened cache
 CSoCADFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize CAD file format support
 CSoCADInputReader VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a CAD file
 CSoCADInputReaderParameters VSG extension CAD Input reader Parameters when importing CAD file type
 CSoCalculatorA general-purpose calculator
 CSoCallbackProvides custom behavior during actions
 CSoCallbackActionPerforms a generic traversal of a scene graph or path
 CSoCallbackListManages a list of callbacks and associated data
 CSoCameraAbstract base class for camera nodes
 CSoCameraInteractor VSG extension Utility class to manipulate a camera
 CSoCameraKitCamera nodekit class
 CSoCenterballDraggerStriped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse
 CSoCenterballManipTransform node with 3D interface for editing rotation and center
 CSoCGMVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted CGM files
 CSoCircularExtrusion VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine
 CSoClipPlaneClipping plane node
 CSoClipPlaneElementStores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes
 CSoClipPlaneManip VSG extension Manipulator to transform a clipping plane
 CSoCollisionManager VSG extension Class to manage collisions
 CSoColorHighlightRenderActionA polygon selection highlight style
 CSoColorIndexSurface color index node
 CSoColorMap VSG extension Class for indexed texture color map
 CSoColorMapElement VSG extension Stores the current color map
 CSoColorMask VSG extension Enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components
 CSoColorPackerStores packed colors
 CSoColumnDialog VSG extension Dialog column node
 CSoComplexityShape complexity node
 CSoComplexityElementStores the current shape complexity
 CSoComplexityTypeElementStores the current complexity type
 CSoComposeMatrixComposes a transformation matrix
 CSoComposeRotationComposes a rotation from axis and angle values
 CSoComposeRotationFromToComposes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another
 CSoComposeVec2fComposes 2D vectors from floating-point values
 CSoComposeVec2i32Composes 2D vectors from int values
 CSoComposeVec2sComposes 2D vectors from short values
 CSoComposeVec3fComposes 3D vectors from floating-point values
 CSoComposeVec4fComposes 4D vectors from floating-point values
 CSoComputeBoundingBoxComputes the bounding box and center of a scene graph
 CSoComputeShader VSG extension Node that defines a compute shader
 CSoComputeShaderScheduler VSG extension Compute shader scheduler node
 CSoConcatenateJoins separate fields into a single multiple-value field
 CSoConeCone shape node
 CSoConeDetailStores detail information about the SoCone node
 CSoConsole VSG extension Creates a Win32 console for printing messages
 CSoControllerButtonEvent VSG extension Controller button press and release event
 CSoConversion VSG extension Type conversion functions for buffers
 CSoConverter Large Data Management Abstract base class for converting data sets into LDM format
 CSoConverterParameters Large Data Management Container class for LDM converter parameters
 CSoConvolution VSG extension Convolution functions for buffers
 CSoCoordinate3Coordinate point node
 CSoCoordinate4Rational coordinate point node
 CSoCoordinateElementStores the current coordinates
 CSoCounterTriggered integer counter
 CSoCpuBufferAsyncBasicProperty Large Data Management LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information and implementing asynchronous buffer interface
 CSoCpuBufferBasicProperty Large Data Management LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information
 CSoCpuBufferBitSet Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for bitset tile data
 CSoCpuBufferCompressed Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for compressed tile data
 CSoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for in memory reader tile data
 CSoCpuBufferObject VSG extension CPU buffer object class
 CSoCpuBufferUniform Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for uniform (single value) tile data
 CSoCpuContext VSG extension CPU device context managment class
 CSoCpuDevice VSG extension CPU device management class
 CSoCreaseAngleElementStores the current crease angle
 CSoCSGShape VSG extension Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs
 CSoCubeCube shape node
 CSoCubeDetailStores detail information about the SoCube node
 CSoCylinderCylinder shape node
 CSoCylinderDetailStores detail information about the SoCylinder node
 CSoDataCompositor Large Data Management Data set compositor node
 CSoDataCompressor Large Data Management Data compression
 CSoDataExtract VSG extension Data extraction algorithms for buffers
 CSoDataRange Large Data Management Range of data values to be mapped to the color map
 CSoDataSensorAbstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene
 CSoDataSet Large Data Management Data set node
 CSoDataSetId Large Data Management Property node that sets the current dataset id
 CSoDataSetIdElementStores the current dataset id
 CSoDBScene graph database class
 CSoDDSImageRW VSG extension Class for decoding a DDS raster image
 CSoDebugErrorDebug error handling
 CSoDecimationPercentageElement VSG extension Stores the current shape decimation percentage
 CSoDecimationTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current decimation type
 CSoDecimator VSG extension Encapsulates an algorithm for simplifying shapes through mesh decimation
 CSoDecomposeMatrixDecomposes transformation matrices into values for translation, rotation, and scale
 CSoDecomposeRotationDecomposes rotation values
 CSoDecomposeVec2fDecomposes 2D vectors into floating-point values
 CSoDecomposeVec2i32Decomposes 2D vectors into int values
 CSoDecomposeVec2sDecomposes 2D vectors into short values
 CSoDecomposeVec3fDecomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values
 CSoDecomposeVec4fDecomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values
 CSoDelayQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors not dependent on time
 CSoDepthBuffer VSG extension Depth buffer parameters node
 CSoDepthBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current depth buffer parameters
 CSoDepthOffset VSG extension Property node that applies a depth offset
 CSoDepthOffsetElement VSG extension Manage SoDepthOffset nodes accumulation in state
 CSoDetailBase class for describing detail information about a shape node
 CSoDetailListMaintains a list of instances of details
 CSoDevice VSG extension Abstract device management class
 CSoDeviceContext VSG extension Abstract base class for device context managment
 CSoDeviceContextSharedGroup VSG extension Shared context management class
 CSoDialogAuditor VSG extension Dialog auditor
 CSoDialogCheckBox VSG extension Dialog CheckBox node
 CSoDialogCheckBoxAuditor VSG extension Dialog CheckBox auditor
 CSoDialogCheckBoxLauncher VSG extension Dialog CheckBoxLauncher node
 CSoDialogChoice VSG extension Abstract class for a multiple choice node
 CSoDialogChoiceAuditor VSG extension Dialog Choice auditor
 CSoDialogComboBox VSG extension Dialog ComboBox node
 CSoDialogComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all basic dialog components
 CSoDialogCustom VSG extension Dialog Custom node
 CSoDialogEditText VSG extension Dialog EditText node
 CSoDialogEditTextAuditor VSG extension Dialog EditText auditor
 CSoDialogGroup VSG extension Abstract base class for container dialog components
 CSoDialogIntegerSlider VSG extension Dialog integer slider node
 CSoDialogIntegerSliderAuditor VSG extension Dialog IntegerSlider auditor
 CSoDialogLabel VSG extension Class that creates an SoDialogLabel node
 CSoDialogPushButton VSG extension Dialog push button node
 CSoDialogPushButtonAuditor VSG extension Dialog PushButton auditor
 CSoDialogPushButtonLauncher VSG extension Dialog push button launcher node
 CSoDialogRadioButtons VSG extension Dialog radio buttons node
 CSoDialogRealSlider VSG extension Dialog real slider node
 CSoDialogRealSliderAuditor VSG extension Dialog RealSlider auditor
 CSoDialogSeparator VSG extension Class to create a separator line
