Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 Copeninventor::inventor::AxisMiscellaneous definition(s) related to axis
 CSoBlendElement::BlendElementParametersBlendElementParameters packages all the different blending parameters
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::Client RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::ClientSettings RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::Connection RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionParameters RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionSettings RemoteViz
 CMiCellExtractIj::coupleA pair of indices used to define the cells to be extracted
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoInformation about returned data when directly accessing the data rather than copying the data
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoBoxInformation about data returned for an arbitrary box (subvolume)
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoLineInformation about data returned for an arbitrary line
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPlaneInformation about data returned for an arbitrary plane
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPolyLineInformation about data returned for an arbitrary polyline
 CSoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoTraceInformation about data returned for an arbitrary trace (column of voxels)
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::EncodedFrame RemoteViz
 CSoEnvironmentElement::EnvironmentParametersEnvironmentParameters packages all the different environment parameters
 CSoLDMResourceParameters::FixedResolutionReportThis structure returns information to the application when fixedResolution is TRUE and resolution is not -1
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::FrameEncoders RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::HTTPHeaders RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::HTTPRequest RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::HTTPResponse RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::IFrameEncodingPolicy RemoteViz
 CSoCADInputReaderParameters::ImportOptionSpecify how the scene graph resulting from the import should be generated
 CInventorMedical VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Initializes the Open Inventor Medical classes
 CIvtCommand VSG extension Abstract class for IvTune commands
 CIvtExtensionInfoStructure describing the common information of an extension
 CIvtPlugin VSG extension Base class for implementing IvTune plug-ins
 CIvtPluginInfoStructure describing the common information of a plug-in
 CIvtProfileSetting VSG extension IvTune extension preferences
 CMbVec3< _T > MeshViz Class defining a vector or a point of 3 coordinates
 CMbVec3< double >
 CMedicalHelper VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Utility class for medical applications
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::MetricsListener RemoteViz
 CMiBaseExtractor MeshViz Abstract base class for all extractor interfaces
 CMiCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a mesh
 CMiCellFilter MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter
 CMiColorMapping< _TValue, _TColor > MeshViz Interface class defining a color mapping function
 CMiColorMapping< double, SbColorRGBA >
 CMiColorMapping< std::vector< double >, SbColorRGBA >
 CMiDataSet MeshViz Generic data set interface
 CMiEdgeErrorMetric< _T > MeshViz Edge error metric interface used by the tessellator
 CMiEdgeErrorMetric< MbVec3d >
 CMiExtractorCallback MeshViz Abstract base class for extraction callback interfaces
 CMiGeometry MeshViz Generic geometry interface
 CMiMesh MeshViz Abstract mesh interface
 CMiMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module
 CMiPointProbeIj MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured surface mesh
 CMiPointProbeIjk MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured volume mesh
 CMiPointProbeUnstructured MeshViz Probe at a given location in an unstructured mesh
 CMiTessellator MeshViz Abstract tessellator interface
 CMiTopology MeshViz List of cells interface
 CMoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize all MeshViz XLM nodes
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::Monitoring RemoteViz
 CMoMeshPointProbe::MoProbeCallbackThis class specifies the interface used by this node to notify the application when the position of the probe is updated
 CMxHexahedron20CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes
 CMxHexahedron27CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 27 nodes
 CMxHexahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for hexahedron cells
 CMxLineCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for line cells
 CMxPolygonCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polygon cells
 CMxPolyhedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polyhedron cells
 CMxPyramidCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for pyramid cells
 CMxQuadrangle8CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 8 nodes
 CMxQuadrangle9CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 9 nodes
 CMxQuadrangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadrangle cells