 CSoDialogSlider VSG extension Abstract class for the slider nodes
 CSoDialogViz VSG extension Abstract base class for DialogViz components
 CSoDicomTag VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSoDirectionalLightNode representing a directional light source
 CSoDirectionalLightDraggerDirectional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoDirectionalLightManipDirectional light node with 3D interface for editing direction
 CSoDistributeAction VSG extension Computes a distribution of the scene graph for use in depth compositing in ScaleViz
 CSoDoubleTapGestureEventClass for double-tap gesture events
 CSoDoubleTapGestureRecognizerDouble tap gesture recognizer
 CSoDraggerBase class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events
 CSoDragPointDraggerObject you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoDrawBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current draw buffer parameters
 CSoDrawStyleNode that defines the style to use when rendering
 CSoDrawStyleElementStores the current draw style
 CSoDualSceneCollider VSG extension Class to check for collisions between two scenes
 CSoDynamicLibManager VSG extension Class for managing dynamic libraries
 CSoEdgeFlag VSG extension Class to mark/unmark edges for beveling
 CSoEdgeFlagElement VSG extension Stores the edge flag values
 CSoElapsedTimeBasic controllable time source
 CSoElementAbstract base class for all state elements
 CSoEllipseScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw an ellipse in normalized screen space
 CSoEllipsoidDraggerEllipsoid you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse
 CSoEmissiveColorElementStores emissive color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoEngineBase class for all engines
 CSoEngineListMaintains a list of pointers to engines
 CSoEngineOutputClass for all engine outputs
 CSoEngineOutputListMaintains a list of pointers to engine outputs
 CSoEnvironmentGlobal environment node
 CSoEnvironmentElement VSG extension Stores the current environment
 CSoErrorError handling base class
 CSoErrorStack VSG extension Stack debugging handler
 CSoEventBase class for all events
 CSoEventBuilder VSG extension Utility class that generates Open Inventor events
 CSoEventCallbackNode which invokes callbacks for events
 CSoExtrusion VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine
 CSoExtSelection VSG extension Selection node that supports lasso selection
 CSoExtTexture2 VSG extension Extended texture mapping node
 CSoFaceDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces
 CSoFaceSetPolygonal face shape node
 CSoFenceSlice VolumeViz Fence slice shape node
 CSoFenceSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
 CSoFieldBase class for all fields
 CSoFieldContainerAbstract base class for objects that contain fields
 CSoFieldListMaintains a list of pointers to fields
 CSoFieldSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor fields
 CSoFileNode that reads children from a named file
 CSoFileSensorSensor that triggers a callback each time a file is changed
 CSoFloatElementElement's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value
 CSoFocalDistanceElementStores the current focal distance of the camera
 CSoFontNode that defines font name, size, and type for text
 CSoFontNameElementStores the current font name
 CSoFontRenderStyleElement VSG extension Stores the current font render style
 CSoFontSizeElementStores the current font size
 CSoFontStyle VSG extension Defines font family and style for text
 CSoFragmentShader VSG extension Node that defines a fragment shader
 CSoFullPathPath that allows access to hidden children
 CSoFullSceneAntialiasing VSG extension Node that controls full-scene antialiasing
 CSoFullSceneAntialiasingElement VSG extension Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state
 CSoFullSceneAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the FSAA algorithm
 CSoFXAAParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the FXAA algorithm
 CSoGateSelectively copies its input to its output
 CSoGDIVectorOutput HardCopy Manage vector output to GDI devices.
[Windows only] This class is not implemented on UNIX systems.
 CSoGeoCoordinate VSG extension Geographic coordinates node
 CSoGeoElevationGrid VSG extension Specifies a uniform grid of elevation values within some spatial reference frame
 CSoGeoLocation VSG extension Used to georeference models
 CSoGeoLOD VSG extension Level-of-detail management for multi-resolution terrains
 CSoGeometryPriority Large Data Management Priority property of a rendering node
 CSoGeometryShader VSG extension Node that defines a geometry shader
 CSoGeoOrigin VSG extension Specifies a local geospatial coordinate system
 CSoGeoOriginElement VSG extension Stores the current geoOrigin
 CSoGeoProjection VSG extension Geospatial projection node
 CSoGeoRender VSG extension Defines rendering projection
 CSoGeoRenderElement VSG extension Stores the current render projection
 CSoGestureEventBase class for gesture events
 CSoGestureRecognizerBase class for all gesture recognizers
 CSoGetBoundingBoxActionComputes bounding box of a scene
 CSoGetMatrixActionComputes transformation matrix for a subgraph
 CSoGetPrimitiveCountAction VSG extension Counts number of primitives in scene
 CSoGetViewClass to access a MeshViz view
 CSoGIFImageRW VSG extension Class for decoding a GIF raster image
 CSoGLBufferObject VSG extension OpenGL buffer object class
 CSoGLCallbackProvides custom OpenGL behavior during rendering actions
 CSoGLContext VSG extension OpenGL context management class
 CSoGLDevice VSG extension OpenGL device management class
 CSoGLDeviceSettings VSG extension Device settings management class
 CSoGLErrorOpenGL rendering error handling
 CSoGLExtension VSG extension Contains methods to query and disable OpenGL extensions
 CSoGLFormat VSG extension OpenGL pixel format management class
 CSoGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration
 CSoGLGraphicConfigTemplate VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration template
 CSoGLGraphicDevice VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics device
 CSoGLLazyElementManages the GL state for the SoLazyElement
 CSoGlobalSimplifyAction VSG extension Traverses the scene graph and collects all the triangles in a single list
 CSoGLRenderActionRenders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine
 CSoGLScreenDevice VSG extension GL Screen device class
 CSoGLTexCacheEntryStores info about a tex cache
 CSoGpuBufferObject VSG extension GPU buffer object class
 CSoGradientBackgroundGradient background node
 CSoGraphicConfig VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration classes
 CSoGraphicConfigTemplate VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration template classes
 CSoGraphicDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics device classes
 CSoGroupBase class for all group nodes
 CSoGuiAlgoViewers VSG extension Common algorithms for all viewers
 CSoGzipDataCompressor Large Data Management Gzip data compression
 CSoHalfScreenStereo VSG extension Class for half-screen stereo support
 CSoHaloHighlightRenderActionA halo highlight style
 CSoHandleBoxDraggerBox you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoHandleBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for editing ScaleFactor and Translation
 CSoHandleEventActionAllows nodes in a graph to receive input events
 CSoHardCopy HardCopy Class to initialize HardCopy
 CSoHDRImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding an HDR raster image
 CSoHeightFieldDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked cell in a heightfield
 CSoHeightFieldGeometry VolumeViz Height field data node
 CSoHeightFieldProperty VolumeViz Height field property node
 CSoHeightFieldPropertyMask VolumeViz Height field mask node
 CSoHeightFieldRender VolumeViz Heightfield rendering node
 CSoHighlightRenderActionAbstract base class for Highlight Render Actions
 CSoHPGLVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted files in HPGL/2 format
 CSoIdleSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle
 CSoImage VSG extension Displays an image that always faces the camera
 CSoImageBackgroundImage background node
 CSoIndexedFaceSetIndexed polygonal face shape node
 CSoIndexedLineSetIndexed polyline shape node
 CSoIndexedMarkerSet VSG extension Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location
 CSoIndexedNurbsCurveIndexed NURBS curve shape node
 CSoIndexedNurbsSurfaceIndexed NURBS surface shape node
 CSoIndexedPointSetIndexed point set shape node
 CSoIndexedQuadMeshIndexed quadrilateral mesh shape node
 CSoIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes
 CSoIndexedTexture2 VSG extension Class for 2D indexed texture
 CSoIndexedTriangleFanSetIndexed triangle fan set shape node
 CSoIndexedTriangleSetIndexed triangle shape node
 CSoIndexedTriangleStripSetIndexed triangle strip set shape node
 CSoInfoNode containing information text string
 CSoInputUsed to read Open Inventor data files
 CSoInputParameters VSG extension Base class for file reader parameters
 CSoInputReaderBase class for custom readers that create an Open Inventor scene graph
 CSoInstanceParameter VSG extension Per-instance parameter node storing a buffer object
 CSoInt32ElementStores a single int32_t, int, or enum value
 CSoInt32ListElementStores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values
 CSoInteractionInitializes Open Inventor interaction classes
 CSoInteractionElement VSG extension Stores the current interaction state
 CSoInteractionKitBase class for all interaction nodekit classes
 CSoInteractiveComplexityField interactive complexity node
 CSoInteractiveComplexityElement VSG extension Stores the current interactive complexity
 CSoInteractiveSwitchGroup node that traverses one chosen child depending on scene interaction
 CSoInteractiveSwitchElementStores the current interactive switch index
 CSoInterlacedStereo VSG extension Class for interlaced stereo support
 CSoInterlacedStereoParametersUsed to specify the behavior of the interlaced stereo
 CSoInteropBufferObject VSG extension Abstract base class for interoperability buffer object management
 CSoInterpolateBase class for all interpolator engines
 CSoInterpolateFloatInterpolates floating-point values
 CSoInterpolateRotationInterpolates rotation values
 CSoInterpolateVec2fInterpolates 2D floating-point vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec3fInterpolates 3D floating-point vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec4fInterpolates 4D floating-point vectors
 CSoIntersectionDetectionAction VSG extension Class to detect intersections
 CSoIvTune VSG extension Opens an Open Inventor Studio window or an IvTune window
 CSoJackDraggerJack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse
 CSoJackManipTransform node with 3D interface for rotating, scaling, and translating
 CSoJP2ImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG2000 raster image
 CSoJpegDataCompressor Large Data Management Jpeg data compression
 CSoJPEGImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG raster image
 CSoKeyboardEventKeyboard key press and release events
 CSoLabelNode containing label text string
 CSoLassoScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw a lasso in normalized screen space
 CSoLazyElementManages several properties that need to be lazily tracked for OpenGL
 CSoLDMBufferObjectInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoLDMDataAccess Large Data Management Volume data access methods
 CSoLDMDataTransform Large Data Management LDM data transform object
 CSoLDMGlobalResourceParameters Large Data Management Global resource parameters of VolumeViz
 CSoLDMLargeDataManagement Large Data Management Large Data Management
 CSoLDMReader Large Data Management Base class for LDM data set readers
 CSoLDMResourceManager Large Data Management Resource Manager
 CSoLDMResourceParameters Large Data Management Defines resource parameters constraints of an SoDataSet object
 CSoLdmShape Large Data Management Abstract base class for LDM shape nodes
 CSoLDMTileID Large Data Management Tile ID
 CSoLDMTopoOctree Large Data Management Octree topology queries
 CSoLDMWriter Large Data Management Write data to disk in LDM format
 CSoLevelOfDetailLevel-of-detail switching group node
 CSoLevelOfSimplification VSG extension Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape
 CSoLicensedProduct VSG extension Class managing a licensed product
 CSoLicenseProperty VSG extension Class providing information about a licensed product
 CSoLicensesInfo VSG extension Class managing every licensed product
 CSoLightAbstract base class for all light source nodes
 CSoLightAttenuationElementStores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment
 CSoLightElement VSG extension Stores information on lights
 CSoLightKitLight nodekit class
 CSoLightModelNode that defines the lighting model to use when rendering
 CSoLightModelElementStores the current lighting model
 CSoLinearProfilePiecewise-linear profile curve
 CSoLineDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments
 CSoLineHighlightRenderActionA wireframe highlight style
 CSoLinePatternElementStores the current line stipple pattern
 CSoLineSetPolyline shape node
 CSoLineWidthElementStores the current line width
 CSoListSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor base lists
 CSoLocalBBoxMatrixElementStores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction
 CSoLocateHighlight VSG extension Special separator that performs locate highlighting
 CSoLocation2Event2D location events
 CSoLockManager VSG extension Sets the unlock string
 CSoLOD VSG extension Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node
 CSoLogicalViewportElement VSG extension Stores the logical viewport region
 CSoLogicOperationElement VSG extension Stores the current logical pixel operation for rendering
 CSoLongTapGestureEventClass for long tap gesture events
 CSoLongTapGestureRecognizerLong tap gesture recognizer
 CSoMarker VSG extension Defines a custom bitmap for SoMarkerSet and SoIndexedMarkerSet
 CSoMarkerSet VSG extension Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location
 CSoMaterialSurface material definition node
 CSoMaterialBindingNode that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes
 CSoMaterialBindingElementStores the current material binding
 CSoMaterialElementStore in the state the material properties set by some property nodes
 CSoMatrixTransformNode that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix
 CSoMemoryErrorMemory error handling
 CSoMemoryObject VSG extension Handle memory buffer with reference counter
 CSoMenuBar VSG extension Menu bar node
 CSoMenuCheckBox VSG extension Menu pushbutton node
 CSoMenuCheckBoxAuditor VSG extension Menu CheckBox auditor
 CSoMenuCheckBoxLauncher VSG extension Menu checkBoxLauncher node
 CSoMenuFileSelection VSG extension Menu file selection button node
 CSoMenuFileSelectionAuditor VSG extension Menu FileSelection auditor
 CSoMenuItem VSG extension Abstract class for all menu item nodes
 CSoMenuPopup VSG extension Menu Popup node
 CSoMenuPushButton VSG extension Menu pushbutton node
 CSoMenuPushButtonAuditor VSG extension Menu PushButton auditor
 CSoMenuPushButtonLauncher VSG extension Menu pushButtonLauncher node
 CSoMenuRadioButtons VSG extension Dialog RadioButtons node
 CSoMenuRadioButtonsAuditor VSG extension Menu RadioButtons auditor
 CSoMenuSeparator VSG extension Menu separator node
 CSoMessageDialog VSG extension Message Dialog node
 CSoMFBitMaskMultiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags
 CSoMFBoolMultiple-value field containing any number of Boolean values
 CSoMFBufferObjectMultiple-value field containing any number of buffer objects
 CSoMFColorMultiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats
 CSoMFColorRGBAMultiple-value field containing any number of RGBA colors stored as four floats
 CSoMFDoubleMultiple-value field containing any number of double precision values
 CSoMFEngineMultiple-value field containing any number of engines
 CSoMFEnumMultiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values
 CSoMFFieldContainerMultiple-value field containing any number of pointers to fieldContainers