 CMxTetrahedron10CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic tetrahedron cells with 10 nodes
 CMxTetrahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for tetrahedron cells
 CMxTimeStamp MeshViz Manages an identifier that can be used as a time stamp
 CMxTriangle6CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic triangle cells with 6 nodes
 CMxTriangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for triangle cells
 CMxWedge18CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic wedge cells with 18 nodes
 CMxWedgeCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for wedge cells
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::NetworkPerformance RemoteViz
 COivASPointStructure containing information about the the raycast intersection point
 COivASRayStructure for parameters of the ray
 CPbArrayOfIntDTEXT Dynamic array of int
 CPbArrayOfLongDTEXT Dynamic array of int32_t
 CPbBase MeshViz Abstract class for all basic objects
 CPbDefinedValue MeshViz Class used to manage "defined" and "undefined" values
 CPiSetOfDataSet< _T >
 CPiSetOfDataSet< float >
 CPiSetOfDataSet< SbString >
 CPiSetOfDataSet< SbVec3f >
 CPoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize MeshViz
 CQtHelper VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management
 CRemoteVizClient RemoteViz Initializes the RemoteVizClient module database
 CRemoteVizRenderArea RemoteViz HTML5 client API Documentation
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::RenderArea RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaHardware RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaListener RemoteViz
 CSbBox2d VSG extension 2D box class
 CSbBox2f2D box class
 CSbBox2i322D box class
 CSbBox2s2D box class
 CSbBox3d VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox3f3D box class
 CSbBox3i32 VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox3s VSG extension 3D box class
 CSbBox4i32 VSG extension 4D box class
 CSbCylinderClass for representing a cylinder
 CSbDataTypeClass encoding a data type
 CSbElapsedTime VSG extension Class for measuring elapsed time with high resolution
 CSbEventArgBase class for all event arguments
 CSbEventHandler< ArgType >Class representing an event
 CSbEventHandler< const SoPolyLineScreenDrawer::EventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoDeviceContextSharedGroup * >
 CSbEventHandler< SoExtSelection::PreFilterEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoOffscreenRenderArea::EventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoPath * >
 CSbEventHandler< SoPolyLineScreenDrawer::EventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoProgressIndicator::StepEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoProgressIndicator::SubTaskEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoProgressIndicator::TaskEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::BinaryMessageEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::FrameEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::KeyboardEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::MessageEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::MouseButtonEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::MouseLocationEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::MouseWheelEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::RenderAreaSizeEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::ServiceMessageEventArg & >
 CSbEventHandler< SoRemoteVizClient::TouchEventArg & >
 CSbExtrusionGeneratorFactory that generates an extruded mesh from a polyline
 CSbFileHelper VSG extension Utilities class for file management
 CSbGLShareContextClass encapsulating information about an OpenGL context: a handle on an OpenGL context and its id
 CSbGraphicsCapabilitiesList of common graphics capabilities set by Open Inventor
 CSbLineDirected line in 3D
 CSbLinedDirected line in 3D (double precision)
 CSbMatrix4x4 matrix class
 CSbMatrix33x3 matrix class
 CSbMatrixd VSG extension 4x4 matrix class (double precision)
 CSbNameCharacter string stored in a hash table
 CSbPlaneOriented plane in 3D
 CSbPListList of generic (void *) pointers
 CSbProjectionBase class for coordinate projection classes
 CSbProjectionCoordinatesCache projected coordinates
 CSbProjectorBase class for representing projectors
 CSbQtHelper VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management
 CSbRasterImage VSG extension Class encapsulating a raster image and its attributes
 CSbRenderEngineMode VSG extension Render engine mode
 CSbRotationClass for representing a rotation
 CSbRotationd VSG extension Class for representing a rotation (double precision)
 CSbSphereClass for representing a sphere
 CSbStringClass for smart character strings
 CSbThread VSG extension Portable thread class
 CSbThreadAutoLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a mutex
 CSbThreadAutoReadLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a read-only mutex
 CSbThreadAutoSpinlock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a spinlock
 CSbThreadAutoWriteLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a write-only mutex
 CSbThreadBarrier VSG extension Portable "barrier" class for synchronizing threads