 CSoMFFilePathString VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of file path strings
 CSoMFFloatMultiple-value field containing any number of floating point values
 CSoMFieldBase class for all multiple-valued fields
 CSoMFInstanceParameter VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of SoInstanceParameter nodes
 CSoMFInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers
 CSoMFInt64Multiple-value field containing any number of int64_t integers
 CSoMFMatrixMultiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices
 CSoMFNameMultiple-value field containing any number of names
 CSoMFNodeMultiple-value field containing any number of nodes
 CSoMFPathMultiple-value field containing any number of paths
 CSoMFPlaneField containing several plane equations
 CSoMFRotationMultiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations
 CSoMFShortMultiple-value field containing any number of short integers
 CSoMFStringMultiple-value field containing any number of strings
 CSoMFTimeMultiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values
 CSoMFUByteMultiple-value field containing any number of uint8_t integers
 CSoMFUInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_t integers
 CSoMFUniformShaderParameter VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of SoUniformShaderParameter nodes
 CSoMFUShortMultiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers
 CSoMFVec2dMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec2fMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec2FilePathStringMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional filePath string vectors
 CSoMFVec2i32Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec2sMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec2StringMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional string vectors
 CSoMFVec3dMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec3fMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec3i32 VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec3sMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4bMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4fMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4i32 VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4sMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4ubMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4ui32Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4usMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoModelMatrixElementStores the current model matrix
 CSoModelScaleElementStores the current model scale
 CSoModifyLogicalViewportElement VSG extension Stores a logical viewport region subset
 CSoModifyViewVolumeElement VSG extension Stores a view volume subset
 CSoModuleCheckClass used to check and report library and application consistency
 CSoMotion3Event3D motion events
 CSoMouseButtonEventMouse button press and release events
 CSoMouseWheelEventMouse wheel events
 CSoMPEGFrameRenderer VSG extension Generates MPEG output, frame by frame
 CSoMPEGNavRenderer VSG extension Generates MPEG output that tracks camera motion
 CSoMPEGRenderer VSG extension Base class for generating MPEG output from a scene graph
 CSoMRCImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding an MRC raster image
 CSoMultiDataSeparator Large Data Management Separator for combining multiple data sets
 CSoMultiPathSwitchGroup node that traverses only when traversed along a given path
 CSoMultipleCopyGroup node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices
 CSoMultipleInstanceGroup node that renders multiple instances of its children
 CSoMultipleInstanceBaseAbstract group node that traverses its children multiple times
 CSoMultipleInstanceElementStores current MultiInstance info
 CSoMultiSwitchGroup node that traverses a set of chosen children
 CSoMultiSwitchElementStores the current multi-switch indices
 CSoNeighborToleranceElement VSG extension Stores the current neighbor tolerance factor
 CSoNodeAbstract base class for all database nodes
 CSoNodeDependenciesThis class is a cache handler that can be used to monitor the modifications made to elements or fields
 CSoNodeKitInitializes nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogNodekit catalog class
 CSoNodeKitDetailStores detail information about a nodekit
 CSoNodeKitListPartGroup node with restricted children
 CSoNodeKitPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits
 CSoNodeListMaintains a list of pointers to nodes
 CSoNodeSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor nodes
 CSoNonIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes
 CSoNormalNode that defines surface normals for shapes
 CSoNormalBindingNode that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes
 CSoNormalBindingElementStores current normal binding
 CSoNormalElementAllows read-only access to the top element in the state
 CSoNoStereoView VSG extension Makes a stereo viewer behave like a monoscopic (non-stereo) viewer
 CSoNurbsBoundary VSG extension Node that defines a boundary shared by several NURBS profile
 CSoNurbsCurveNURBS curve shape node
 CSoNurbsGroup VSG extension Group that encapsulates NURBS surfaces to be joined
 CSoNurbsProfileNURBS profile curve
 CSoNurbsPropertyNode that defines additional properties for rendering a NURBS surface
 CSoNurbsPropertyElement VSG extension Stores current NURBS properties
 CSoNurbsSurfaceNURBS surface shape node
 CSoObliqueSlice VolumeViz Oblique slice shape node
 CSoObliqueSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel on an oblique slice
 CSoOffscreenRenderAreaRender to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures
 CSoOffscreenVolumeRender VolumeViz Extract data from an SoVolumeRender
 CSoOneShotTimer that runs for a pre-set amount of time
 CSoOneShotSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks
 CSoOnOffEngine that functions as an on/off switch
 CSoOrthographicCameraOrthographic camera node
 CSoOrthoSlice VolumeViz Ortho slice shape node
 CSoOrthoSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about an ortho slice
 CSoOrthoSliceDragger VolumeViz Object that moves an SoOrthoSlice by dragging with the mouse
 CSoOutputUsed to write Open Inventor data files
 CSoOverlayGroupGroup node dedicated to render multiple co-planar shapes
 CSoOverrideElementStores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden
 CSoPackedColorNode that defines base colors using packed representation
 CSoPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodes
 CSoPathListMaintains a list of pointers to paths
 CSoPathSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor paths
 CSoPathSwitchGroup node that traverses only when traversed along a given path
 CSoPattern VSG extension Node that defines the pattern to use when rendering shapes
 CSoPatternElement VSG extension Stores current pattern value
 CSoPendulumAnimated oscillating rotation node
 CSoPerfAccumCounterPerformance Accumulation Counter
 CSoPerfCounterAbstract base class for Performance Counter
 CSoPerfCounterManagerPerformance Counter Manager
 CSoPerfStateCounterPerformance State Counter
 CSoPerspectiveCameraPerspective camera node
 CSoPhysicalMaterialPhysically based surface material definition node
 CSoPickActionAbstract base class for picking objects in a scene
 CSoPickedPointRepresents point on surface of picked object
 CSoPickedPointListMaintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances
 CSoPickMethodElementStores the current pick method
 CSoPickRayElementStores the current ray to use for picking
 CSoPickStylePicking style node
 CSoPickStyleElementStores the current pick style
 CSoPNGImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PNG raster image
 CSoPointDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of points
 CSoPointLightNode representing a point light source
 CSoPointLightDraggerSun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoPointLightManipPoint light node with 3D interface for editing location
 CSoPointSetPoint set shape node
 CSoPointSizeElementStores the current point size
 CSoPolygonOffset VSG extension Property node that sets the polygon offset