 CSbThreadLocalStorage VSG extension Thread Local Storage (TLS) class
 CSbThreadMutex VSG extension Portable mutex class
 CSbThreadRWMutex VSG extension Portable readers/writer lock class
 CSbThreadSemaphoreSemaphore management
 CSbThreadSignal VSG extension Portable signal class
 CSbThreadSpinlock VSG extension Portable spinlock class
 CSbTimeClass for representation of a time
 CSbTrackerInfo VSG extension Class for representing 3D tracker information
 CSbVec2d VSG extension 2D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec2f2D vector class
 CSbVec2i322D vector class
 CSbVec2s2D vector class
 CSbVec2String2D SbString vector class
 CSbVec3d VSG extension 3D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec3f3D vector class
 CSbVec3i323D vector class
 CSbVec3s VSG extension 3D vector class
 CSbVec4b VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4d VSG extension 4D vector class (double precision)
 CSbVec4f4D vector class
 CSbVec4i324D vector class
 CSbVec4s VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4ub VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4ui32 VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVec4us VSG extension 4D vector class
 CSbVertexAttributeBindingClass encoding a binding type
 CSbViewportRegionClass for representing a viewport
 CSbViewVolume3D viewing volume class
 CSbXmlTag Large Data Management XML tag from LDM filer
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::Service RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceListener RemoteViz
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceSettings RemoteViz
 CSiAntialiasingEventListener VSG extension Antialiasing change event listener interface
 CSiDicomDataSet VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomElement VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomSequence VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiDicomValue VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSiInteractionModeListenerThis interface provides the list of interaction methods that subclasses must define
 CSiRenderArea VSG extension RenderArea interface
 CSiRenderAreaAntialiasing VSG extension RenderArea antialiasing interface
 CSiRenderAreaInteractive VSG extension RenderArea interactive interface
 CSiRenderAreaStereo VSG extension RenderArea stereo interface
 CSiRenderAreaStillSuperSampling VSG extension RenderArea still supersampling interface
 CSiRenderAreaTransparency VSG extension RenderArea transparency interface
 CSliceAxisSlice axis enum used to define the logical slice
 CSoAlgorithms VSG extension Utility functions for loading algorithm modules
 CSoAmbientColorElementStores ambient color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters interface base class
 CSoArithmetic VSG extension Arithmetic functions for buffers
 CSoAutoMap< T > VSG extension buffer object mapping helper class
 CSoAutoRefImplements smart pointers to SoRefCounter objects
 CSoBaseContextObject VSG extension Context dependent object management class
 CSoBaseStereo VSG extension Class for stereo management
 CSoBufferAsyncInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoBufferPropertiesInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoByteStreamConverts scene graph objects to character byte streams
 CSoCADFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize CAD file format support
 CSoCallbackListManages a list of callbacks and associated data
 CSoCollisionManager VSG extension Class to manage collisions
 CSoColorPackerStores packed colors
 CSoConversion VSG extension Type conversion functions for buffers
 CSoConverter Large Data Management Abstract base class for converting data sets into LDM format
 CSoConverterParameters Large Data Management Container class for LDM converter parameters
 CSoConvolution VSG extension Convolution functions for buffers
 CSoDataExtract VSG extension Data extraction algorithms for buffers
 CSoDBScene graph database class
 CSoDevice VSG extension Abstract device management class
 CSoDicomTag VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSoDualSceneCollider VSG extension Class to check for collisions between two scenes
 CSoDynamicLibManager VSG extension Class for managing dynamic libraries
 CSoEmissiveColorElementStores emissive color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoEngineOutputClass for all engine outputs
 CSoEventBuilder VSG extension Utility class that generates Open Inventor events
 CSoGestureRecognizerBase class for all gesture recognizers
 CSoGetViewClass to access a MeshViz view
 CSoGLDeviceSettings VSG extension Device settings management class
 CSoGLExtension VSG extension Contains methods to query and disable OpenGL extensions
 CSoGLFormat VSG extension OpenGL pixel format management class
 CSoGLScreenDevice VSG extension GL Screen device class
 CSoGLTexCacheEntryStores info about a tex cache
 CSoGraphicConfig VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration classes
 CSoGraphicConfigTemplate VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration template classes
 CSoGraphicDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics device classes
 CSoHardCopy HardCopy Class to initialize HardCopy
 CSoInputUsed to read Open Inventor data files
 CSoInputParameters VSG extension Base class for file reader parameters