 CSoPolygonOffsetElement VSG extension Stores current polygon offset state
 CSoPolygonScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draws a polygon in normalized screen space
 CSoPolyLineScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw a polyline in normalized screen space
 CSoPreferences VSG extension Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters
 CSoPrimitiveVertexRepresents a vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProfileAbstract base class for all profile nodes
 CSoProfileCoordinate2Profile coordinate node
 CSoProfileCoordinate3Rational profile coordinate node
 CSoProfileCoordinateElementStores the current profile coordinates
 CSoProfileElementStores 2D profiles for NURBS and 3D text
 CSoProgressIndicator VSG extension Class for reporting progress of a task
 CSoProjection VSG extension Coordinate projection node
 CSoProjectionMatrixElementStores the current projection matrix
 CSoPSImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PostScript raster image
 CSoPSVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted files in PostScript format
 CSoQt VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Qt compatibility
 CSoQtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoQtColorEditor VSG extension Component that lets you edit a color interactively
 CSoQtComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components
 CSoQtConstrainedViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
 CSoQtDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
 CSoQtDirectionalLightEditor VSG extension Component for editing directional lights
 CSoQtExaminerViewer VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
 CSoQtExtEventApplicationOverload the QApplication to be able to get devices events like SpaceMouse
 CSoQtFlyViewer VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
 CSoQtFullViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
 CSoQtGLWidget VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering
 CSoQtKeyboard VSG extension Translates and reports events for the keyboard device
 CSoQtMaterialEditor VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively
 CSoQtMouse VSG extension Translates and reports events for the mouse device
 CSoQtPlaneViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CSoQtRenderArea VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
 CSoQtSpaceballTranslates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
 CSoQtTouchScreenTranslates and reports Qt events for the touch screen device
 CSoQtViewer VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class
 CSoQtWalkViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CSoQtWrapper VSG extension Creates a QWidget that encapsulates an Open Inventor viewer
 CSoQuadMeshQuadrilateral mesh shape node
 CSoRasterImageFile VSG extension Class for raster image file input and output
 CSoRasterImageIO VSG extension Abstract base class for raster image input and output
 CSoRasterImageRW VSG extension Abstract base class for encoding and decoding raster images
 CSoRasterReaderSet VSG extension Class referencing all raster reading classes
 CSoRawStereo VSG extension Class for OpenGL stereo support
 CSoRawStereoParameters VSG extension Raw stereo parameters class
 CSoRayPickActionIntersects objects with a ray cast into scene
 CSoReadErrorRead error handling
 CSoRectangleScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draws a rectangle in normalized screen space
 CSoRefSmart pointer for any class inheriting SoRefCounter
 CSoRefCounterBase class for ref-counted objects
 CSoRemoteVizClient RemoteViz Client node enables to integrate RemoteViz into Open Inventor applications
 CSoRenderAreaCore VSG extension (Preview feature) Utility class to render a scene with an OpenGl context
 CSoRenderToTarget VSG extension Group node that renders its children to one or more "targets"
 CSoRenderToTextureProperty VSG extension Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph
 CSoReorganizeAction VSG extension Reorganizes the scene graph by grouping shapes with common properties, then groups these shapes in a single shape and runs the simplifier on it
 CSoReplacedElementAbstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set
 CSoReplacedTextureElement VSG extension Abstract base class for each texture state element
 CSoResetTransformNode that resets the current transformation to identity
 CSoROI Large Data Management Region of Interest (subvolume) node
 CSoROIManip Large Data Management Manipulator to transform an ROI (Region of Interest)
 CSoRotateCylindricalDraggerObject you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse
 CSoRotateDiscDraggerObject you can rotate like a knob by dragging with the mouse
 CSoRotateGestureEventClass for rotate gesture events
 CSoRotateGestureRecognizerRotate gesture recognizer
 CSoRotateSphericalDraggerObject you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse
 CSoRotationNode representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis
 CSoRotationXYZNode representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis
 CSoRotorAnimated rotation node
 CSoRowDialog VSG extension Class that creates the dialog row container
 CSoScaleNode representing a 3D geometric scaling
 CSoScale1DraggerObject you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScale2DraggerObject you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScale2UniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScaleGestureEventClass for scale (pinch) gesture events
 CSoScaleGestureRecognizerScale (pinch) gesture recognizer
 CSoScaleUniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoSceneKitScene nodekit class
 CSoSceneManagerManages scene graph rendering and event handling
 CSoScreenDrawer VSG extension Base class to draw a scene graph in screen space
 CSoSearchActionSearches for nodes in a scene graph
 CSoSearchPathAction VSG extension Searches for a node in a scene graph using a sequence of search criteria
 CSoSearchStepAction VSG extension Searches for nodes in the scene graph step by step
 CSoSeismic VSG extension Seismic attribute functions for buffers
 CSoSelectionManages a list of selected objects
 CSoSelectOneSelects one value from a multiple-value field
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for Open Inventor sensors
 CSoSensorListMaintains a list of SoSensor
 CSoSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores traversal state
 CSoSeparatorKitSeparator nodekit class
 CSoSFArrayAbstract Field containing an array of values
 CSoSFArray2DField containing a 2D array value
 CSoSFArray3DField containing a 3D array value
 CSoSFBitMaskSingle-value field containing a set of bit flags
 CSoSFBoolField containing a single Boolean value
 CSoSFBox2f VSG extension Field containing a two-dimensional box
 CSoSFBox3f VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
 CSoSFBox3i32 VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
 CSoSFBox3s VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
 CSoSFBox4i32 VSG extension Field containing a four-dimensional box (spacial three-dimension + time dimension)
 CSoSFColorField containing an RGB color
 CSoSFColorRGBAField containing an RGBA color
 CSoSFDoubleField containing a floating-point value
 CSoSFEngineField containing an engine instance
 CSoSFEnumField containing an enumerated value
 CSoSFFilePathString VSG extension Field containing a file path string
 CSoSFFloatField containing a floating-point value
 CSoSFieldAbstract base class for all single-value fields
 CSoSFImageField containing a 2D image
 CSoSFImage3 VSG extension Field containing a 3D image
 CSoSFInt32Field containing a int32_t integer
 CSoSFInt64Field containing a int64_t integer
 CSoSFLDMDataTransformField containing an SoLDMDataTransform object
 CSoSFLDMResourceParametersField containing an SoLDMResourceParameters object
 CSoSFMaterialField containing an SoMaterial node
 CSoSFMatrixField containing a 4x4 matrix
 CSoSFMatrix3Field containing a 3x3 matrix
 CSoSFMemObjField containing a reference to a memory object
 CSoSFNameField containing a name
 CSoSFNodeField containing a a node
 CSoSFPathField containing an SoPath
 CSoSFPlaneField containing a plane equation
 CSoSFRotationField containing a rotation
 CSoSFShortField containing a short integer
 CSoSFStringField containing a string
 CSoSFTimeField containing an SbTime
 CSoSFTriggerField used to trigger engines or connection networks
 CSoSFUByteField containing a uint8_t integer
 CSoSFUInt32Field containing an unsigned int32_t integer
 CSoSFUShortField containing an unsigned short integer
 CSoSFVec2dField containing a two-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec2fField containing a two-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec2i32Field containing a two-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec2sField containing a two-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec3dField containing a three-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec3fField containing a three-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec3i32 VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec4fField containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec4i32 VSG extension Field containing a homogeneous four-dimensional vector
 CSoSGIRGBImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding an SGI raster image
 CSoShaderObject VSG extension Abstract node class which defines a shader object
 CSoShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all shader parameter nodes
 CSoShaderParameter1f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a float value
 CSoShaderParameter1i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an integer
 CSoShaderParameter2f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoShaderParameter2i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (integer) vector
 CSoShaderParameter3f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoShaderParameter3i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (integer) vector
 CSoShaderParameter4f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoShaderParameter4i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector
 CSoShaderParameterArray1f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of float values
 CSoShaderParameterArray1i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of integers
 CSoShaderParameterArray2f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (float) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterArray2i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (integer) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterArray3f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (float) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterArray3i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (integer) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterArray4f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (float) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterArray4i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (integer) vectors
 CSoShaderParameterBufferObject VSG extension Shader parameter node storing a buffer object
 CSoShaderParameterImage VSG extension Shader parameter node storing a texture image
 CSoShaderParameterMatrix VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a 4x4 matrix
 CSoShaderParameterMatrix3 VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a 3x3 matrix
 CSoShaderParameterMatrixArray VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of 4x4 matrices
 CSoShaderProgram VSG extension Shader program property node
 CSoShaderProgramElement VSG extension Stores the current shader program
 CSoShaderStateMatrixParameter VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an OpenGL state matrix
 CSoShadowGroup VSG extension Shadow casting group node
 CSoShadowStyle VSG extension Shadow style property node
 CSoShapeAbstract base class for all shape nodes
 CSoShapeHintsNode that provides hints about shapes
 CSoShapeHintsElementStores the current shape hints
 CSoShapeKitShape nodekit class
 CSoShapeSimplifyAction VSG extension Simplify action that replaces shapes within a scene graph with versions that contain fewer triangles
 CSoShapeStyleElementStores some information used by shapes
 CSoShininessElementStores shininess of current material (mostly superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoShuttleAnimated oscillating translation node
 CSoSimplifier VSG extension Abstract base class for objects that encapsulate simplification algorithms
 CSoSimplifyAction VSG extension Abstract base class for simplifying scene graphs
 CSoSlice VolumeViz Abstract base class for slice shape nodes
 CSoSliceDetail VolumeViz Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume
 CSoSpaceballButtonEvent VSG extension Spaceball button press and release events
 CSoSpecularColorElementStores specular color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoSphereSphere shape node
 CSoSplitGeometryAction VSG extension Split large geometry into smaller objects to improve culling for multi-pipe rendering
 CSoSpotLightNode representing a spotlight source
 CSoSpotLightDraggerSpotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam
 CSoSpotLightManipSpotlight node with 3D interface for editing location, direction, and beam width
 CSoStateTraversal state
 CSoStereoCameraStereo camera node
 CSoStereoDialog VSG extension Component that lets you modify stereo attributes interactively
 CSoStereoElement VSG extension Stores the current stereo attributes
 CSoStereoParameters VSG extension Stereo parameters base class
 CSoStereoViewer VSG extension Pure virtual class for stereo support
 CSoSTLFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize STL file format support
 CSoSTLInputReader VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a STL file
 CSoSTLWriteAction VSG extension Class for exporting a scene graph to an STL file
 CSoSurroundScaleTransformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects
 CSoSwitchGroup node that traverses one chosen child
 CSoSwitchElementStores the current switch index
 CSoSystemTimer VSG extension Common interface to expose system dependent timers
 CSoSystemTimerTask VSG extension Interface used by SoSystemTimer to execute a task
 CSoTabBoxDraggerCubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTabBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for editing scale and translation
 CSoTabDialog VSG extension Class that creates the dialog tab container
 CSoTabDialogAuditor VSG extension Tab Dialog auditor
 CSoTabPlaneDraggerObject you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTangentBindingElementStores current tangent binding
 CSoTangentElementAllows read-only access to the top element in the state
 CSoTessellationControlShader VSG extension Node that defines a tessellation control shader
 CSoTessellationEvaluationShader VSG extension Node that defines a tessellation evaluation shader
 CSoText2Screen-aligned 2D text shape node
 CSoText33D text shape node
 CSoTextAliasingFactorElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text anti-aliasing factor
 CSoTextAlignmentHElement VSG extension Stores the current horizontal text alignment
 CSoTextAlignmentVElement VSG extension Stores the current vertical text alignment
 CSoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement VSG extension Stores the current text backFrame line width
 CSoTextDetailStores detail information about a text node
 CSoTextKerningElement VSG extension Stores the current kerning value
 CSoTextMarginElement VSG extension Stores the current text margin
 CSoTextOrientationElement VSG extension Stores the current text orientation attributes
 CSoTextOutlineEnabledElement VSG extension Stores the current 3D text outline flag
 CSoTextProperty VSG extension Text property node
 CSoTextStyleColorsElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range
 CSoTextStyleElement VSG extension Stores the current text effect settings
 CSoTextTextureQualityRangeElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range
 CSoTextureAbstract base class for texture mapping nodes
 CSoTexture22D texture mapping node