 CSoInteractionInitializes Open Inventor interaction classes
 CSoIvTune VSG extension Opens an Open Inventor Studio window or an IvTune window
 CSoLDMBufferObjectInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
 CSoLDMDataAccess Large Data Management Volume data access methods
 CSoLDMGlobalResourceParameters Large Data Management Global resource parameters of VolumeViz
 CSoLDMLargeDataManagement Large Data Management Large Data Management
 CSoLDMTileID Large Data Management Tile ID
 CSoLDMTopoOctree Large Data Management Octree topology queries
 CSoLDMWriter Large Data Management Write data to disk in LDM format
 CSoLicensesInfo VSG extension Class managing every licensed product
 CSoLockManager VSG extension Sets the unlock string
 CSoModuleCheckClass used to check and report library and application consistency
 CSoMPEGRenderer VSG extension Base class for generating MPEG output from a scene graph
 CSoNodeKitInitializes nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogNodekit catalog class
 CSoOutputUsed to write Open Inventor data files
 CSoPerfCounterAbstract base class for Performance Counter
 CSoPerfCounterManagerPerformance Counter Manager
 CSoPickedPointRepresents point on surface of picked object
 CSoPreferences VSG extension Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters
 CSoPrimitiveVertexRepresents a vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProgressIndicator VSG extension Class for reporting progress of a task
 CSoQtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoRasterImageIO VSG extension Abstract base class for raster image input and output
 CSoRasterImageRW VSG extension Abstract base class for encoding and decoding raster images
 CSoRasterReaderSet VSG extension Class referencing all raster reading classes
 CSoRefCounterBase class for ref-counted objects
 CSoSceneManagerManages scene graph rendering and event handling
 CSoSeismic VSG extension Seismic attribute functions for buffers
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for Open Inventor sensors
 CSoShininessElementStores shininess of current material (mostly superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoSimplifier VSG extension Abstract base class for objects that encapsulate simplification algorithms
 CSoSpecularColorElementStores specular color of current material (superseded by SoMaterialElement)
 CSoStateTraversal state
 CSoStereoParameters VSG extension Stereo parameters base class
 CSoStereoViewer VSG extension Pure virtual class for stereo support
 CSoSTLFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize STL file format support
 CSoTouchManagerClass for managing events from touch screen input devices
 CSoTranReceiverInterprets database changes for transcription
 CSoTranSenderSends database changes for transcription
 CSoTypeStores runtime type information
 CSoTypedObjectBase class for object storing runtime type information
 CSoVectorOutput HardCopy Abstract class used to write vector formatted files
 CSoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingFunction VSG extension Viewing Function: Abstract base class for viewing function classes
 CSoVolumeHistogramVolume Data Histogram
 CSoVolumeRendering VolumeViz Initializes the VolumeViz module database
 CSoVRDicomData VolumeViz DICOM data
 CSoVRSegyFileHeader VolumeViz SEGY file header
 CSoVRSegyTraceHeaderBytePosition VolumeViz SEGY file trace header field description
 CSoVRSegyTraceIdHeader VolumeViz SEGY trace identification header
 CSoWin VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Windows compatibility
 CSoWinClipboard VSG extension Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Windows clipboard
 CSoWinCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoWinComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components
 CSoWinDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
 CSoXtRoutines for Open Inventor/Xt compatibility
 CSoXtClipboardSupports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Xt clipboard
 CSoXtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
 CSoXtComponentAbstract base class for all Open Inventor components
 CSoXtDeviceAbstract base class for input devices
 CSoXtFileSelectionDialogCross-platform file selection box
 CSoXtResourceUsed to retrieve X resources for SoXt components and widgets
 CSoErrorStack::StackFrameThis struture contains the description of a stack frame
 CSoCADInputReaderParameters::TessellationOptionParameters used to tessellate the model during import
 CSoDataCompressor::TileInfoThis structure contains the dimension and the type of the tile being processed
 CMiCellExtractIjk::tripletA triplet of indices used to define the cells to be extracted
 CRemoteViz::Rendering::Uri RemoteViz
 CSbMathVecHelper::VecTraits< T >
 CSbMathVecHelper::VecTraits< SbVec3d >
 CSbMathVecHelper::VecTraits< SbVec3f >
 CVolumeMarchingCubes VSG extension (Preview feature) [Medical] Class for computing an isosurface from a VolumeViz data set
 CVVizNeighborsGeneral3D 8 Neighbors storage: values[0] is (0, 0, 0) values[1] is (1, 0, 0) values[2] is (0, 1, 0) values[3] is (1, 1, 0) values[4-7] same but z=1
 CVVizVoxelInfoDefines voxel state info used with the VolumeViz Shader Library API