 CSoTexture2Transform2D texture transformation node
 CSoTexture3 VSG extension 3D texture mapping node
 CSoTexture3EnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables 3D textures
 CSoTexture3Transform VSG extension 3D texture transformation node
 CSoTextureCombiner VSG extension Texture combiner node
 CSoTextureCombinerElement VSG extension Stores the current texture combiner parameters
 CSoTextureCoordinate22D texture coordinate node
 CSoTextureCoordinate3 VSG extension 3D texture coordinate node
 CSoTextureCoordinate3Element VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture coordinates
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingNode that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingElementStores the current 3D texture coordinates
 CSoTextureCoordinateDefaultNode that removes texture coordinates from state
 CSoTextureCoordinateElementStores the current texture coordinates
 CSoTextureCoordinateEnvironmentNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from an environment
 CSoTextureCoordinateFunctionAbstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes
 CSoTextureCoordinateNormalMapNode that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's transformed eye-space normal
 CSoTextureCoordinateObject VSG extension Node that specifies texture coordinates which are a linear combination of the object coordinates of the vertex
 CSoTextureCoordinatePlaneNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane
 CSoTextureCoordinateReflectionMapNode that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector
 CSoTextureCubeMap VSG extension Cube texture mapping node
 CSoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables textureCubeMap
 CSoTextureEnabledElementEnables/disables textures
 CSoTextureImage3Element VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture image
 CSoTextureImageElementStores the current texture image
 CSoTextureImageElementBaseStores the current texture image
 CSoTextureMatrix VSG extension Texture matrix node
 CSoTextureMatrixElementStores the current texture matrix
 CSoTextureNameElement VSG extension Stores the current texture name
 CSoTextureOverrideElementStores the current texture override
 CSoTextureQualityElementStores the current texture quality
 CSoTextureSendingEnabledElement VSG extension Stores the information that indicates if texture calls must be sent
 CSoTextureTransformElement VSG extension Stores the current texture transform
 CSoTextureUnit VSG extension Node that specifies the current texture unit and the associated mapping method
 CSoTextureUnitElement VSG extension Stores the current texture unit identifier
 CSoTIFFImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a TIFF raster image
 CSoTimeCounterTimed integer counter
 CSoTimerQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors dependent on time
 CSoTimerSensorSensor that triggers repeatedly at regular intervals
 CSoToHTMLAction VSG extension Generates an HTML image map and an image from a scene graph
 CSoTopComponent VSG extension Abstract Class for DialogViz visual components
 CSoToPDFAction HardCopy Class for exporting a scene graph to a PDF file
 CSoTopLevelDialog VSG extension Top Level Dialog node
 CSoToU3DAction HardCopy Export a scene graph to a U3D file
 CSoTouchEventBase class for touch events
 CSoTouchManagerClass for managing events from touch screen input devices
 CSoTrackballDraggerStriped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTrackballManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing rotation and scaling
 CSoTrackerEvent VSG extension 3D tracker event
 CSoTrackFollower VSG extension Animates an object or camera along a track
 CSoTranReceiverInterprets database changes for transcription
 CSoTranSenderSends database changes for transcription
 CSoTransferFunction Large Data Management Describes the association between data set values and colors
 CSoTransformGeneral 3D geometric transformation node
 CSoTransformationAbstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes
 CSoTransformBoxDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTransformBoxManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
 CSoTransformerDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTransformerManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
 CSoTransformManipBase class for all transform nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces
 CSoTransformProjection VSG extension Scale/recenter projection node
 CSoTransformSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores transformation state
 CSoTransformVec3fTransforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix
 CSoTranslate1DraggerObject you can translate along a line by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTranslate2DraggerObject you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTranslationNode representing a 3D translation
 CSoTriangleSetSet of triangles shape node
 CSoTriangleStripSetTriangle strip set shape node
 CSoTriggerAnyProvides fan-in for triggers
 CSoTypeStores runtime type information
 CSoTypedObjectBase class for object storing runtime type information
 CSoTypeListMaintains a list of SoTypes
 CSoUniformGridClipping VolumeViz Clips a volume using a 2D surface
 CSoUniformGridProjectionClipping VolumeViz Clips a volume with the depth map projection of a shape
 CSoUniformShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all uniform shader parameter nodes
 CSoUniformShaderParameterElement VSG extension Stores the current uniform shader parameter
 CSoUnitsNode that scales to convert units of length
 CSoUnitsElementStores the current units type
 CSoUpdateAreaElementStores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering
 CSoVectorizeAction HardCopy Abstract class for vectorizing a scene graph to a file
 CSoVectorizeCGMAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in CGM format
 CSoVectorizeGDIAction HardCopy Vectorize a scene graph to MS-Windows GDI formats
 CSoVectorizeHPGLAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in HPGL/2 format
 CSoVectorizePSAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in PostScript format
 CSoVectorOutput HardCopy Abstract class used to write vector formatted files
 CSoVertexAttribFeedback VSG extension Node to record vertex attributes from shaders into buffer objects
 CSoVertexFlag VSG extension Class to mark/unmark vertices for beveling
 CSoVertexFlagElement VSG extension Stores the current vertex flag
 CSoVertexPropertyVertex property node
 CSoVertexShader VSG extension Node that defines a vertex shader
 CSoVertexShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all vertex shader parameter nodes
 CSoVertexShaderParameter1f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a float value
 CSoVertexShaderParameter1s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a short integer value
 CSoVertexShaderParameter2f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter2s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (short integers) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter3f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter3s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (short integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4b VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (8-bit integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4i VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (short integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4ub VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned 8-bit integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4ui VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameter4us VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned short integer) vector
 CSoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a buffer object
 CSoVertexShaderParameterElement VSG extension Stores SoVertexShaderParameter nodes encountered during traversal
 CSoVertexShaderParameterMatrix VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a matrix
 CSoVertexShapeAbstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes
 CSoViewingCubeInteractive cubic shape to control the orientation of a camera
 CSoViewingMatrixElementStores the current viewing matrix
 CSoViewport VSG extension Viewport parameters node
 CSoViewportClippingViewport clipping node
 CSoViewportRegionElementStores the current viewport region
 CSoViewVolumeElementStores the current view volume
 CSoVolumeBufferedShape VolumeViz Buffered shape node for volume data
 CSoVolumeClippingGroup VolumeViz Clipping a volume with a 3D object
 CSoVolumeConverter VolumeViz Class for converting volume data sets into the LDM format
 CSoVolumeData VolumeViz Volume data property node
 CSoVolumeDataDrawStyle VolumeViz Volume draw style
 CSoVolumeDetail VolumeViz Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume
 CSoVolumeFaceSet VolumeViz Polygonal face shape node for volume data
 CSoVolumeGeometry VolumeViz LDM valuation interface for volume geometry nodes
 CSoVolumeGroupGroups multiple volumes to be volume rendered in the same scene
 CSoVolumeHistogramVolume Data Histogram
 CSoVolumeIndexedFaceSet VolumeViz Indexed polygonal face shape node for volume data
 CSoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet VolumeViz Indexed triangle strip set shape node for volume data
 CSoVolumeIsosurface VolumeViz Isosurface property node
 CSoVolumeMask VolumeViz Volume mask
 CSoVolumeMaskGroup VolumeViz Volume mask group
 CSoVolumeReader Large Data Management Abstract base class for volume data set readers
 CSoVolumeRender VolumeViz Renders data volumes using direct volume rendering
 CSoVolumeRenderDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
 CSoVolumeRendering VolumeViz Initializes the VolumeViz module database
 CSoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality VolumeViz Volume rendering physical quality property node
 CSoVolumeRenderingQuality VolumeViz Volume rendering quality property mode
 CSoVolumeShader VolumeViz Shader node for volume rendering
 CSoVolumeShape VolumeViz Abstract base class for slices, SoVolumeSkin, SoHeightFieldRender, and SoVolumeRender nodes
 CSoVolumeSkin VolumeViz Draws a data volume skin
 CSoVolumeSkinDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
 CSoVolumeTransform VolumeViz Transform data before texture creation
 CSoVolumeTransformElementStores the current volume transform(s)
 CSoVolumeTriangleStripSet VolumeViz Triangle strip set shape node for volume data
 CSoVolumeWriter Large Data Management Abstract base class for volume data writer
 CSoVRAmFileReader VolumeViz Am file reader
 CSoVRAvsFileReader VolumeViz AVS field file reader
 CSoVRDicomData VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSoVRDicomFileReader VolumeViz DICOM file reader
 CSoVRGenericFileReader VolumeViz Generic file reader
 CSoVRLdmFileBorderReader Large Data Management LDM file reader with borders
 CSoVRLdmFileReader Large Data Management LDM file reader
 CSoVRLdmFileWriter Large Data Management Write data to disk in LDM format
 CSoVRMemoryReader VolumeViz Reads volume data stored in memory
 CSoVRMemoryWriter Large Data Management Write data in memory
 CSoVRMrcFileReader VolumeViz MRC file reader
 CSoVRRasterStackReader VolumeViz Raster stack reader
 CSoVRSegyFileHeader VolumeViz SEGY file header
 CSoVRSegyFileReader VolumeViz SEGY file format reader
 CSoVRSegyTraceHeaderBytePosition VolumeViz SEGY file trace header field description
 CSoVRSegyTraceIdHeader VolumeViz SEGY trace identification header
 CSoVRTiffFileReader VolumeViz TIFF file reader
 CSoVRVolFileReader VolumeViz VOL file reader
 CSoVRVoxFileReader VolumeViz VOX file reader
 CSoVRXtFileReader VolumeViz XT file reader
 CSoWin VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Windows compatibility
 CSoWinClipboard VSG extension Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Windows clipboard
 CSoWinCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoWinColorEditor VSG extension Component that lets you edit a color interactively
 CSoWinComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components
 CSoWinConstrainedViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
 CSoWinDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
 CSoWinDirectionalLightEditor VSG extension Component for editing directional lights
 CSoWindowElementStores the current window attributes
 CSoWinExaminerViewer VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
 CSoWinFlyViewer VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
 CSoWinFullViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
 CSoWinGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for Microsoft Windows systems
 CSoWinGLWidget VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering
 CSoWinKeyboard VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the keyboard device
 CSoWinMaterialEditor VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively
 CSoWinMouse VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the mouse device
 CSoWinPlaneViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CSoWinRenderArea VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
 CSoWinSpaceball VSG extension Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
 CSoWinTouchScreenTranslates and reports windows messages for the touch screen device
 CSoWinViewer VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class
 CSoWinWalkViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CSoWrapperKitWrapper nodekit class
 CSoWriteActionWrites a scene graph to a file
 CSoWWWAnchor VSG extension Separator group node with a URL hyperlink
 CSoWWWInline VSG extension Node that refers to children through a URL
 CSoXtRoutines for Open Inventor/Xt compatibility
 CSoXtClipboardSupports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Xt clipboard
 CSoXtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoXtColorEditorComponent that lets you edit a color interactively
 CSoXtComponentAbstract base class for all Open Inventor components
 CSoXtConstrainedViewerBase viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
 CSoXtDeviceAbstract base class for input devices
 CSoXtDirectionalLightEditorComponent for editing directional lights
 CSoXtExaminerViewerViewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
 CSoXtFileSelectionDialogCross-platform file selection box
 CSoXtFlyViewerViewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
 CSoXtFullViewerBase viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
 CSoXtGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems
 CSoXtGLWidgetComponent for OpenGL rendering
 CSoXtInputFocusReports input focus change events
 CSoXtKeyboardTranslates and reports events for the keyboard device
 CSoXtMaterialEditorComponent which lets you edit a material interactively
 CSoXtMaterialListComponent which lets you edit a material interactively
 CSoXtMouseTranslates and reports events for the mouse device
 CSoXtPlaneViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CSoXtPrintDialogDialog box for controlling printing
 CSoXtRenderAreaComponent for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
 CSoXtResourceUsed to retrieve X resources for SoXt components and widgets
 CSoXtSliderSetBaseAbstract base class for Motif-only slider components
 CSoXtSpaceballTranslates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
 CSoXtViewerViewer component lowest base class
 CSoXtWalkViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
 CTextBox VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Shape node to display a text box in window coordinates
 CViewerExaminerBase class to have a MFC viewer with the OpenInventor OpenGL rendering
 CViewManager VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] View manager for use with viewer components
 CVolumeMarchingCubes VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Class for computing an isosurface from a VolumeViz data set
 CVVizNeighborsGeneral3D 8 Neighbors storage: values[0] is (0, 0, 0) values[1] is (1, 0, 0) values[2] is (0, 1, 0) values[3] is (1, 1, 0) values[4-7] same but z=1
 CVVizVoxelInfoDefines voxel state info used with the VolumeViz Shader Library API
 CWinTimerClass to integrate Windows timer into OpenInventor